

This was published 4 months ago


I gave the eulogy at Molly Ticehurst’s funeral. Here’s how we can all best remember her

A woman has been killed every four days in 2024. We bring you stories of lives lost in recent years. Some of the cases featured are still before the courts.See all 47 stories.

After a recent spike in domestic and family violence deaths, the community of NSW has rallied together to seek widespread changes to domestic and family violence funding and law reforms.

One of the much-needed law reforms we have been so fiercely fighting for has become known as Molly’s Law – named, of course, after my childhood friend Molly Ticehurst, who our justice system let down by granting bail to the person who allegedly took her life.

Molly Ticehurst (left) and her accused killer, Daniel Billings.

Molly Ticehurst (left) and her accused killer, Daniel Billings.Credit: Sharni Tolhurst Photography, Facebook

That person was granted bail by a registrar, slapped with an AVO and told not to enter the shire of Forbes. Molly was so scared for her life that she had to leave town for a week while her alleged killer was granted bail. Molly was told she would be safe, she would be supported, but the brutal truth of it is that Molly was never given the opportunity to feel safe again.

Over the past three weeks, we have encouraged our community to write letters to our NSW parliamentarians, including the premier and the attorney-general, requesting that during their bail reform reviews Molly’s Law be genuinely considered. Molly’s Law would apply to any person who is charged with alleged family and domestic violence offences and would require that person to wear an electronic tracking device that informs the relevant authorities that someone may be in immediate danger.

How often do we hear that someone has broken an AVO? Too often, is the answer. A piece of paper will not stop someone from causing harm. This is why Molly’s Law is so vitally important to keep victims safe.

We know, tragically, that we can’t bring our Molly back, but we can make serious meaningful change that will stop this from happening to another victim of domestic and family violence.

Aidan Clarke and Molly Ticehurst.

Aidan Clarke and Molly Ticehurst.

In the early hours of April 22, 2024, Molly Ticehurst – a much-loved mother, daughter, niece, cousin, friend and dedicated childcare educator – had her life taken from her, allegedly at the hands of a former partner who has been charged with her murder.

I knew Molly as a dear friend. I also had the privilege of being Molly’s employer for more than three years in a local childcare centre. Molly was a gifted and passionate educator who the children and families adored. She was never one to be down in the dumps for long – always the first to make everyone laugh. People smiled knowing Molly was around.


I gave the eulogy at Molly’s funeral service at our local rugby oval in Forbes. As much as this was a heart-wrenching act, it was the least I could give to someone who gave so much to everyone she met. Molly loved her friends, loved her family and loved being a mum. We would often say that if you were Molly’s friend you become part of her family. Simply put, Molly was one of a kind.

When we were younger, Molly and I would often stay up late watching cooking shows, telling each other we could do a better job. But in truth we knew that not even 2-Minute Noodles were safe with us. Molly loved her food. It didn’t matter whether it was cob loaf or caramel slice or anything in between, she just loved her food and eating with the people she loved. She also loved going on adventures with her son and would do anything to keep him safe.

Molly had an amazing relationship with her parents, who had the extremely difficult job of saying goodbye to their daughter. No parent should lay their child to rest, and especially in such horrendous circumstances.

Molly did everything right. She sought help and went to the police to have her alleged attacker brought to justice. But Molly did not receive justice. Molly was not safe in her own home because the justice system believes that an AVO written on a piece of paper will keep a victim safe. The only thing that could have kept Molly safe was for her alleged attacker to be behind bars or, if he was granted bail, then he should have had an electronic ankle monitor applied so, if he did breach his AVO, authorities would be aware.

There will never be another Molly Ticehurst but, sadly, unless we get serious about protecting the rights of victims rather than the rights of alleged perpetrators, there will be other women who die as Molly did.


So I’m writing this today to seek the support of the NSW government to introduce Molly’s Law: if an accused perpetrator of family and domestic violence is released on bail, then they are monitored 24/7 via an ankle monitor.


Please do not let Molly’s death be just another statistic. Let her name be heard. And remembered. For the good she brought and will bring.

Aidan Clarke was a close friend of Molly Ticehurst and is a Forbes Shire councillor.

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