

This was published 4 years ago


Why we've decided on a managed return to school

For 800,000 children across NSW, school is such an important place. A safe space where they can learn, play and grow. Their home when not at home. The coronavirus pandemic has taken away so much from so many people, but one thing we won’t let it take from our students is their experience at school.

Children are missing the connection with teachers and fellow students.

Children are missing the connection with teachers and fellow students. Credit: Quentin Jones

When our schools moved to distance learning there were up to 200 new COVID-19 cases in NSW being reported daily. Today, there are five.

So far, students in NSW have lost three weeks of face-to-face school. This week we announced a plan to limit that loss to a total of five weeks. By week three of term two, every NSW government school student will be in the classroom with a teacher at least once a week.

As always in education, there is no shortage of opinions. Some say this is too soon, others that it is not enough. Or that only Year 12 should return. Or it is too complicated. There may be truth in all these criticisms – or there may be none.

There is no perfect answer except that school is the best place for our students to be. And that truth has been our driving force in formulating this plan.


The reality is that we need a way back into the classroom. It needs to leave no student behind and it needs to do so in a way that builds confidence for teachers and parents that schools are a safe place for everyone.

Year 12 is always a big year for students, and it’s even more challenging in 2020. But these students are also the most capable of taking up the mantle to study themselves. We can support them effectively, see them in classes, but they are not our only priority.

To allow only Year 12 students to return first, as some have suggested, leaves a significant portion of our school students at risk of not seeing their teachers for an entire term or potentially more. Many of these students are also in a crucial time at school, where they develop the formative skills needed to achieve when it is their turn for the HSC.


It is a suggestion from those who have forgotten that we must value the education of every child equally. In some cases, it is people who shroud their reluctance to have any child attend school while there is a pandemic behind clever rhetoric.

Every year at school is a crucial year. Every child is important. And we recognise the importance of the relationship between teacher and student.

That’s why we are getting every student back to school for at least a day every week. We want to check their progress, their engagement with learning and their wellbeing.

We want to make sure none are lost to learning. We want to ensure none lose their connection with school or their bonds with each other.

Our schools have shown great agility and ingenuity so far. This week principals and staff have received a great deal of information, including guidelines on how this plan can work in their local context. They have the autonomy to tailor this to their local community, because they are best placed for that job. Principals know their students and their families, and we trust them implicitly.


Already we have seen resilience and excitement from our school teachers to create a way to gradually open the doors of our schools. In between the naysayers in the media and online commentary, there are the quiet voices of determination and ingenuity. Parents, teachers, students, principals and support staff who are rising to the challenge.

One of COVID-19’s malicious calling cards is the uncertainty the virus creates in our community. As parents, it gnaws away at us: the uncertainty of employment or the challenge of working from home, the concerns about our own family’s health, the lack of social connections and the added responsibility of monitoring our children’s education.

For our students, the virus breeds anxiety, whether in larger doses for those preparing for the HSC, or for our youngest learners who just want to see their friends in the playground.

With a tremendous effort from everyone in our school communities, our schools will once more be alive with laughter and learning as students return during Term 2. Of that, we can be certain.

Sarah Mitchell is the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning.

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