In sifting through the colander (C8) offerings, we found this from John Curtin of Northwood: “The unexplained increase in the number of colanders being left out for council pick-ups can only mean one thing. As the last census revealed, there is a marked decline in numbers claiming affiliation with any organised religion – looks like Pastafarianism, where wearing a colander as a headdress is the preferred way of paying homage to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is going out of favour, too.” Ross Krippner of Bangalow agrees and thinks that said monster “may have been failing to provide appropriate divine nourishment”.
Stein Boddington of St Clair thinks each colander “represents a Pastafarian who has sadly lost their faith, a back-slider, an apostate as it were, and thoughtlessly discarded their sacred accoutrements. Council pick-ups are a window on the soul of the community.”
“Can anyone explain why, when they’re on the ground, it’s a gaggle of geese and when they’re in flight, they’re a skein?” asks Judith Allison of Bexley. “Are there other examples of differences twixt air, sea and land?”
Stephen Knox of Chatswood, Andrew Taubman of Queens Park, Ryszard Linkiewice of Woolooware, Allen Dodd of Kirribilli, John Hayes of Meadowbank, Ted Richards of Batemans Bay and Robert Hosking of Paddington are all wondering how Phil Anderson (C8) knows what cat’s vomit tastes like. Granny isn’t.
Brian Peck (C8) wasn’t vexed, but someone was: “Actually, the original slogan was ‘A little Peck’s goes a long way,’ not a ‘loooong way’,” advises Edward Loong of Milsons Point.
“At primary school in the 1950s, our unofficial poverty index placed children who brought fish paste sandwiches for lunch very low on the scale, just above those with tomato sauce sandwiches,” recalls Barry Wooldridge of Harden.
Dining out on Perkins Paste (C8) indicates “a psychological condition called Pica”, according to Mila Yates of Valentine. “An eating disorder in which a person eats things that are not considered food.” Mila also hopes that the diagnosed, one Tony B, “eventually got the help he needed”.
Queenie Rosenberg of Potts Point and her mates found other uses: “In primary school, we would remove the ink cartridge from a red pen, cut the top off, stick it upside down inside a tub of Perkins Paste and stir until the paste turned pink. We also liked to paint our nails black with Artline Textas, much to the annoyance of our teacher.”
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