

This was published 2 years ago


The glorification of greed has left Sydney with a vast backlog of misery

I was once summoned by my editor to a conciliatory meeting with a developer. Despite free coffee and squashy seats the man was incandescent with rage. “You’re calling me a liar?!” he finally exploded. I had to concede. The yawning gap between his words and his deeds meant that was precisely what I was saying. If the cap fits.

Lying is not a crime. But still, I’m astonished that we’ve abrogated our entire cultural system for creating homes and cities to a bunch of dudes – one can hardly call it a profession – whose only value is sliming their way between us and our own best interests. Even more extraordinary is that a government so safety-focused you can’t even jaywalk (which in my world is a basic human right) has actively connived to excavate the slime-pool and stock it with flesh-eating piranhas.

NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler, left, talks about the removal of cladding from a Darlington apartment building.

NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler, left, talks about the removal of cladding from a Darlington apartment building.Credit: Kate Geraghty

In theory, it’s all in hand. For years, we’ve watched buildings drop their concrete panels, flood without warning and burst into uncontrollable flame. Then, in 2019, after the whole Opal fiasco, a NSW Upper House inquiry chaired by Greens MLC David Shoebridge helped bring extra regulatory powers to Building Commissioner David Chandler and expedited legislation to license building practitioners (The Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020) and enhance enforcement of building codes (The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement) Act 2020).

Between them, these new statutes will do some remarkable things. Henceforth, all construction drawings must be “declared” by a designer and lodged, formally, on a public online portal. All such designers – architects, engineers or others – must be licensed. (For engineers, this will be a first). Then, before occupancy, the developer must declare that the as-built matches the drawings in every detail.

Further, the statutes give the commissioner extraordinary powers to scrutinise, audit and stop work on buildings under construction. All this, says Chandler, makes NSW the envy of other state regulators.

That’s excellent and should work well, going forward. But there’s still a vast backlog of misery caused by some of the dodgiest buildings in our history: a perfect storm of sloppy border control allowing an influx of inferior materials, private certification, unregulated engineers, huge profits and neoliberal glorification of greed.

It’s five years since I wrote “Why I will never buy a new apartment in Sydney”. But still, with disturbing frequency, young couples weep on our television screens as their beloved “forever” apartment and slaved-for single asset cracks, leaks and exfoliates in front of them.

It’s not just a few rogue developers. Chandler estimates that 40 per cent of recently built apartments have major building defects. And still the development lobby pushes faster approvals, less control and ever-denser building as the “answer” to the housing crisis.

Indeed, so wild is the situation and so widespread the damage that the Public Accountability Committee has reopened its inquiry into the regulation of building standards. The evidence is heartbreaking.


In 2017 Patrick Wang purchased an apartment, off-the-plan, in Imperial Towers, Parramatta. It’s his principal investment, but he can’t live in it. Can’t sell it. Can’t renovate. Can’t even pay for it.

In June 2021, as the building neared completion, defects were discovered. Citing defects in waterproofing, fire safety and structure, Building Commissioner Chandler issued a prohibition order preventing both registration of the building’s strata plan and its occupation, though the developer maintained there were no “outstanding serious defects”.

That, no doubt, was bad enough. But when the order was rescinded and reissued, because the strata-registration ban was an error, the developer registered the strata plan with council. This triggered the purchasers’ obligation to complete. It also effectively voided the sunset clause that required the developer to complete by a deadline.

The developer said no purchaser would “be disadvantaged” once any defects were fixed and inspections completed by the building watchdog.

Trouble was, because the defects were by then public but still unrectified, the finance fell through. As Wang told the inquiry last month, he and many Australians have in this way been “cornered into a position where we cannot settle on our home but cannot leave the contract.”


Oliver Burgess, another purchaser in the same building, summarised its defects: “There are no drainage facilities between the facade and wall, waterproofing membrane on the cladding prevented any drainage, the actual building itself is not properly connected to the ground piers, the grout is not applied, there is no corrosion protection on the connection between the piers and the actual building itself, lightweight plasterboard walls, bulkheads and ceilings are not compliant with the fire tests. They used non-compliant fire sealants throughout the building and the actual floor system is not installed in a compliant way. The report clearly states that this can cause the destruction of the building…”

There are countless other instances, in Bellevue Hill, Coffs Harbour, Rosebery, Mascot, Homebush and Kiama. Not surprisingly, given the extra rental and loss of property value, some (like the Opal Tower owners) are currently in court, suing for damages – quite apart from the question of rectification.

But it’s expensive and, as Burgess pointed out, grossly unfair. Any gain goes to the developer and so much pain is borne by the purchasers. Even where the developer is forced to remediate, it can just rebadge and move on with little trace of reputational damage.

But there’s another, deeper injustice at work here in the building industry more generally. This is a system not given by nature but imposed by ideology. The deregulation, loss of scrutiny, porous border control, private certification and greed-is-good mindset were all deliberately fostered by successive neoliberal governments.

Band-Aid all you want. Demand developer decency. But in the end, when government refusal to govern leaves people bleeding, it’s with government that liability should rest.

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