

This was published 3 years ago


Sydney University’s invasive conflict of interest declaration rings security alarm bells

In an unprecedented step, students enrolled in a higher degree by research at the University of Sydney will now have to fill out a wide-ranging Declaration of External Interests form that has more intrusive questions than an ASIO security clearance at the height of the Cold War. These students must declare their personal relationships, including sexual partners, de facto partners, ex-partners, close friends and family members broadly relevant to their candidature. The information required goes back to 36 months ago.

The form says, “If there is any uncertainty, it is better to declare the relationship than not to do so.” It is uncertain, for example, whether students should declare a sexual relationship with a staff member at another university in the same research field.

The University of Sydney’s new requirement is unprecedented.

The University of Sydney’s new requirement is unprecedented.Credit: SMH

Students also have to declare any personal relationships with a wide range of academics and list relationships or activities that are directly related to the research, including financial support paid to them or their institution. They have to report financial or non-financial relationships with wide range of entities in Australia or overseas that could be considered “broadly relevant” to the reporting of their research.

They then are required to report relationships and activities that are “topically related”, but not directly related, to their research within the “broadly defined” field addressed in their work. The form says this is “not limited to” the examples it gives.

“Broadly related”, “broadly relevant” and “not limited to” are all vague. Even the most conscientious student trying to fill out the form could end up confused. Yet the form warns that students must certify that they “understand and agree that a false or misleading statement or failing to comply with the conditions and restrictions imposed by the university constitute misconduct under the research code of conduct 2019 and is subject to disciplinary actions by the university”.

Unlike the University of Sydney, a UNSW spokesperson says it does not require its higher degree by research students to sign such a form. Nor does the University of Technology Sydney. Macquarie University does not ask for any personal declarations from its higher degree by research candidates of the kind required by Sydney. Macquarie’s candidates are required to complete a commencement program incorporating research integrity training at the beginning of their program. This details their responsibilities to notify the university of any conflicts of interest that may arise in relation to their research, which might be related to personal or professional relationships.

It is not clear why so much detailed information, especially personal, is required by the University of Sydney, when the Macquarie model should suffice. A Sydney University spokesperson says it relied on self-assessment in the past to address conflicts of interest but “such issues were not always identified”. Hence, the signed form was introduced on January 1 with the explanation that a “complete listing of your relationships and activities is required in the interests of transparency and to enable you and the university to properly manage competing interests”. It’s unclear why anyone determined to gain from a conflict of interest would reveal their intentions on a form.

Currently, there are 4500 higher degree by research students at the University of Sydney. The national total is only available for 2019 when there were 66,000 graduate research students. Most try to get a doctorate of philosophy, or PhD, while others choose a masters degree by research.


A spokesperson for the University of Sydney said it recognises “security risks are real and increasingly sophisticated”. So who can access the conflicts of interest register? ASIO? The form only says that access is “at the discretion” of the university’s general council. However, the spokesperson said the information on the declarations from HDR students will “only be made available to officers of the university”.

In recent years the nation’s university vice-chancellors have been willing – even eager – to comply with other requests from ASIO on national security grounds, particularly those involving China. It would be surprising if they withstood strong pressure from the government or the intelligence agencies to hand over data contained on student or staff declaration forms.

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