

This was published 5 months ago

Sad state of debate and nuance on key matters

Sean Kelly yearns for rational, honest, good faith debate on matters of importance and wonders why this now seems impossible (“The death of rational debate”, April 8). Regrettably, conflict and expressions of discontent and anger have become fashionable, prompting discussions to become polarised and a zero-sum game. One only has to view the growing number of reality TV programs that rely on conflict and strong disagreement. Then, of course, there are our political leaders who, in the main, seem incapable of reaching consensus or compromise solutions and encourage voters to side with them in disparaging their opponents. The best interests of the nation and working for the community have become secondary to attempting to gain some political advantage. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

Agreement on difficult topics may not be possible, but working towards agreement, of honest and open discussion, can be important.

Agreement on difficult topics may not be possible, but working towards agreement, of honest and open discussion, can be important.Credit: Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Kelly is depressingly accurate in his summation of the current national debate in this country. The Voice debacle should have been recognised as a shameful exercise in the refusal of the majority of people to think for themselves. Instead, the fearmongers and anti-woke brigade prevailed to the tune of 60 per cent. Kelly’s assessment of our opinion on the war in Gaza is chilling, as is his prediction that once the conflict ends, if it ever does, we will placate ourselves with the salve of having come through yet another difficult time. Donna Wiemann, Balmain

In lamenting the loss of rational debate and the emergence of only extreme views of the many issues confronting society, Kelly might consider the concurrent rise of social media. When I was growing up a discussion involved presenting a point of view and the facts that supported that proposition. I am increasingly confronted with people who tell me their opinion and proceed to lambast any alternate view without offering one intelligent appraisal of the facts that may either support or question their view. We all need to stop “having” opinions and begin the process of forming them.
Brian Barrett, Padstow

Kelly’s opinion piece bears close reading. His central thesis is that “one’s political identity determines one’s beliefs and not the other way around” and that this polarisation has become so marked that we are reluctant to express our beliefs unless we believe we are in the company of friends who think similarly. How has it come to this when Australians’ belief in a “fair go” included listening respectfully to someone of differing opinions? It may help to consider who benefits. Apart from ratbags on the right and the left who have been let off the leash, I think it is Sky News in particular whose business model depends on stoking outrage that is largely responsible. Although Sky News would probably fire back that they are only counteracting the “evil” of the ABC. Gary Barnes, Mosman

Thank you, Sean, for an important article. Rational debate has indeed died here in Australia. We only hear about extremes, with any dissent quickly shut down. Australia no longer has an overarching unifying ethos, nothing is holding us together, no encompassing moral code. Sadly, we are a broken nation. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah


Netanyahu and his goons must pay for their sins

Absolute agreement from me with regard to the Herald’s editorial (“The days of living by the sword in the Middle East must end”, April 6). Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud goons are moral reprobates. Not only are they responsible for the most egregious security lapse in Israel’s history, the scale of destruction in Gaza is an atrocity for which he and the entire far right of the Israeli government must be prosecuted alongside the terrorists, rapists and murderers of Hamas. As usual, the Bard said it best: “A pox on both of your houses.”
Netanyahu has eroded the tradition of Jewish humanism that is the through-line of our people and he has placed politicking above the welfare of the Jews’ ancestral homeland. He has also thwarted any hope of a two-state solution, and in placating his fellow far-right demagogues he has threatened vital global alliances, turning Israel into what is surely at this point close to a pariah state.
Lastly, the useful idiots on the far left now feel emboldened to repeat exactly the same conspiracies, going so far as to claim the only good Jew is one who argues for the destruction of the Jewish state. This has caused Australia, a multicultural country in the liberal democratic tradition to which people from across the world have fled in hope of a better life, including Jews and Muslims, to be more divided than ever. While Netanyahu and his cohorts didn’t cause antisemitism, he gave it a shot in the arm, something moderate Jews around the world, desiring only peace with their ancient neighbours and cousins, will never forget. Simon Tedeschi, Newtown

Israeli demonstrators call on the government to secure the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas during a rally marking six months since the outbreak of war.

Israeli demonstrators call on the government to secure the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas during a rally marking six months since the outbreak of war. Credit: AP

I want to know who made the shell that killed the aid workers in Gaza; who sold it to Israel; and who is resting comfortably tonight from pocketing the proceeds. Barry Lamb, Eastwood

The prime minister and other commentators persist in using the adjective “unacceptable” in reference to the attack on aid workers travelling in clearly marked cars. The correct adjective in this case is “criminal”. Talk of mistakes that just happen in war is unacceptable. Stephanie Edwards, Leichhardt

It is clear the Israeli hard-right wing is settling for a second-best but nonetheless devastating objective. They have unabashedly said they would prefer all Palestinians to leave, and would, if they could, drive them all into Egypt. Short of that, they now intend to make the whole of the Gaza Strip unliveable. The destruction is wholesale – not just occasional buildings but urban block after urban block, and complete neighbourhoods where most buildings are rubble and those that still stand are gutted, useless shells with no power, water or sewage. Every day the IDF continues what it claims is a war against Hamas, they bring closer the day when Gaza will simply be unable to support life. The US will not accept a mass expulsion of the Palestinians but they are giving Israel the means to turn their home into a wasteland that will look like and be as inhospitable as Hiroshima. Graeme Smith, Daceyville


Another chapter exposed in sordid affair

Yet another outstanding piece from Kate McClymont reveals, again, the sordid nature of the Lehrmann affair (“Texts reveal the tension behind Lehrmann chase”, April 8). The more we learn about the numerous hostile allegations made against Bruce Lehrmann, the worse it gets. That he might have financially profited so handsomely from the alleged awful happenings in Parliament House is disturbing, while Bettina Arndt’s attacks on women are unhelpful. One can only hope that the re-opening of this suppurating scandal will end with the judgment. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

What a sordid, morally distasteful affair this is; and I’m not just talking about the sleazy, entitled behaviour of Bruce Lehrmann. It’s clear that Lehrmann could be bought and that Channel 7 had decided that it had deep enough pockets to pay for whatever disreputable favour it took to get his story. This would seem to be the cost of doing business. Lyn Savage, Coogee

Text messages between Spotlight producers Taylor Auerbach and Steve Jackson concerning Bruce Lehrmann. Illustration by Marija Ercegovac.

Text messages between Spotlight producers Taylor Auerbach and Steve Jackson concerning Bruce Lehrmann. Illustration by Marija Ercegovac.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

Netflix is about to release a series called Scoop about BBC interviews that went terribly wrong. I suggest the producers would be well advised to turn their attention to an Australian TV network for their No.2 season. Tony Lewis, Mount Victoria

I think it makes sense to remind ourselves that this sorry saga began when two young political staffers turned up at Parliament House well after normal hours and drunk. They had no reason to be there at that time and in that condition. I don’t know if the security staff had the power to deny them admission, but perhaps the pair could have been strongly advised to take themselves straight to their respective homes. Had that happened, there would not have been the alleged sexual assault and we wouldn’t now be subjected to all the details surrounding this sordid circus, the media’s pre-occupation with it and the monumental waste of the legal system’s time. Daniel Flesch, Bellingen

In response to Bettina Arndt’s statement that “The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside in favour of believe-all-women justice”, it should be remembered that there is no corresponding corollary that an alleged victim is presumed a liar until the accused is convicted. Arndt appears to have completely lost sight of this fact. It should also be remembered that in a criminal trial, only the alleged victim is subjected to examination and cross-examination in seeking to prove a complaint and the accused does not have to give evidence at all. Tragically, thanks to the extraordinary actions of one juror, both Lehrmann and Higgins have been denied the justice to which they were both entitled. Kendal Tichon, Bundanoon


NDIS helps all, good and bad

This is simply sensationalist reporting of an incredibly small number of people within the 530,000 NDIS participants (“NDIS pays $1.4m to paedophile”, April 8). The NDIS pays for the provision of support for those people, not to the people themselves. It should not be surprising that convicted criminals receive NDIS support after release from prison when 25 to 30 per cent of people in prison have borderline intellectual disability and 10 per cent have mild intellectual disability. Potentially, if the appropriate supports had been in place for these people in the first place, the likelihood or extent of offending may have been reduced. Government money is required to care for and minimise the risks associated with these people, but do not demonise the NDIS because it is the source of the funding. Mark Wyburn, Garden Suburb

Bring back Bronny

I strongly suspect that when Tony Abbott talks about recruiting more women into the Liberal Party, he has the likes of Bronwyn Bishop in mind (CBD, April 8). Stephen Rayner, Westleigh

Tony Abbott hasn’t changed his basic view of women. He realised that without women’s votes, the Coalition will not be elected to government. Simple arithmetic, really. No conversion on the road et cetera, just a grudging acceptance of reality. Rhod Jeffrey, Surry Hills

Tony Abbott

Tony AbbottCredit: John Shakespeare


Less is more

Prejudice directed at apartment living will slowly evaporate as more young people find it is the only affordable option and as retirees downsize (“Aussies, a home does not need to be a house”, April 8). It may be unfortunate for some that a two-bedroom apartment will tend to limit a family size to one child, but the falling birth rate indicates that this will soon be the norm. Apartments can have many advantages, such as proximity to public transport and services, low maintenance costs and that they are cheaper to heat and cool. A majority of Europeans live happily in apartments. There is no reason why there should be a stigma about apartment living in Australia. Geoff Harding, Chatswood

Supermarkets do some good

What seems to be lost with the frenzied attack on Coles/Woolworths is that they are substantial taxpayers, as the nature of their businesses reduce opportunities for “elaborate” tax minimisation strategies (“Billions in fines for grocery breaches”, April 8). Also, they employ thousands and the “excessive” profits, apart from overly remunerating directors/senior executives, are distributed as dividends into Australians’ superannuation accounts, rather than being sent offshore. Carlo Ursida, Kensington (Vic)

Booing Mitchell is racist

Your correspondent puts more than a slight tilt on credulity in suggesting that the booing of Latrell Mitchell is not racially based (Letters, April 8). Mitchell led the charge with Jonathan Thurston to rid the NRL of the scourge of on-field racial abuse. The parallel to Adam Goodes is as obvious as it is correct. It hardly matters when it comes to racial vilification whether the reason is race or whether only part of the reason is race. Whichever it is, it is inimical to a fair, just and civilised society. Rob Reitano, Lane Cove West

I agree totally that when the booing starts the players (and officials) should stop the game. I believed at the time that this should have been the clubs’ response to the booing of Adam Goodes. The rest of the fans would soon put an end to this behaviour around them as they want to see the game. In this way, the players actually have the power to put an end to this racial abuse of any of their colleagues. However, by playing on through the booing, the players are unwittingly condoning this behaviour, which I am sure they don’t mean to do. If all clubs and all players took a public united stand that all play would cease when this type of booing began, this issue would very soon die.
Warren Marks, Hill Top


Take a number ...

Ron and I were very young guys who started as postmen on the same day in 1980 in the Top Ryde Post Office (Letters, April 8). He was a friendly, positive guy then and he has clearly focused on his clippers after that to great success for about 40 years. I was hoping to drop by for a cut and a chat but I might need to book after this promotion in the Letters pages. Thanks to the Herald for pointing me to Ron’s social hub. Best wishes “Schoey” from “Sparra” (you had to be there). Bruce Woodhouse, Bardwell Park

Can letters stop talking about my barber, Ron? He’ll put his prices up. Terry Cook, Ermington

Three into one

Instead of lauding the turning of three homes into one, (“Design duo turn three homes into one on historic block”, April 8), sale price $9m, surely society would be better served by stories of turning one home into three. There is something wrong with our priorities. Lois Hudson, Thornleigh

Trunk and disorderly

For 35 years I have sat on the balcony of the London Hotel and loved that beautiful tree opposite (“Flood victims promised relief money as clean-up gets started”, April 8). My last day in Balmain before heading overseas I mentioned that the old gum had a bit more of a lean on it and that I would not be surprised if it wasn’t there on my return. How sad to read that it has gone. Neil Duncan, Balmain

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