

This was published 2 years ago

‘Our stomachs churn with anger’: Simple operation ended Heather Smith’s life

By Carrie Fellner

As January’s stifling heat would descend on the rural town of Gilgandra, 430 kilometres north-west of Sydney, Heather Smith savoured quiet moments on her patio, where she spent hours watching the cricket.

Today, the patio sits deserted at the former home of the 84-year-old, who is remembered as bright, opinionated and fiercely independent.

Heather Smith, right, with son Phillip Smith. Heather died in 2019 from a torn oesophagus after routine surgery went wrong in Dubbo Hospital.

Heather Smith, right, with son Phillip Smith. Heather died in 2019 from a torn oesophagus after routine surgery went wrong in Dubbo Hospital.Credit:

In August 2019, Smith booked in for elective surgery on a hernia at Dubbo Hospital in western NSW.

Patients usually bounce back quickly from this procedure but Smith deteriorated. On the 11th day, doctors realised something was terribly wrong when they spotted fragments of food in a tube draining fluid from her chest.

Smith was airlifted to Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where surgeons discovered a 15-centimetre tear in her oesophagus, leaking food into her lungs.

Surgeons were diplomatic as they gently explained the situation to the family.

“They said: ‘We’ve cleaned up all the gunk in the bottom of her lungs, but because it had been sitting there so long, the tear was necrotic; it was infected. We hope with antibiotics she’ll get better’,” Smith’s daughter, Vicki Holroyd, recalled,

But Smith was in septic shock and died on September 17, 2019.

Today, Holroyd and her siblings try not to speak about their mother’s traumatic death.


“Our stomachs start to churn with anger because of what happened and how it happened,” said Holroyd, a former nurse.


Smith’s death is one of four potentially preventable deaths uncovered by a Herald investigation where the coroner wasn’t notified or chose not to investigate.

There was no internal investigation either, until two years later, when the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) received an anonymous complaint.

A spokesman for the Western NSW Local Health District said after the complaint was made Dubbo hospital engaged an independent surgeon from a tertiary hospital outside the LHD to review the case.

“This review did not find any deficiencies in care,” the spokesman said.


The spokesperson noted Smith was not in the care of Dubbo Hospital when clinicians decided her death was not reportable to the coroner, and such decisions were based on criteria in the NSW Coroners Act.

These criteria state that deaths that are “not the reasonably expected outcome of a health-related procedure” must be reported.

The Herald was alerted to Smith’s death by whistleblowers unhappy with how it was handled.

The Herald contacted three senior surgeons from other parts of NSW, who agreed to review the case anonymously because they are not authorised to speak to the media.

The surgeons were also fearful of repercussions from the NSW Health bureaucracy, saying it punished clinicians who spoke out about patient deaths and safety issues.

Their comments echoed damning findings from a recent parliamentary inquiry, sparked by a Herald investigation. It raised “serious concerns about the governance of the health bureaucracy” and found hospital staff were operating in a “culture of fear”.

NSW Health has since insisted it has a just culture, where staff are openly encouraged to report problems.

The surgeons were highly critical of Smith’s care at Dubbo, and incredulous that local health districts chose not to investigate.

They argued the case raised serious questions about whether regional hospitals like Dubbo were adequately resourced to recognise and intervene to save patients deteriorating as a result of complications from surgery.

The surgeons said the fact the investigation was commissioned by Dubbo Hospital and not the HCCC raised broader questions about “self-regulation and failure to investigate appropriately”.

A spokeswoman for the HCCC said upon receiving the complaint it “obtained significant information from the Local Health District which generated further actions by the LHD”.

She said the HCCC was still reviewing material obtained as a result.

Home to Gilgandra

After family and doctors in the RPA agreed the most compassionate thing they could do was cease the treatment keeping Heather Smith clinging to life, they told her she was going home to “Gil”.


“She said that was wonderful,” Holroyd recalled. “When she woke up, I think she thought she was in Gil. And she died.

“She thought she was home.”

Smith’s procedure, known as a laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair with fundoplication, carries a mortality rate of 1 per cent or less according to several studies, and perforation of the oesophagus is a rare complication.

After the surgery, Smith struggled to keep food down, suffering nausea, pain and low blood pressure. She also developed a productive cough and was diagnosed with hospital-acquired pneumonia.

One doctor noted she “looks miserable” and was “dry-retching during my review”. She rallied enough to ask, tongue in cheek, why there was no The Bold and the Beautiful on television.

On a day when Smith was experiencing “10 out of 10” pain, she refused to participate in mobility and breathing exercises with the physiotherapist. Smith received a “firm education” on the necessity of the exercises, records show.

“The explanations for her poor recovery always put it in her basket, such as the lack of deep breathing,” Holroyd recalled. “Never that something had gone wrong with their work.”

Holroyd becomes tearful as she recalls feeling powerless to challenge the staff, despite her nursing experience.

The honour board at Dubbo Hospital bears Holroyd’s name after she completed her training there 40 years ago.

“The decline is so sad to see,” she said.

The spokesman said the Western NSW Local Health District offered sincere condolences to Smith’s family and was committed to reflecting and making improvements where possible when patient outcomes or experiences did not meet expected standards.

“Dubbo Hospital provides outstanding and high-quality care to thousands of people every year,” he said. “Its team of healthcare workers is caring, professional and well-regarded.”

The rescue

The surgeons who reviewed the case for the Herald said the biggest factor determining survival of a perforated oesophagus was time taken to detect and repair it, as the mortality rate increases exponentially after the first 24 hours.


“I don’t believe that any rural facility is suited to repair a perforated oesophagus,” one added.

The surgeons said Smith’s death was a classic example of “failure to rescue” – a delay in recognising and responding to a patient’s deterioration after complications arising from surgery.

One of the surgeons interviewed by the Herald explained that poorer-performing hospitals tended to lack large teams of experienced staff and specialists, well-equipped ICU facilities and 24-hour radiology cover, which all contribute towards diagnosing and treating complications.

A 2014 study by researchers at the University of NSW explored rates of failure to rescue according to the patient’s home address, across 153 local government areas in NSW.

Smith’s hometown of Gilgandra was among 31 LGAs identified as “hot spots” with elevated rates of failure to rescue between 2002 and 2009.

One surgeon said patients who underwent hernia repair procedures usually went home after two nights. He would be “horrified” if a patient was vomiting and in severe pain on day 10.

He believed there should have been a root cause analysis investigation.

“For RPA to say there was a hole that appeared necrotic, there was a missed diagnosis.”

The surgeon said the case reflected the ‘Swiss cheese model of risk’ where several holes aligned to result in a bad outcome. He argued hospitals needed “appropriate back-up” when performing challenging operations.

“Transferring someone from Dubbo to RPA is not back-up,” he said. “You need to have a couple of surgeons who have a specialty interest in this area available 24/7 to troubleshoot any problems.”

The Western NSW LHD spokesperson noted that Smith had been informed she was at “increased risk of known surgical complications” because she was in her mid-80s and living with serious, complex medical conditions and history. This included medications that suppressed her immune system.

The surgeons also questioned the appropriateness of the patient selection.

“A healthy, fit patient having a fundoplication in Dubbo is one thing,” another surgeon said. “This lady was never that.”

The spokesman for the Western NSW LHD said decisions about whether patients would be transferred to tertiary facilities for surgery were made by treating physicians and specialists after extensive investigations and patient consultation.

The spokesman noted the independent reviewer found it was not necessary for Smith’s procedure to be performed at a tertiary hospital and given her comorbidities, the outcome was very unlikely to be different if it was.

The spokesman said the procedure was performed at Dubbo Hospital’s new surgical unit after the hospital’s $306 million redevelopment and that in the 2019-20 financial year alone it performed more than 9100 surgical procedures.

‘Mistakes were made’

Smith’s death bears striking similarities to the death of another patient at Dubbo Hospital in 2010.

Kylie Greenaway’s small intestine was perforated during surgery on a hernia. It took staff four days to transfer the 29-year-old to Sydney, where she died from sepsis.

Deputy Coroner Hugh Dillon found staff did not recognise the gravity of some of Greenaway’s symptoms as she deteriorated, and appropriate action was delayed. They did have “the decency to acknowledge that mistakes had been made and that Kylie had died as a result”, he said.

Two experts gave evidence Greenaway should have been immediately transferred to a high-volume hospital in Sydney once she developed sepsis.

Management told the inquest the patient transport system would buckle if that was standard practice.

The Herald understands the NSW Coroner has also been investigating, after a patient deteriorated five weeks after surgery in Dubbo Hospital and was transferred to RPA, where he died from sepsis.

The Western NSW LHD spokesman said in a Bureau of Health Information survey from 2020, 96 per cent of patients rated their care at Dubbo Hospital as either “very good” or “good”.

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