

This was published 5 months ago

Numerous hurdles block Dutton’s nuclear pathway

Peter Dutton is suggesting replacing coal generators with Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) with 470 megawatt output (“Coalition rift over Dutton’s nuclear plans”, April 22). No SMRs are currently available. We would need more than 20 to replace the 10,000MW of coal power currently used. SMRs will not be commercially available before the 2030s, no costings are available, and the most advanced project, NuScale in the US, has ceased development because even with optimistic figures the energy produced would be over double the price of utility-scale solar. One could add that SMRs will produce more nuclear waste than conventional nuclear power plants. The CSIRO/AEMO GenCost report has said for years, including during the time of Coalition governments, that wind and solar are the cheapest form of new energy for Australia, even when considering additional integration costs such as energy storage and transmission. Nothing has changed. Steve Bright, North Avoca

So would you rather die slowly or quickly?

So would you rather die slowly or quickly?Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Nationals MP Darren Chester is effectively kyboshing Dutton’s nuclear pathway. It seems he will accept power plants, but not in his electorate, unless he is handed a significant economic package. He will accept them for his electorate if any safety concerns are ameliorated. Obviously he feels there are significant safety concerns. The Coalition will have a hard time finding locations and support for this ridiculous enterprise. Susan Haylock, Mosman

Peter Dutton is obviously having difficulties negotiating with Nimby Nationals who vehemently support nuclear energy as long as they don’t have to host a facility in their own electorate. I’m reminded in these moments that the Coalition is essentially an arrangement where vote-buying and horse-trading is done “in-house” before going to the voters. Sadly for the Liberals, they are electorally dead in the water without their conservative fellow travellers, so remain uncomfortably tethered to the Nationals’ singular brand of agrarian socialism. Colin Stokes, Camperdown

It’s little wonder the Liberals and Nationals are in conflict over the Coalition’s plan to build nuclear reactors, given that numerous proposed sites will be in National Party seats. There is also consternation over the price tag, although the figures that will be quoted will likely underestimate the true cost. It was the same with Britain’s Hinkley Point C nuclear power station. It was supposed to cost £9 billion when first announced, but that has blown out to £34 billion! Let’s just stick to wind, solar and battery storage. They’re cheap, safe and reliable. Ken Enderby, Concord

Strange, isn’t it? The National Party is resisting the push for nuclear power because it is wary of the dangers of nuclear waste. Funny how Dutton wants to “wedge” Labor in a nuclear-is-best debate that may yet up fracture the Coalition. Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

We at Blacktown municipality would be proud to host Peter Dutton’s first nuclear reactor. Already we have a 24-hour international airport, two tollways, two massive tips, motor racing arena, drag strip, steelmill, methadone clinics and a private jail. As a bonus, we can also accommodate a nuclear waste dump. Peter Juocys, Rooty Hill


Musk is making a mockery of freedom of speech

Although I can see the difficulties in monitoring user-generated content on X and Meta, these digital platforms are essentially publishers (Letters, April 22). If online content is freely accessed by the general public, then these companies should be subject to the same restrictions and ethical restraints as any other mass medium, such as films, TV, music and print. But how to screen all the data uploaded daily by individuals? How would that be humanly possible without restricting both the provider of the content and the audience to known subscribers only, and thus compromising the free exchange of information? But surely human ingenuity can devise some algorithm to protect us from the unleashed rubbish which continually arrives on these platforms – the unintended consequence of this new technology, which has brought humanity enormous benefits. The right to freedom of speech entails the burden of responsibility for its consequences, and this is something Elon Musk and others need to understand. Lyndall Nelson, Goulburn

Musk, Rowland and Dutton

Musk, Rowland and DuttonCredit: AFR

Until recently, Australian media was largely locally owned and produced. Imagine if the only free-to-air TV in Australia were CNN, Fox, NBC etc, broadcast from the US. But that is what we’ve allowed to develop in social media: US-owned platforms, with no respect for Australian culture and laws, including tax. We need our own social media platforms, supported by appropriate government policies, regulations and laws. Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

X behaves unethically in not responding to Australia’s legitimate call to remove real-life violence. Then X diminishes its social licence to operate in Australia by disagreeing with our laws, which act to promote our culture and values, not Mr Musk’s. Responsible Australians can respond by deleting their X account. Helen Monks, Pretty Beach

Crackdown on social media by all means, but how about the other offenders while we are at it? Namely certain tabloids and shock jocks. Both spread populist, biased, simplistic opinions that influence the easily swayed. David Atherfold, Avalon Beach

The tragedies of recent days and promulgation on X and other platforms contribute to polarisation of attitudes and development of conspiracy theories, which no amount of sane conventional news can obviate. What price “freedom of expression”? Personally, I call it “anti-social media”. Angela Williamson, Exeter


I believe the words of Beverley Garlick (warning of government censorship) are quite insightful. While one may argue about the relative merits of social media, its purpose is simple: to give anyone in the world an opportunity to say what they think. The whole thing has no purpose if others, especially governments of any country, can determine what is on it and what is not. Michael Walsh, Croydon

It’s a fair bet they’ll miss Max

I once met Max Presnell in the foyer of the Belvoir Theatre, but we discussed horse-racing rather than Chekhov (Letters, April 22). I had a fragmental share in a speedy two-year-old colt at the time, and Max, with great foresight, told me not to get my hopes up. We then chatted theatre, which appeared to be a second passion, a half-length second to his monumental love of horse-racing. I’d never miss Max’s Saturday column, and there’s nobody else I’d trust to give me the colour, glorious history and quirkiness of an entertaining Sat’d’y arvo at the races. That was before the coat-tuggers, shonks, misfits, colourful Sydney identities and entertaining bookmakers and their runners made way for the imbibers, models, and publicity-seeking social wannabes. Maybe Max could still write a column or two during our various carnivals? Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

In 1994, I presented the trophy for the Australian Derby to the owners of the winning horse, Mahogany – the late Kerry Packer and Lloyd Williams. Later in the day, I passed Max Presnell, who quipped “nice to see a couple of battlers win!” Paul Totman, Mittagong

Max Presnell has been an influence  on many careers in racing.

Max Presnell has been an influence on many careers in racing.Credit: Fairfax

Case prolongs saga

One would have hoped that decisions made by Justice Michael Lee in the Federal Court regarding the Higgins-Lehrmann dispute would have seen an end of this sorrowful narrative (“Reynolds to continue defamation action despite apology”, April 22). However, the decision by Linda Reynolds to continue with her defamation case against Brittany Higgins and David Sharaz is surely an unnecessarily painful continuation of a long-running saga in which there are already far too many victims. Australia’s defamation laws are complex and costly. Linda Reynolds might benefit more from a gracious withdrawal than by dragging people through yet another lengthy court case.
Bruce Spence, Balmain


ALP disappointment

At 30 per cent in the polls, the ALP is at the bare bones of its support, the rusted-on supporters who will vote for the party through thick and thin (“Labor vote falls to new low as cost of living pressures bite”, April 22). Those additional voters who chose the ALP two years ago have been gradually drifting away from the government for very good reasons.

The prime minister and his ministers have poorly managed the discourse on the cost of living, allowing the opposition to control the agenda and forcing the government onto the back foot. The government has been unable to adequately explain the limits to its ability to control or influence prices and its inability to provide widespread compensation.

For many in the community who had expectations that an ALP government would implement significant changes and would address the years of inaction and neglect of the Coalition, the Albanese government has been a great disappointment. No obvious material improvements in, for example, the key areas of health, education and welfare.

If the ALP is disheartened by the latest poll numbers, it needs to look no further than its own recent performance and its flawed strategic approach. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

Young and restless

I once attended a very expensive dance matinee performance, where from the moment the orchestra began, a baby started crying (“Arj Barker asks mum with baby to leave his show”, April 22). It persisted when the orchestra was quiet and the dancers performed their routine. It was sufficiently distracting that an attendant approached the parent and asked them to move. The baby continued to cry throughout the first act. When I later reported this to the dance company, it was suggested that I could attend in the evening instead, to potentially avoid the presence of infants. That matinee performance was filled with elderly people who, for various reasons, cannot attend evening performances. People pay hard-earned money to see their favourite performers perform. To expect all performers and patrons to maintain absolute concentration during significant, ongoing disturbance, from whichever source, is disingenuous. Jacinta McManus, Rozelle


It seemed to be a reasonable request. The question is why the woman and baby were allowed entry in the first place? Jenny Stephenson, Wollongong

Comedian Arj Barker pictured in 2023.

Comedian Arj Barker pictured in 2023.Credit: James D. Morgan/Getty Images

HEC of a thing

Your correspondent says that President Biden “cancelled” student debt and suggests the Albanese government should do the same (Letters, April 22). But cancellation in this case means transference because the debt doesn’t magically disappear. The government (that is, taxpayers) will forgo repayment of the student debt while the universities keep the money paid to them, which will have consequences for the federal budget. Deciding to go to university without the funds to pay for it upfront is a choice to use HECS-HELP, which is interest-free finance payable only when income reaches around $50,000. The consequences of incurring debt should sit with those who make that choice. Maybe university is not for everyone. Rob Fraser, Balmain

Why is it that claims that HECS debts should be cancelled never address the other side of the equation: just who should pay for the already-subsidised university education of those fortunate enough to be able to go to university, the pathway to most higher-paying jobs? President Biden cancelled some student debt. The prime beneficiaries are those who have accrued a high level of interest on their debt and those who have been repaying it for at least 20 years. It is far from a general amnesty. Maurice Critchley, Mangrove Mountain


Helicopter challenges

The loss of anyone in a peacetime Australian Defence Force accident is tragic but it must be investigated meticulously. That takes time, particularly when there are no clear and immediate causes and when evidence may be difficult to recover (“‘Lonely, cold place to die’: Behind the Army Taipan crash”, April 22). There is a temptation for speculation to fill the gap. In respect to the MRH-90 Taipan, it was never a good fit for the army and had numerous issues that never justified the disruption and cost involved with transitioning from the Blackhawk. It was borne out of the chimera of a sustainable aircraft industry in South-East Queensland that followed on from “building” the army’s attack helicopter there. Neither aircraft have been sustainable in army service and the aircraft industry hasn’t eventuated. The biggest cost in a military aircraft’s life-span is maintenance, not construction, and paying double to build one here – and choosing an unsuitable aircraft so we can – is foolish. The effort should be put into ensuring we can sustain the aircraft in Australia. There were a lot of issues that hounded the Taipan during its time but the overarching one was cost and availability of parts. Ironically, it was the Navy that pushed for the MRH90 and they then left army with them and moved to a Sea Hawk-based fleet. Paul Lewis, Sunrise Beach (Qld)

Inspirational inspector

Could there be a more moving image to capture the horror of the Bondi tragedy than that of Inspector Amy Scott comforting a mourner at the vigil at Bondi Beach (“Hero cop lifts mourners at Bondi vigil”, April 22)? Compassion personified. Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Police officer Amy Scott comforts mourners at Bondi Beach.

Police officer Amy Scott comforts mourners at Bondi Beach.Credit: Max Mason-Hubers

Shopping this afternoon in a regional city shopping centre I felt extremely anxious about the possibilities of being there. I looked at everything and everyone around me, having watched the traumatic events in Sydney this week. It questions our belief of safety in this country; how can we change this? Condolences and love to those who lost family members. We are thinking of you. Sarah Rolls, Orange

Brandis undermines

If Penny Wong had focused her speech more on Ukraine and less on the Middle East, George Brandis would have accused her of not giving that crisis due attention (“Sliding scale of Australia’s interest”, April 22). So goes the ongoing and co-ordinated Coalition effort to undermine the greatest foreign minister we’ve ever had. Shameful. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park


I don’t see what all the fuss is about MPs job-sharing (“Can a member of parliament job-share? These childhood friends want to find out”, April 21). The Member for Cook shared up to five jobs! Franz Weiss, Maroubra

I’ll show you busy

Penny and Taylor (Letters, April 22)? Yeah, nah. Busy, sure, but they can afford help. I’ll see your Penny and Taylor and raise you a working single mother with three kids. Melissa Franks, Bowral

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