By Jordan Baker
It was a scene now familiar across regional Australia. A stolen car full of teens as young as 13 raced along the highway at an estimated 200km/h, overtaking a road train on the wrong side of the road in the middle of the night. Police were in hot pursuit and eventually used road spikes to stop them.
Chunks of metal and rubber flew off the vehicle as it slowed to a stop.
Police are grappling with a surge in youth crime in Moree.Credit: Alamy
The arrest that followed was dramatic. Police body-worn cameras captured officers swearing at the boys as they lay face down. “You f---ing dumb little c---,” says leading Senior Constable David John Henderson in footage played to a court. “You “f---ing little arseholes”. “How old are you, you little f---wit?” A boy alleged the arrest left him with a bleeding lip and a black eye.
Henderson was charged with assaulting one of the boys and perverting the course of justice by misplacing his camera footage. He was tried this month and acquitted of all charges by a jury in the Moree District Court. His lawyer argued police actions should be judged not by hindsight but by the pressure of events and the “agony of the moment”.
As that drama played out in a courtroom, another with a similar theme was unfolding on a grander scale outside, across a north-west NSW town with a long history of racial tension. This one also involved troubled youths stealing cars, scared residents, upset Indigenous leaders, and worried, frustrated police.
Deputy Commissioner of Regional NSW Field Operations, Paul Pisanos.
As the jury was packing up in Moree, the Public Order and Riot Squad were arriving.
Youth crime involving break-ins and cars has become a serious problem in Moree. But it’s also a big issue in Dubbo, Alice Springs, north Queensland and beyond. Groups of teens are breaking into houses, stealing car keys, and taking vehicles on wild and dangerous joyrides.
They post footage on social media and then often burn the cars. Many of the offenders are Indigenous.
Children have long stolen cars for joyrides, but police say incidents are becoming more violent, and the perpetrators are becoming younger.
“In Bourke in the early hours of Saturday morning, we had a five-year-old child with two 12-year-old children breaking into a property and stealing a car,” says Paul Pisanos, deputy commissioner of NSW Field Operations. “I’ve never in 30 years of the police service seen anything like that.”
Regional newspapers are peppered with incidents like the one involving Moree man Noel Smith, 85, whose house was broken into by balaclava-clad intruders while he and his wife were in bed. It was the latest of about half a dozen break-ins to their home over the past six months.
As Noel tried to defend himself, “[the intruder] shoved me back, and he just kept on swinging the jimmy bar at my head,” as a girl demanded the car keys, he told the Nine Network (this masthead is owned by Nine).
Across NSW, motor vehicle theft by juveniles has risen almost 25 per cent a year in the past five years. In 2019, police were called to 593 incidents. Last year, it was 1480. In Dubbo, one boy faced court 70 times before his 12th birthday, upper house MP Dugald Saunders told parliament.
Under pressure in the media and from police, who were privately furious that repeat and violent offenders were being given bail only to re-offend again straight away, Premier Chris Minns flew to Moree earlier this month to announce controversial bail laws making it harder for 14 to 18-year-olds to get bail if they commit a crime while already on bail for a serious offence.
Last week, the riot squad rolled into Moree as part of a police show of strength. “We were surging a whole range of specialist police to support the frontline police,” says Pisanos.
“You cannot underestimate the severity these crimes are having on the communities. Each one is leaving terrible memories, terrible fear, emotional, physical, psychological injuries. They are really breaking people. We’re talking people in their mid-80s who are frail and too frightened to go to sleep.”
Mekayla Cochrane, the first Gomeroi woman councillor to be elected to Moree Plains Shire Council.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
But the tough-on-crime approach hits a nerve in Moree, a town with a long history of tension between the Indigenous community, the non-Indigenous community and the police. “Moree has always had a problem with social division and racism,” says Mekayla Cochrane, the first Gomeroi woman to be elected to the shire’s local council. “It’s a product of our history.”
That history includes a famous 1965 standoff over a council by-law banning Indigenous people from swimming at the local pool and the Slaughterhouse Creek massacre in the late 1800s, involving the deaths of dozens of Aboriginal people at nearby Waterloo Creek at the hands of mounted police.
Moree Artesian Baths and Olympic Pool, February 1965. Credit: Courtesy of The Tribune Archive, SLNSW
The tension remains, fed by events such as last week’s trial and an inquest into the 2021 death of Gordon Copeland, a 22-year-old Gomeroi man who waded into and drowned in the Gwydir River in Moree while fleeing from police who had been following him and his friends as they drove down the highway.
No one in the car had done anything wrong, and NSW State Coroner Teresa O’Sullivan found police acted reasonably in chasing it because so many vehicles were being stolen in the area.
However, she also found police did not show the man’s family the respect and empathy they deserved when they reported him missing, and recommended the NSW Police Force review its training to ensure it comprehensively addressed “the ongoing impact of colonisation on First Nations peoples today”.
Moree is a wealthy town, grown rich from agriculture due to its fecund soil. As the saying goes, you could plant a match in the ground at night and find a walking stick in the morning.
But its crime rates are among the highest in the state. It ranks first for robbery, break and enter, motor theft, and malicious damage and for non-domestic violence-related assault (it’s third for domestic violence-related assault).
Moree’s First Nations community mostly lives in a dilapidated part of town to the south of the river, where disadvantage is concentrated.
“If there is a youth crime problem in Moree, it’s a sign that the community needs support,” says Cochrane. “I think the riot squad was ridiculous. As if a small group of teenagers is like the mafia. This is an example of police and government taking action based on how it looks, not how it works.”
Karly Warner, the chief executive of the Aboriginal Legal Service – which opposes the new bail laws – warns sending children to jail will not resolve the problem (the nearest juvenile detention facility is hundreds of kilometres away). She wants better co-ordinated services equipped to tackle issues with housing, education and trauma. “Anyone who has been to Moree knows this is a community that has had so much social division and racism,” she said.
Moree Plains Shire Mayor Mark Johnson is trying to address the problem while keeping the community united. He admits that Moree has a youth crime problem, but other towns do, too. He believes the police are doing a good job and acknowledges that many residents believe the courts are allowing too many repeat and violent offenders back into the community.
But Johnson also wants to ensure that these kids have something positive in their future. The council did its own research and found that there was not enough collaboration between the many services in Moree. Most closed at 5pm, and were not available in the wee hours when they were most needed.
It was the council’s work that made it an obvious choice for the NSW government to fund a $13.4 million pilot into intervention strategies for at-risk young people. They include a bail accommodation facility, which will give courts greater confidence that children will be supervised while on bail.
“Now, they’re taken back to their home and it’s not uncommon to find these youths back on the street reoffending,” Johnson said. “Sometimes these kids are going back to spaces that are simply not safe, so the safest place is being back on the street.
“The bail accommodation is somewhere the courts and police can send them; they’ll have domestic services, meals, medical checks, 24-7 supervision and the services that they need to try to encourage them not to re-offend.”
Police are cognisant of the tension. Pisanos says all briefings to officers involved in regional youth crime – known as Operation Mongoose – involve reminders to act professionally. “We expect all our officers to operate in a proportionate way, in terms of a diligent use of force,” he said. “We remind them that they are dealing with minors, even though they are dealing with serious offences.”
“Any language or use of force that’s excessive is not going to assist any of these complex situations. If anything, it exacerbates them. It’s not helpful.”
With Nigel Gladstone
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