

This was published 3 years ago

King of the Cross: Sydney crime boss Abe Saffron’s secret friends and properties

By Kate McClymont

This story was first published on May 31, 2007.

″I’m so devastated by what happened in the will,” says an anguished Alan Saffron. “What you leave in your legacy is an indication of your feelings and I’ve been left out in a terrible way.”

Abe Saffron watches a dancer at his Roosevelt Nightclub in Sydney in January 1951.

Abe Saffron watches a dancer at his Roosevelt Nightclub in Sydney in January 1951. Credit: SMH

Abe Saffron, Australia’s most famous crime figure, may have died last September, just three weeks shy of his 87th birthday, but he is still calling the shots. Not only did he leave his only son, Alan, now 58 and living in Los Angeles, a smaller amount than his daughter and mistress but there was a codicil to the will stipulating that should his son challenge it, he was to be cut out all together.

Alan is adamant that his father did not mean to be so cruel. Others are not so sure.

From the mid-40s to the mid-70s, Saffron was the “king of Kings Cross”, running virtually every brothel, strip club and bar along Darlinghurst Road. In the three decades that Saffron prowled Sydney’s streets, there were few criminal activities that the man dubbed “Mr Sin” was not alleged to be involved in. But his main criminal endeavours - which helped him amass a $25 million fortune - included brothels, arson, insurance fraud, bribing police, liquor offences, blackmail and extortion.

Abe Saffron and his son Alan Saffron, then 27, in Edgecliff in October 1976.

Abe Saffron and his son Alan Saffron, then 27, in Edgecliff in October 1976.Credit: SMH

Saffron, who died of complications from a leg infection, was a mafia-style crime figure with a strong sense of family, trust and betrayal.

Just as Saffron’s business life flaunted the social mores of the time, his private life was similarly unconventional. The major beneficiaries of his fortune were Saffron’s secretary-cum-mistress, Terry Tkaczyk, 59, and Melissa Hagenfelds, 44, his daughter by an earlier mistress, Biruta “Rita” Hagenfelds.

“My half-sister, Melissa, who is his daughter - maybe,” says Alan with an edge to his voice, “she’s probably going to walk away with close to $4 million. I only get $500,000. I am the only son, the only legitimate child!”


Saffron married hairdresser Doreen Krantz in November, 1948, and Alan was born in the March of the following year. Melissa’s existence became public when Rita, an ex-dancer at the Tivoli, unsuccessfully sued Saffron for palimony in the early ’80s. Melissa’s three young children have also been left $1 million, as have Alan’s five children.

Abe Saffron and his wife Doreen.

Abe Saffron and his wife Doreen.Credit: Penguin Books

Saffron could be brutal, explains his niece, Anne Buckingham, the daughter of Beryl, Saffron’s sister and business partner. After a dispute over money, Saffron asked the family to sit shiva for his older brother, Henry, she says. This meant they mourned his death, even though he wasn’t dead. But he was dead to the family.

Saffron was a workaholic who derived little pleasure from his wealth. “He never flashed money around,” says Buckingham. “He didn’t live extravagantly. He drank Great Western champagne as opposed to French.” Nor was he a gambler. “He didn’t follow the horses or football, not even soccer, which is a Jewish thing.” Police who watched and listened to Saffron agree that he had few interests. “Power and the exercising of it - that was his narcotic,” says one source.

Although his wife, Doreen, who died in 1999, had an extensive art collection - which Alan says has mysteriously disappeared - Saffron chose to adorn his office walls with photos of American gangsters.

He didn’t drive an expensive car until his later years (his two Rolls-Royces have been left to Tkaczyk and Melissa) and his modest bungalow in Vaucluse was only extended when Alan married his first wife, Susie, and Doreen wanted them very close by. However, Doreen’s anxiety with what she saw as Saffron’s over attentiveness to his son’s new wife brought an end to that living arrangement.

At 1.67 metres, Saffron’s diminutive stature ensured a “small-man syndrome”, says Buckingham, which manifested itself in womanising. Throughout his life, Saffron humiliated Doreen by spending half of each week with his mistresses.

Sydney’s Luna Park prior to the June 1979 fire which claimed the lives of seven people.

Sydney’s Luna Park prior to the June 1979 fire which claimed the lives of seven people.Credit: Stanton Library

But perhaps most intimate with Saffron were the police, who kept tabs on him as he moved between Lodge 44 - his seedy motel/office on New South Head Road, Edgecliff - Rita’s house in Kensington and his various clubs.

It was futile work. According to retired senior police sources, Saffron’s world remained impregnable because he kept to himself, using his bovver boys to do his dirty work. More importantly, his connections inside the police force were breathtaking. One former police officer told the(sydney)magazine that if the confidential police records on Saffron were ever released, “There would be another three royal commissions.”

If you knew how many officers were on Saffron’s payroll, says another, you would understand why Saffron, whose criminal career spanned more than 70 years, went to jail only once - and that was 17 months for tax fraud.

One devastating police intelligence record, from the mid-’70s, has never been made public. It notes a cluster of the state’s most senior police attending a secret meeting with Saffron in an unfashionable eastern suburbs restaurant in which he had an interest. Considering this meeting did not include Police Commissioner Merv Wood nor Deputy Commissioner Bill Allen - both of whom were later ruined by their associations with Saffron - it’s no surprise that few junior officers were prepared to take Saffron on. Not for arson, not for drugs, not even for murder.

Saffron was a networker extraordinaire. He had contacts in politics, business, the public service, local council, the immigration department and in the judiciary, all the way to the highest court in the land. By the early ’70s, he had moved out of the day-to-day running of the clubs and brothels, instead taking ownership of the real estate in which they operated. He ruled with an iron fist to the extent that he once flew to Adelaide to personally demand money from a prostitute who owed him less than the cost of his airfare.

“He’s never killed, choked or stabbed to death anyone in the 25 years I have known him”

WA property developer Warren Anderson in 2006

Saffron was a mean boss, who, in the early days, was regularly sued by disgruntled staff over unpaid wages. On the other hand, his network of associates remained solidly loyal - all bar one. Former associate Jimmy Anderson, who is suspected of being involved in the disappearance and presumed murder of heiress Juanita Nielsen at Saffron’s behest, proved to be the one chink in Saffron’s otherwise lucky life. It was Anderson’s evidence that sent Saffron to jail for defrauding the tax office of $1.5 million by hiding takings from several of his Kings Cross nightclubs, including the Carousel and the Venus Room.

“He’s never killed, choked or stabbed to death anyone in the 25 years I have known him,” said the ever-ebullient WA property developer Warren Anderson, when asked about his appearance at Saffron’s funeral last year.

Not deliberately, perhaps. For the first time, Anne Buckingham has confirmed that Saffron was the secret owner of Luna Park. When asked about the 1979 Luna Park fire that killed seven people riding the ghost train, she laughs nervously. “Very strange, that fire,” she says. “I don’t think people were meant to be killed.”

The remains of the Ghost Train ride at Luna Park after the fatal fire on June 9, 1979.

The remains of the Ghost Train ride at Luna Park after the fatal fire on June 9, 1979.Credit: Dallas Smith

Over the following two years, another six of Saffron’s premises - all of them well insured - were destroyed by fire. No charges were ever laid. When asked if she knows who was responsible for the fires, Buckingham is silent.

The truth, Saffron believed, was a malleable thing

Abraham Gilbert Saffron was born above his parents’ drapery shop in Annandale on October 6, 1919, one of three sons and two daughters. After leaving Fort Street High School at 15, he worked in his father’s shop but in 1938 was fined £5 for SP bookmaking. Two years later, he narrowly avoided jail after being convicted of receiving stolen goods.

A stint in the merchant navy was followed by a brief period as a bookmaker in Newcastle. His appetite for the hotel industry was whetted by his success at the Kurri Kurri and Newcastle hotels before he returned to Sydney in the late 1940s. By 1951, he had accrued a rapidly expanding empire, which brought him to the attention of the Royal Commission into Liquor Laws headed by Justice Maxwell. With hotels closing at 6pm and a beer shortage, the sly grog trade was rampant at the time. Only one hotel licence per person was allowed and - on paper, at least - Saffron’s only holding was the Gladstone in William Street.

One morning in 1951, Saffron entered the witness box in the Supreme Court of NSW. After taking the oath and giving his name, occupation (hotel keeper and company director) and age (29), Saffron was grilled by Bill Dovey, Margaret Whitlam’s father. The commission had evidence that Saffron had illegally used “fronts” to obtain the licences of the Civic Hotel in Goulburn Street, the Albert in North Sydney, the Mortdale Hotel (using sister Beryl’s name), the Philip in King Street, the West End in Balmain (in brother Philip’s name) and, via his friend Eddie Kornhauser, the Cumberland in Bankstown.

This document marked “confidential” shows authorities considered Abe Saffron a “suspect person”.

This document marked “confidential” shows authorities considered Abe Saffron a “suspect person”.Credit: David James Bartho

Saffron had also acquired the Roosevelt in Kings Cross, which was later described by Justice Maxwell as “the most notorious and disreputable nightclub in the city”. When asked why he hadn’t told the truth to the Licensing Court about his secret hotel interests, Saffron replied: “I told them the truth, as I knew it.” The truth, as Saffron knew it, was a malleable thing.

Mr Dovey: “Do you remember quite early in your examination I was asking you about your name and occupation and I asked you what was your age?”

Saffron: “Yes.”

Mr Dovey: “Do you remember what your answer was?”

Saffron: “Yes, 29.”

Mr Dovey: “Why did you say that?”

Saffron: “I always say 29.”

Mr Dovey: “Although it is not true?”

Saffron: “It is the age I have been using for years.”

Commissioner: “Is there some magic in 29? Let us into the secret.”

Abe Saffron leaves Rose Bay Police Station after his bail check on November 15, 1985.

Abe Saffron leaves Rose Bay Police Station after his bail check on November 15, 1985.Credit: SMH

Saffron: “I do not know; I just like the age.”

Mr Dovey: “How long have you been 29?”

Saffron: “I suppose about four years, five years.”

Despite being charged with giving false testimony at the royal commission, he got off. But the notoriety he acquired from the publicity surrounding the commission meant he and his family were barred from holding liquor licences.

Some 20 years later, Saffron was back before Justice Moffitt’s royal commission into allegations of organised crime in clubs. Before the commission had even begun, the tabloid press were having a field day with the criminal exploits of an unnamed person referred to as “Mr Sin”, who was enmeshed in sex rackets and illegal gaming dens - and, more critically, who appeared to be operating with police protection.

During the course of the commission it was put to Saffron that he was the notorious Mr Sin, which he denied. The commissioner mentioned a recent appearance by the not-yet-notorious Lennie McPherson on John Laws’s radio program. When Laws asked if Mr Sin was an appropriate title for Saffron, McPherson said no, Saffron is “the loveliest person you could meet” and he had met him seven times.

A furious Saffron told the commission he had never heard of McPherson, let alone met him. Anne Buckingham confirms that they had known each other well.

The tag “Mr Sin” infuriated Saffron so much, he took action over its use with The Age in 1975. The case was settled out of court. He lost a lawsuit against The Sydney Morning Herald for using it in 2003 but before he died, the Gold Coast Bulletin settled an action over a 2004 crossword puzzle that had as a clue: “Sydney underworld figure nicknamed Mr Sin.”

Not much was known about the reclusive Saffron, who gave just two interviews during his life. His first interview appeared in People magazine in January, 1951, six months before his appearance at the Maxwell royal commission. The unidentified reporter wrote that since an early age, “Abe Saffron has had a super-developed business sense which brings money in its wake - and a certain power.”

There were telling comments. “At Fort Street he used to buy up the books from the boys going into second year, clean them up and sell them to the boys starting in first year,” said his mother, Annie. The article also revealed Doreen’s loneliness and her loathing of the Roosevelt, which kept “Abie” away from her. “We’ve been married three years but I don’t know whether I know him much better now.”

What the article didn’t mention was Saffron’s infidelity.

“I can’t even imagine how my mother coped with it,” says Alan, explaining that his father generally kept up to three mistresses at any given time and made no effort to hide it.

Abe Saffron at a hotel auction in Perth.

Abe Saffron at a hotel auction in Perth. Credit: SMH

On one occasion, a furious Doreen visited the Roosevelt, demanding the cloakroom attendant hand over the current mistress’s mink coat. She threw it to the ground and stomped on it. “She never forgave him,” says Alan. “She was always hoping he’d change but she loved him more than anything.”

Saffron, the networker extraordinaire

Girls, gambling and grog were what Saffron knew best. Not only did he get away with it on the home front, he also got away with it with the police. He had politicians and police in his pocket and ruthless henchmen on the payroll.

This excerpt from unauthorised phone intercepts shows both his connections and his malevolence. Saffron is talking to his fixer, solicitor Morgan Ryan, about an illegal casino.

Saffron: “There’s another way, you know.”

Ryan: “What other way?”

Saffron: “One more way. It’s a cruel world.”

Ryan: “You’ve got a lot in your favour. I think if you mention the fact of what happened with the Sculler before and what can happen ...”

The Sculler was none other than Police Commissioner Merv Wood, an Olympic rowing gold medallist. Saffron and his associates must have enjoyed a wry smile when, not long after Wood’s 1976 ascension to the top job, the new police chief said there was no hard evidence of organised crime. In December, 1977, Wood said he didn’t plan to close illegal casinos immediately because the loss of jobs would cause hardship at Christmas. He was later drummed out of the force and committed for trial for trying to fix a court case for one of Ryan’s drug trafficking clients. The matter was eventually no-billed.

Saffron also received favours from then Attorney-General Lionel Murphy, who, according to police intelligence, was provided with girls at Saffron’s establishments. After speaking to Ryan in 1975, Murphy ordered customs to stop searching Saffron when he came in and out of the country.

During an earlier customs search, Saffron’s address book revealed astonishing connections, including a NSW Supreme Court judge. A police informant later said of the judge: “He’s Abe’s man. We use him to ensure we get the right judge or magistrate for anything that causes problems.”

Murphy also tried, unsuccessfully, to get the federal police to destroy intelligence reports on Saffron. And when drug runner Raymond Sala was arrested after leaving Lodge 44, police were gob-smacked when they received a directive from Murphy to return Sala’s passport. He promptly fled.

Also in Saffron’s camp was Deputy Police Commissioner Bill Allen. Police sources say Saffron had other high-ranking police in his pocket but Allen was so stupid he met with Saffron at police headquarters. Allen was demoted in 1982 for his improper relationship with Saffron and was jailed a decade later for bribing a licensing police officer.

Alan Saffron at his father Abe Saffron’s tombstone in Sydney on July 24, 2008.

Alan Saffron at his father Abe Saffron’s tombstone in Sydney on July 24, 2008.Credit: Danielle Smith

The question of whether Saffron was involved in drug trafficking is still the subject of debate in law enforcement circles. According to one former officer, Saffron was involved in financing importations in so much as he would offer a certain amount of money to a drug trafficking syndicate, expecting a return of 25 per cent or more. Another officer speculates that his nightclubs were notorious for selling drugs and that there was no way that Saffron would not have been receiving a slice of the action.

His son and niece are sceptical Saffron left only $25 million. “I’ve reason to believe there’s more,” says Alan, who will not elaborate. Buckingham thinks the money is offshore.

For his part, Alan says he won’t contest the will. “I don’t want to create hardship for everyone else.” Had he done so, he says, there might have been lengthy delays for his five children, who were each left $1 million. But Saffron’s final wishes may yet be thwarted. Buckingham, who was left $10,000, says if Alan doesn’t contest it, she will.

Mr Sin may be dead. But the headlines are still alive and kicking.

Editor’s note: in the years following publication in 2007, Alan
Saffron has since died.

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