

This was published 2 years ago

Granny gains a foothold in Europe

Chris Keane, usually of Seattle, Washington (USA), but currently in Kłodzko, Poland, writes: “Growing up in Campbelltown was my introduction to the joys of a daily reading of the Herald, including my adult flirting with Granny (Blushing! – Granny). Having it online has been amazing during my world travels, including my daily read when home in Seattle. In fact, the Herald is where I go to read the real, unspun news. I am enjoying it every day from my current location in Poland where I’m helping with logistics for Ukrainian orphan refugees. However, Column 8 doesn’t seem to translate particularly well into Ukrainian. ‘Що?’ they say.”

“I don’t have a cubits tape measure for Col Burns (C8), but I do have a mating pair of pet rocks he can have,” offers Peter Miniutti of Ashbury. Margaret Cuddington of Umina Beach advises she has “two tape measures calibrated in cubits, but your correspondent has to take the pair”. And Mickey Pragnell of Kiama says: “I don’t have one myself, but I Noah bloke. Once Col’s done the job, I reckon he could lend it to our navy as ‘the Ark of Aukus’.”

“I’ve just bought new wellies — expensive ones. Rain will now cease,” predicts Mary Williams of Cobargo.

There’s a reason why Bunnings (C8) has gone to the dogs (actually, it’s more the dogs going to Bunnings). Michael McFadyen of Kareela takes up the lead: “My Veto loves her trips to Bunnings — she looks at everyone and everything. It’s about the only place that permits dogs, so no wonder lots do what I do.”

“Now that Granny has been relieved of her mask, maybe she could now sport a snorkel,” suggests Lee Collins of Blackheath.

John Pick of Cremorne is the latest to explain Column 8 (C8) for the uninitiated: “A daily compilation of obtuse contributions from limelight-seeking, dad-joke tellers.” Malcolm McCowan of Epping thinks it’s a forum “for smart people to write concise articles about stuff that doesn’t really matter”. While Jonty Grinter of Katoomba doesn’t hold back: “C8 is a place to communicate, agitate, adulate, fulminate, calumniate, fabricate, exaggerate, abominate, desecrate, excoriate and last but by no means least, pontificate.” The ates have it.

“With mushrooms popping up everywhere, take care,” warns Lyn Langtry of East Ryde. “You don’t want to end up in the mortuary. Like the Ancient Romans, we should regard them with suspicion.”

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