

This was published 2 years ago

From the Archives, 1921: Exploding film, shops ablaze, thrilling escape

100 years ago, the Sydney CBD was rocked by an enormous explosion when millions of feet of highly flammable nitrate film stored in a Park Street office burst into flame.

By Staff writers

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on November 21, 1921


A sensational explosion, followed by a disastrous fire, occurred in Park-street, between George and Pitt streets, on Saturday afternoon (November 19, 1921), six shops were practically gutted, and three others were damaged.

The street presented the appearance of a roaring furnace, and only the work of the fire-men prevented the extensive spread of ’the fire. Three persons were injured, among them a young woman, who leapt to the street from a verandah in order to save herself.

A fireman attending the Park Street fire, November 19, 1921, published in The Sydney Mail.

A fireman attending the Park Street fire, November 19, 1921, published in The Sydney Mail.Credit: Fairfax Archives

The three persons injured were reported last night to be out of danger. They are: Harry McGuire, of Cathedral-street, city, burns on face and arms; Henry Howard, of Boundary street, Paddington, burns on hand and face; Barbara Spears, of Park-street, shock and dislocated bone of the right foot.

The police are engaged in an attempt to discover the cause of the explosion, but inquiry last night indicated that their investigations so far have not been attended with success.

The damage has been roughly estimated at about £80,000, but until a detailed examination is made to-day it will be impossible officially, to say exactly what the losses are. That they are heavy, however, is obvious from the gutted appearance of the establishments which came within the devastating; track of the explosion and the blast, and from the damage to the big establishments opposite, notably Murdoch’s.

The first indication of anything unusual was the spectacle, it is stated, confronting pedestrians in Park-street, at about 4 o’clock, of a small cloud of smoke issuing from the establishment of the Overseas Film Service. The alarm was given to the occupiers of the adjacent shops, when a deafening explosion followed. Flaming films and electrical appliances, it is stated, were hurled across the road, and the establishment was seen enveloped in dense smoke and great flames, spreading in all directions.

Amidst falling glass, and through the suffocating smoke, could be seen people rushing anxiously away from the scene.


By telephone, direct with the station, the Fire Brigade received a call at seven minutes past 4, and the headquarters, Darlinghurst, and Circular Quay brigades were quickly on the scene, under Chief Officer Sparks. Two minutes later the intense heat caused one of the automatic sprinklers in Murdoch’s big premises opposite to operate.

It is only this, according to the firemen, that saved Murdoch’s from being gutted, and in all probability not a few other buildings in such a dense part of the city. The flames, shooting out across the street, set fire even to the wood blocks for some distance. Murdoch’s, right opposite, felt the immediate effects of the explosion and fire, the automatic sprinkler extinguishing what had promised to develop into an immense blaze in that establishment.

The great spread of window space in Murdoch’s, fronting Park-street, bears witness to the disastrous nature of the explosion, for of the 15 massive windows in that thoroughfare nine are a sorry wreck great, gaping holes temporarily boarded up.

It was an almost superhuman task that confronted the firemen. Park-street, between Pitt and George streets, was a sorry picture of blazing fire and smoke, and practically all that the firemen could do was to prevent the spread of the flames, but not before, as in a flash, several buildings adjoining the establishment of the Overseas Film Service were all alight. The firemen worked under tremendous difficulties for two hours, and by attacking the great blaze from every coign of vantage unquestionably prevented the spread of it over an immense and very valuable city area.

Among the big buildings which the firemen did much to save were Bebarfald’s premises, whose back windows were all damaged.

There came a terrific explosion, and, thinking the building was going to fall, Miss Spears leapt to the street to save her life.

The buildings affected alongside the establishment in which the explosion occurred included Crimmins’s tailoring shop, the front window of which, however, is intact; E. Cohen, smallgoodsman, whose window also is still standing; G. Frazer’s wine saloon; G. H., Durrant’s hairdressing establishment; and the Golden Shell refreshment rooms. Of these buildings several are boarded up - a picture of black ruin.

The scenes were marked by one or two sensational escapes from death. A young woman, Miss Barbara Spears, was saved by jumping from a verandah to the street below. Just before the explosion, the owner of the refreshment establishment had entered the premises and warned those inside to leave immediately as the film establishment close by was on fire.

Miss Spears was upstairs when there came a strange rumbling and then a thunderous roar. It was the explosion a few yards away. As soon as she opened the door she was almost suffocated by a dense volume of smoke, and looking through the window and seeing great tongues of flame spreading everywhere, she at once concluded that her exit was blocked. She made for the window overlooking the iron verandah, however, and climbed through it. Flames seemed to the springing from everywhere, but it looked to be her one chance of escape.


The young lady, retaining her wits, was looking for the most convenient place to descend to the street, and walking to the end of the verandah she escaped the flames, now spreading fiercely along the top sections of the buildings. There came a terrific explosion, and, thinking the building was going to fall, Miss Spears leapt to the street to save her life. There a heavily-built man was waiting to break her fall. He got the full force of the fall, but as Miss Spears touched the ground her right leg went under her, and she was removed, obviously in pain, to the Criterion Theatre, and later to hospital.

One of the injured men. Mr. H. M’Guire, was passing the burning buildings when someone shouted out that a woman was inside, and was trapped by the flames. Without thinking of the consequences, he rushed into the building, and groping his way through the smoke was suddenly overwhelmed by the terrific explosion. The next thing he remembered was finding himself in the casualty ward of the Sydney Hospital, his head, face, and arms in bandages.

Postscript: On January 13, 1922, the Herald reported that “the coroner returned an open verdict at the conclusion of an inquiry regarding the Park Street fire. It was stated that the fires followed an explosion in the premises of the Overseas Film Service, due to about 3,000,000 feet of film becoming ignited.


“The coroner said that there was not sufficient evidence to enable him to relate how the film caught fire, but he considered that steps should be taken to compel the owners or films to store them in such places and under such conditions as would not conflict with the safety of the public and of property.”

The Smiths Weekly newspaper reported the day after the coroners findings, that £162 pound worth of silver was recovered by a chemist from the three and a half tons of ash that remained of the Overseas Film Service’s film. Insurance fire assessors employed the services of the chemist to Australasian Films Ltd, C. T. Counsell, who recovered about1000 oz of silver from the ash. The silver was contained in the emulsion of the film and remained to be extracted from the ash collected by the chemist.

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