


Electronic monitoring works, so let’s get on with it

We are grappling with a crisis in domestic and family violence.

Electronic monitoring works. When in government, the Liberals and Nationals introduced the domestic violence electronic monitoring program for convicted perpetrators on parole and intensive correction orders. Last year, the NSW government’s criminal statistics and research unit examined nearly 1000 cases and found that convicted perpetrators who were electronically monitored were 33 per cent less likely to engage in domestic violence reoffending.

It’s now a natural, commonsense, evidence-based progression to extend electronic monitoring to those who are bailed on serious domestic violence charges.

Leader of the NSW Opposition Mark Speakman.

Leader of the NSW Opposition Mark Speakman.Credit: AAP

This must be part of a holistic, far broader approach to addressing domestic and family violence. Electronic monitoring isn’t a perfect solution, but the evidence shows it will make a difference.

Last week, the opposition introduced legislation into parliament to extend electronic monitoring to those who are bailed on serious domestic violence charges – to help address violence against women, improve protection for victim-survivors of domestic violence and enhance community safety.

We also want to expand the grounds for suspending the granting of bail for serious personal violence charges, while police and prosecutors “appeal” bail decisions. And, we want registrars stripped of the power to determine bail for serious personal violence charges where bail is opposed, given the widespread audiovisual capacity across our courthouses enabling magistrates to make orders from centralised locations if necessary.

Despite support among the crossbench, the government at first blocked our attempt to have these much-needed reforms introduced to parliament, and now shows no indication of a willingness to work collaboratively across parliament to address this crisis.

Last week, when voting against the introduction of our bail reform, they claimed:“rushing through a bill when the community is in mourning and suffering shock is not an appropriate response”. This is despite prompt responses to knife crime and the government’s own emergency response package for domestic and family violence funding – measures supported in whole by the opposition as far as they go.

NSW Premier Chris Minns.

NSW Premier Chris Minns.Credit: AAP


Last week the premier was dismissive of our electronic monitoring proposal, saying it was not feasible to use the devices for the 40,000 individuals across NSW subjected to apprehended violence orders. But that’s not what we’re proposing. We want to see the use of electronic monitoring extended to those on bail for serious domestic violence charges – a far smaller number.

The government should be truthful when debating possible solutions – particularly those that work.

The government has foreshadowed that they consider bail reform in the coming days – but we know they are dismissive of an effective commonsense solution – our state deserves better.

Despite saying that all options are on the table, the government has been quick to be dismissive of our proposal, and to rule out a royal commission into domestic and family violence.

A royal commission into domestic and family violence would shine a light on this crisis, empower those on the frontline and give a voice to the countless victim survivors, their families, friends and communities.

As attorney general, I was part of a Liberals and Nationals government that invested record funding for programs to address domestic and family violence. We also implemented landmark laws to criminalise coercive control in intimate partner relationships – a proven red flag for intimate partner homicide – these new laws commence in July.


We implemented a new, easier to prove strangulation offence – strangulation is another red flag for intimate partner homicide. We tried to make it easier for victim-survivors to have their evidence presented in court – for example, by introducing a ban on direct cross-examination by a self-represented accused in criminal and associated DV cases, closed courts, the playing of police video evidence as the complainant’s evidence in chief, and massive roll out of remote witness rooms, safe rooms in courthouses and audiovisual facilities.

But I’m the first to acknowledge that the job is never finished, and there’s more that can be done.

This year 28 women across Australia have been killed, allegedly at the hands of men.

This has to stop. The time to act is now.

We want to work constructively with the NSW Labor government, and the crossbench, on bail reform. We’re more than open to amendments and any additional proposals – but we can’t ignore solutions that we know work.

Mark Speakman is the NSW Leader of the Opposition.

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