

This was published 7 years ago

Auditor-General slaps down Berejiklian government for spending more than $1 billion a year on temp workers

By Kelsey Munro

The NSW Auditor-General has delivered a stinging rebuke to the state government for its over-reliance on "contingent labour", or temporary workers hired through recruitment agencies.

Spending on contingent labour had increased significantly over the past five years, from $503 million in 2011-2012 to $1.1 billion in 2015-16, the report by Auditor-General Margaret Crawford said.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is calling for more autonomy for high-performing states.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is calling for more autonomy for high-performing states.Credit: Jessica Hromas

And it revealed that the government was overcharged $1.3 million by recruitment agencies in 2015-2016.

The Auditor-General reviewed the use of contingent labour in the departments of education, industry and transport, concluding that none of them was "able to demonstrate that contingent labour is the best resourcing strategy to meet their agencies' business needs or delivers value for money".

The report was seized on by Labor and the Greens who said it showed it was a false economy to slash jobs in the public sector, which then had to be "backfilled", and the Greens linked the overuse of contractors to cost blowouts in major transport projects.

The contingent workforce was equivalent to 7571 full-time employees, representing 2.3 per cent of the public sector workforce, according to the Public Service Commission, and nearly 60 per cent were on contracts longer than the six-month recommended tenure.

The report said agencies were not using workforce planning to inform their use of contingent labour and two of the three agencies had limited oversight of their contingent workforce.

Further, none of the agencies routinely monitored the performance of contingent workers to ensure services were delivered as planned.

Of the three, the Transport Department was by far the biggest spender on contingent labour, at $381 million in 2015-16, and was singled out for failing to introduce the Contractor Central program, which had been designed to reduce spending on temporary workforces.


The Auditor-General found that agencies not using Contractor Central ran the risk of being overcharged when engaging temps, saying the government was overcharged $1.3 million in 2015-16.

But the Transport Department rejected her conclusions and department secretary Tim Reardon said the "unprecedented level of renewal of transport infrastructure" it had been tasked with managing meant it needed to bring in "a broad range of highly skilled people" to "get the jobs done in the timeframes expected by the NSW government".

"The large scale and temporary nature of many of our mega projects necessitates using a large contingent workforce," Mr Reardon said, pointing out the department had been allocated $41.5 billion over the four year forward estimates to deliver mega projects and service delivery reforms. "When those projects are completed, the workforce will be disbanded."

Labor treasury spokesman Ryan Park said: "It's a false economy for this government to cut thousands of public sector jobs only to then pay top dollar to backfill that work with temporary staff."

He added: "The Premier is constantly giving us lectures on how good a money manager she is yet it looks like recruitment agencies got the better of her and received a $1.3 million handout."

The Greens transport spokeswoman Mehreen Faruqi linked the use of contractors in the Transport Department to cost blowouts in major infrastructure projects.

"The overuse of contractors in Transport for NSW is as a result of the deliberate deskilling of the public sector workforce by the NSW government and a misguided assumption that only the private sector can deliver," she said.

"It is no surprise we have seen multiple and chronic cost blowouts of transport projects under the NSW Liberals."


In the report released on Thursday, the Auditor-General noted that NSW Procurement had introduced measures to achieve greater efficiencies in the use of contingent labour since the period under review, but said these "will only address some of the issues highlighted".

Better workforce planning and performance monitoring was needed to ensure contingent labour spend represented value for money, the report said.

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