

This was published 9 years ago

New Aussie anti-Islamic party guns for 20 per cent of the vote

By Michael Bachelard

Australia officially now has a political party modelled on the far-right wing movements in Europe and dedicated to the idea that Islam is a "totalitarian ideology with global aspirations".

The Australian Liberty Alliance gained approval from the Australian Electoral Commission on Wednesday for registration as a party, having signed up well over the required 500 members and attracted no objections.

Its national secretary, Ralf Schumann, confirmed that controversial anti-Muslim Dutch politician Geert Wilders planned to launch the party on October 20.

Mr Schumann told sympathisers this week that the party faced "a strong headwind and ... some nasty windshears", but reminded supporters that "so did like-minded parties with similar policies in Europe".

"And see where they are a few years later: In the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Austria, France and Italy – they are supported by millions, already poll in the 20 per cent bracket, win seats and slowly return common sense and Western principles to their parliaments."

Mr Schumann refused an interview about the party, which is the political offshoot of the "Islam-critical" Q Society. But Q Society national president Debbie Robinson, who is also a director of the ALA, told Fairfax Media that Islam was "a dangerous ideology that's definitely not compatible with Western culture and society".

"There is no moderate version of Islam ... there may be people who don't follow it to the letter, but there is no moderate version, so it's dangerous. It's dangerous for our society."

In Q Society emails, Ms Robinson has said the Australian Liberty Alliance intends to "rebuild the lucky country".

An ALA director and Q Society national president Debbie Robinson.

An ALA director and Q Society national president Debbie Robinson.

The party's manifesto says "Our Australia stands for individual liberty, small government, Western values built on Judaeo-Christian and Humanistic foundations, social fairness and an integrated multi-ethnic society".


It outlines a number of policy positions including "smarter, smaller government", and "integration over separation" when it comes to multiculturalism.

Islam, the manifesto says, "uses the religious element as a means to project itself onto non-Islamic societies ... No other religious ideology in our time has both the doctrinal aspiration as well as the economic and demographic muscle to impose itself globally".

"Core policy" was that "all attempts to impose Islam's theocracy and sharia law on our liberal society must be stopped by democratic means, before the demographic, economic and socio-political realities make a peaceful solution impossible".

The party would ban full-face coverings in public spaces, and calls for a 10-year moratorium on resident visa applications by people from member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. These countries include Indonesia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Malaysia and Egypt, as well as many African and Middle Eastern countries.

People from "persecuted non-Islamic minorities" within those countries may be exempted from the visa moratorium.

Other ALA policies include a "back to basics" Australian Broadcasting Corporation with the "non-core" parts privatised; the teaching of "respect for others" from an early age; and removing Australia from the UN Charter of Refugees because "resettling people from Africa, the Middle East and Asia is counter-productive, and drains these nations of their most valuable assets".

The policies driven by the ALA spring from an increasingly assertive anti-Islam push in Australia, which has been encouraged by some prominent federal Coalition MPs including Cory Bernardi and George Christensen. It's expressed most vocally by the Reclaim Australia street protest movement, and anti-Halal food and anti-mosque organisations.

Cory Bernardi in action in the Senate.

Cory Bernardi in action in the Senate.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Robinson, who lives in Perth, said the party was not against individual Muslims, but against their "ideology". She said she supported the ideas of Reclaim, but that ALA and the Q Society "try to do it from a more intellectual side of things".

Company documents show the ALA's directors are Ms Robinson, her husband Tony, a prominent Perth orthopaedic surgeon, Andrew and Susan Horwood, who run Adelaide wholesale bakery Emmaline's Country Kitchen, and Mr Schumann, who is based in Melbourne.

Ms Robinson is also the director of fund-raising company Skipngirl Productions, which has registered "72 Virgins" and "Hal and Al's" as business names. Skipngirl sells "Hal & Al's 72 Virgins", which is described as "a very drinkable Australian sparkling wine" from the Barossa Valley.

A note to consumers on the label says: "Consumption of this fine Australian wine may prevent you from entering the Islamic Paradise. However, both the Jewish and Christian paradises remain open as alternative (sic)."

The anti-Islam movement has sparked a response from a new group called Voices Against Bigotry, whose co-founder, Susie Latham, said, "It's time for all Australians to unite (against) this hate-mongering".

"Groups such as the Q Society and ALA are mainstreaming bigotry. This emboldens people to launch verbal and physical attacks on Muslims, and Australians of all backgrounds should stand against this."

Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Kuranda Seyit said it was quite ludicrous for the ALA to worry about the Islamisation of Australia "considering that about 2 per cent of Australians are Muslim, and about half of them are just nominal Muslims".

"The majority of Australians will be able to differentiate between a genuine political party and what is bigotry and a conservative and narrow version of Christian dogma embedded into a quasi-political agenda," he said.

"On the lighter side, this party will be known as ALA, sounds close to Allah, don't you think? We can call them Hezb-bollah, 'The party of ALA', perfect nickname for the group."

Author and consultant Tasneem Chopra said Muslims in Australia had been successfully integrating for centuries, but that, "the way that this party is talking you'd think they were an anomaly who has no place, who have no fit".

"There are an enormous number of obstacles, from racism and discrimination, that people are experiencing, but they're still forging ahead to do it. The presence of a party like this and ... what they are trying to suggest, doesn't help anybody," she said.

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