

This was published 3 years ago


Mission demolished: Afghanistan’s ‘Hollywood democracy’ crumbles

The entire coalition structure in Afghanistan turns out to have been a façade, a Hollywood democracy. Once the sets were removed and the film crew went home, there was nothing left.

The allied occupation, and the state that it created, were fictions. The violent scenes of mass killing and maiming over two decades were authentic, however. The dead are not coming back.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.Credit: Fairfax Media

The US leadership doesn’t seem to have been lying so much as uncomprehending. It was only five weeks ago that President Joe Biden said, “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely”. The officers and officials who briefed him evidently had no idea.

Of the seven main conclusions we can draw from the experience, that’s the first. For all its size and expertise, the superpower has demonstrated once again that it doesn’t know what it’s doing. It’s bad at strategy but believes its own propaganda. These two factors go a long way to explaining why it hasn’t won a major war since World War Two.

With footage of US military helicopters frantically ferrying the last American personnel out of the US embassy compound in Kabul as the Taliban swept into the city, the moment was quickly dubbed “Biden’s Saigon”. This recalls the ignominious scenes when US choppers left the roof of the US embassy in the South Vietnamese capital in 1975 as the city fell.

The collapse of Kabul will hurt Biden politically. But it’s unlikely to have been much better under his predecessor. Donald Trump had endorsed the pullout and had urged an even more precipitous withdrawal: “Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing to do,” he said in April. “I planned to withdraw on May 1st, and we should keep as close to that schedule as possible.”

The failure of the occupation, the hollowness of the state it leaves behind, were disasters 20 years in the making. They have to be judged a bipartisan failure. This wasn’t one president’s foolhardiness. It was a national fiasco. That’s the second conclusion.

The initial invasion was justified. It was sanctioned by the UN. As Scott Morrison said on Monday: “Let me say this about our presence there. We went there to stop Osama bin Laden and to stop al-Qaeda to have operations in Afghanistan. That’s what we were there for.”


But this, too, the core objective itself has been bungled. This has to be the third conclusion. Bin Laden is dead but he was not al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda lives on. And it remains in Afghanistan.

An expert monitoring group reported to the UN Security Council in May last year: “The senior leadership of al-Qaeda remains present in Afghanistan, as well as hundreds of armed operatives, al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, and groups of foreign terrorist fighters aligned with the Taliban.”

The humiliating evacuation of US personnel from Kabul is being dubbed “Biden’s Saigon”.

The humiliating evacuation of US personnel from Kabul is being dubbed “Biden’s Saigon”.Credit: AP

But the Taliban leaders promised the Americans that they’d prevent al-Qaeda from operating in their territory once the US had pulled out. If you believe that, I have a mountainous country in southern-central Asia to sell you. The Taliban must have been laughing into their turbans.

The UN report again: “Relations between the Taliban, especially the Haqqani Network and al-Qaeda remain close, based on friendship, a history of shared struggle, ideological sympathy and intermarriage. The Taliban regularly consulted with al-Qaeda during negotiations with the US and offered guarantees that it would honour their historical ties.”

Just as the Taliban allowed the parasitical al-Qaeda to flourish inside Afghanistan before 2001, so it will again. And the host – the Taliban – is now stronger and more capable than it was in 2001.

How so? Before the US and its allies invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban had been unable to control all of the country as it fought the dogged resistance of the Northern Alliance. But today the Taliban not only controls more of the country than ever, it now has possession of all the weaponry that the US-led coalition left behind. For the first time, the Taliban will have its own air force.

Passengers pass a mural of Afghan president Ashraf Ghani at Hamid Kazrai Airport in Kabul. Ghani fled the capital as the Taliban moved in.

Passengers pass a mural of Afghan president Ashraf Ghani at Hamid Kazrai Airport in Kabul. Ghani fled the capital as the Taliban moved in.Credit: AP

Fourth, this debacle hurts the credibility of the US while emboldening all its rivals. Who’s been sustaining the Taliban all these years? The same people who nurtured it from its creation – the intelligence and military institutions of Pakistan. So Pakistan and its most important sponsor, China, will gain influence. Russia will be thrilled. Jihadist and terrorist groups worldwide will be energised. That will include their sympathisers in Australia.

Fifth, this episode offers Australia a reality check for future dealings with its great and powerful friend. The US alliance is a vital national asset and Australia should make the most of it, but never presume US military wisdom or strategic staying power.

Sixth, Australia can’t save Afghanistan. Pity the people of that benighted land and the bloody recriminations they now face. But Australia should be able to evacuate its citizens and its local staff.

So why the delay? The US departed its military base – Bagram air field near Kabul – on July 2. Within three weeks the Taliban is reported to have been in control of most of Afghanistan. The Taliban took their first provincial capital, Zaranj, on August 6.


So, why was it that the Morrison government was scrambling to send an aircraft on Monday, August 16, to evacuate remaining Australians and Afghan staff, the day after the Afghan president had fled the country in fear for his life? On the face of it, the Australian government appears to have been complacent at the very least and shockingly negligent at worst.

Finally, recall that the US and its allies pulled out of Iraq in 2011. Two years later we were back again to fight Daesh – so-called Islamic State – that had sprung up in the meantime declaring a caliphate bigger than Austria and with more fighters.

Now that Afghanistan is again a safe haven for al-Qaeda and the rest, how long before the calls to return for a sequel?

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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