

This was published 2 years ago


Libs, don’t let the Nats rob taxpayers with a $250 billion coal bailout

By Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden

One thing is now all but certain: by the end of this month, Australia will finally commit to net-zero by 2050 and stronger interim emissions-reduction targets. Global capital markets, our international peers, and a swath of disaffected inner-city Liberal voters have forced the government finally to act in the leadup to the Glasgow climate conference in November.

Far less certain, though, are the terms the National Party will extract from the Liberals in exchange for their support. The Nationals meet on Monday to set the parameters for any horse-trading this week ahead of a joint Coalition party room meeting next week. The focus of their thinking must be on substantive place-based policies to ensure the survival—indeed flourishing—of many of the regional communities affected by the inevitable transition away from coal. And if necessary generous financial assistance to the people displaced by the transition.

Shipments of coal, Australia’s second largest export commodity, are tipped to fall sharply if world governments commit to keeping global warming below the target of 2 degrees.

Shipments of coal, Australia’s second largest export commodity, are tipped to fall sharply if world governments commit to keeping global warming below the target of 2 degrees.Credit: Peter Davis

Under no circumstances should any deal include a $250 billion bailout of the owners of stranded coal assets. That would be straight-out theft from the pockets of taxpayers, delivered into the hands of investors who took a punt with their eyes wide open. They wanted the upside of exposure to coal assets – and they can live with the downside that comes from betting on a losing technology that has failed in a competitive global marketplace.

Now, you might ask who on earth would propose such an outrageous piece of corporate welfare. The answer, incredibly, is none other than Australia’s Resources Minister, Keith Pitt. It’s shocking this even needs to be said, but to be clear: not only would this be a massive waste of taxpayer funds, it would represent perhaps the strongest rebuke of economic liberalism in the history of this country. The minister might counter we’d merely be “lender of last resort” to the industry – but what do you think happens to the lender of last resort when the sector goes belly up?

At the very heart of capitalism is the fact that capital owners get paid according to how useful their capital is in creating value. This also means getting paid according to the risk they bear. Those risks take many forms. Competitors might develop a better product. Your management team might not execute well. Or, yes, you might bet on the wrong technology. As they say in the classics, “You pays your money and you takes your chances.”

It’s important to understand what’s happening in capital markets today. Lenders and investors aren’t climate warriors. They aren’t acting out of some bleeding-heart desire to save the planet. They simply understand what the Nationals seem not to: the world’s transition to net-zero is inevitable; so, too, is an end to burning (and thus mining) fossil fuels. They won’t lend to or invest in fossil fuels because the sector has no future. No amount of public bailout money will change that.


In that context, who in their right mind would ask taxpayers to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in this dying industry? Capital markets won’t finance these projects because they don’t want to lose massive sums of money. But we’re fine forcing taxpayers to put their hard-earned money into the pot? The financial risks posed are totally unacceptable – and should be unconscionable to the Coalition, which prides itself on prudent financial management.

But that doesn’t mean we should do nothing. It’s important to understand that letting the chips fall where they may for investors doesn’t mean throwing workers on the scrapheap of decarbonisation. It’s absolutely feasible to allow the inevitable transition to proceed as it must, while ensuring workers and small businesses are kept whole.


A large body of careful research has shown how to design “place-based” policies in a way that creates a virtuous cycle of redevelopment in towns and regions shaken by tectonic global forces. These can include tightly targeting tax incentives or subsidies to local residents and small businesses, or boosting the quality of public goods in the area. In some cases, where no other viable development options exist, we should be willing to financially compensate displaced workers to move to where they can be most productive.


While not always first-best policy, even a big investment in regional infrastructure (such as the existing Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund or the proposed inland rail link) is a better option for buying off the Nats than the proposed coal fund. As are investments in regional carbon abatement opportunities such as “soil carbon”, which can generate new income sources for the bush while contributing to the “net” in net zero.

Australia can and will achieve net-zero by 2050. We can and will lead the world in decarbonising our economy. We can and will ensure that many of our fossil-fuel communities adapt and prosper. But handing over a quarter of a trillion dollars to investors who took risks with their eyes wide open should have no place in the transition.

Steven Hamilton is assistant professor of economics at George Washington University in Washington DC, and visiting fellow at the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the ANU. Richard Holden is professor of economics at UNSW Business School and president-elect of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

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