

This was published 2 years ago

Insurer revokes celebrity surgeon’s medical cover, preventing further amputee work

By Charlotte Grieve
This article is part of a series exploring the stories one of Australia’s most celebrated surgeons doesn’t want you to hear.See all 12 stories.

Celebrity surgeon Munjed Al Muderis will be suspended from consulting or operating on patients undergoing his signature osseointegration procedure after his medical insurance was revoked in response to an investigation by this masthead that exposed serious allegations about his practice.

The ban will take effect from October 3 and will last until an investigation by the insurer is completed. Al Muderis will not be able to perform surgery or take calls related to osseointegration but will still be able to perform other surgeries, such as hip and knee replacements.

Patients have been told Munjed Al Muderis’ medical insurance has been revoked.

Patients have been told Munjed Al Muderis’ medical insurance has been revoked.Credit: Facebook

In a letter sent to patients on Wednesday afternoon, Al Muderis, a former NSW Australian of the Year, confirmed the suspension, blaming it on “an inaccurate and damaging story” by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes.

“My sincere apologies for this unexpected intervention. For your information, we are investigating legal action against Nine ... I will keep you updated as this unfolds. Thank you again for your support.”

Earlier in the day, Al Muderis’ colleague and fellow orthopaedic surgeon Mustafa Alttahir sent a letter to patients saying, “My colleagues and I will have to continue the care of osseointegration patients in his absence”.

Osseointegration is a procedure offered to amputees where a titanium rod is inserted into residual bone which protrudes through the skin and connects to a prosthetic limb.

Al Muderis retained crisis communications specialist Peter Wilkinson who confirmed on Wednesday the surgeon had received a notice from his insurer informing him of plans to restrict his work. Wilkinson declined to answer questions.

Alttahir, who passed his Australian Orthopaedic Association fellowship exam in 2018, blamed the media investigation which revealed stories of poor aftercare and high-pressure sales tactics. He expressed concerns about a drop in standards in the absence of Al Muderis’ “wholehearted and unrivalled dedication” to his patients.


“Despite training under Munjed, I am acutely aware of the massive void his absence will leave in the level of care provided to the osseointegration community ... Although we will endeavour to provide patients with uninterrupted support, I have a dejected feeling that our efforts will fall far short of any support Munjed has provided and will continue to provide.”


Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson SC, who has experience in negligence and insurance, would not comment on Al Muderis specifically, but speaking generally said an insurer’s decision to revoke cover is taken “only after a great deal of consideration”.

“It would certainly not be a decision taken lightly or merely on the basis of media reports,” Watson said. “That just does not happen.”

Watson said insurance cancellation was a “very rare” and “extreme measure” and could be in response to a high number of negligence claims against the surgeon.

“A measure taken by an insurer to suspend or revoke coverage is a really dramatic step only taken in the most serious of circumstances, and only after a great deal of consideration. It’s never taken lightly. The practical effect of it is to put the person out of practice.”


Former Alfred hospital plastic surgeon John Anstee, who performed the first osseointegration in Australia, said he had “never heard of anyone having their insurance cancelled”.

“It’s bloody serious ... If you don’t have insurance, you can’t practise in this country,” Anstee said.

The Age, The Herald and 60 Minutes this week revealed the downside of Al Muderis’ osseointegration practice. While many of Al Muderis’ patients have had positive experiences and are fierce supporters of the surgeon, others have experienced a range of complications including chronic infection and pain and claim they felt ignored once they raised concerns with their surgeon.

Alttahir’s note blamed a “few disgruntled patients” for jeopardising the care of more than 1000 success stories. He encouraged patients to write to local parliamentary members or the health minister and join a petition in support of the surgeon.

“We all cannot stand idly by and watch this injustice unfold right before our eyes,” he wrote.

However, Canadian patient Ron Broda, who considers himself a “success story”, said there was a “cult following” around the celebrity surgeon and called for a formal investigation into Al Muderis’ practice.

“I’d like to see the Australian government hold a public inquiry to examine all the records of the OGA to find out what the facts are,” Broda said. “I believe the majority [of procedures] are going to be successful. But what happens to the ones that aren’t? There needs to be consequences for those that aren’t treated fairly and need proper care.”

University of Sydney health law expert Christopher Rudge said all medical insurers have cancellation clauses but it was unusual for them to be used. “In my experience, the insurers tend to stick with doctors who are subject to claims. That’s why they exist.”


Dr Rudge said the media reports may have “triggered” action. “But usually, it’s triggered by some kind of failure of the practitioner to meet their duties [under the policy],” he said.

Al Muderis and Alttahir were contacted for comment.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article quoted sources saying Al Muderis’ insurer was MDA National. However MDA National says Al Muderis was not a member.

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