

This was published 3 months ago

‘Incredible’ first-time footage reveals intimate life of blue whales

By Angus Dalton

An Australian-led citizen science project with a shoestring budget in Timor-Leste has unveiled priceless insights into the lives of blue whales, including first-time footage of a tropical subspecies flirting and a mother nursing her calf.

Scientists know little about how blue whales court, breed and raise their young, complicating the conservation of evolution’s biggest creation.

“We’re seeing reproductive behaviour that has never been recorded, like the nursing mother and calf. This is incredible underwater footage we’ve never seen before,” research lead Associate Professor Karen Edyvane said.

“We also hadn’t seen two adults getting frisky and sexy. But this is what we’re seeing in Timor, and it’s incredible. It’s the perfect place to monitor that behaviour because the whales come really close to shore.”

The videos are part of a 10-year project monitoring pygmy blue whales, a subspecies that grows to 25 metres compared with the 33 metres of its Antarctic cousins.

A tourist captured the nursing footage and contributed it to the project, while a local fisherman trained by Edyvane to operate a second-hand drone filmed whales courting and releasing enormous plumes of faeces into glittering equatorial waters.

These “defecation events” show that the waters north of Australia are crucial feeding grounds as well as nurseries. Such observations are rewriting our understanding of blue whale ecology.


“The general narrative is that they calve and breed in warmer waters, and then go to cooler waters to feed somewhere near the sub Antarctic,” Edyvane, who is linked to Charles Darwin University and the Australian National University, said.

“But they are feeding for months in tropical waters, and it’s linked to these big upwellings we see on the eastern Indonesian archipelago.”

Local fisherman Zacarias da Cunha captured rare footage of blue whale courtship.

Local fisherman Zacarias da Cunha captured rare footage of blue whale courtship.Credit: Karen Edyvane / ‘Baleia no Golfinhu iha Timor-Leste’

Those cold, nutrient-rich upwellings of deep water deliver a smorgasbord of phytoplankton, zooplankton and krill. Disruptions to these upwellings by warming water due to climate change caused sightings of the blue whales to almost vanish for months in 2022.

Mystery surrounding the birth of blue whales is one of the barriers to understanding why they remain endangered, as humpbacks roar back to record numbers after centuries of whaling.

There may be only 10,000 blue whales in the deep. Edyvane’s project has observed 2700 whales over a decade in Timor, an extraordinary number given their rarity. Much of her work takes place in remote coastal villages, where she can hear the breaths of passing whales from bed.

“We don’t have multimillion-model vessels and the latest technology,” she said. “It’s archetypal, barefoot science delivering incredible results.”

Edyvane engages locals, university students and tour operators to underpin the science and contribute to a whale watching industry she hopes could help wean the poverty-stricken country off oil and gas exports, which represent 90 per cent of its income.

Her team wants urgent co-operation from Australia to help Timor build sustainable tourism and implement protections for blue whales from ship strikes, pollution and seismic blasts.

“It’s no use us in Australia having conservation measures to protect these animals if nothing’s happening in Timor.”

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    An earlier version of this story said that Professor Karen Edyvane was linked to Southern Cross University rather than Charles Darwin University.

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