

This was published 7 years ago

How people responded in the 'What type of Aussie are you?' quiz

By Inga Ting

Housing wouldn't define rich and poor, same-sex marriage and voluntary euthanasia would be legal, and every neighbourhood would be a dazzling tapestry of ethnicities and cultures.

That's what Australia would look like if it were ruled by the 300,000 Australians who participated in the quiz "What type of Aussie are you?", which was linked to the Political Personas Project.

Conducted by Fairfax Media in collaboration with the Australian National University and Netherlands-based political research enterprise Kieskompas, the project surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2600 Australians about their politics, social values and lifestyles.

Analysis of these responses revealed seven groups of Australians or "personas", representative of the most common patterns of thinking in Australia.

The "What type of Aussie are you?" quiz on Fairfax Media websites then showed readers how closely they resembled each of the different personas, based on how strongly they agreed or disagreed with 36 statements on politics, society and lifestyle.

Same-sex marriage received overwhelming support from quiz participants, with 78 per cent disagreeing with the statement "Marriage should only be between a man and a woman". Only 14 per cent agreed (7 per cent strongly).

It also garnered the strongest response of any statement. About 67 per cent voted "strongly" , compared with an average of 27 per cent across all statements in the quiz.

Respondents were most united on the benefits of multiculturalism, the right to voluntary euthanasia and the divisive effect of house prices.


Just over 86 per cent agreed with the statement "Multiculturalism is a good thing" (7 per cent disagreed); more than 85 per cent agreed with the statement "Terminally ill people should be able to end their own lives with medical assistance" (7 per cent disagreed); and 80 per cent agreed with the statement "The price of housing is creating a class system in Australia" (9.5 per cent disagreed).

Respondents were most evenly divided on the worth of luxury goods and the efficacy of speed cameras and nightclub lockout laws.

Luxury goods were judged a waste of money by the slimmest of margins (2 percentage points), with 38 per cent disagreeing and 36 per cent agreeing with the statement "I believe that buying luxury goods is wasting money".

Respondents backed speed cameras by a margin of 5 percentage points and opposed lockout laws for nightclubs by 6.5 percentage points.

Just under 45 per cent disagreed and 40 per cent agreed with the statement "Speed cameras do very little to make the roads safer", while 46 per cent disagreed and 39.5 per cent agreed with the statement "Closing nightclubs earlier to reduce alcohol-related violence makes sense".

Overall, people who took the quiz were more likely to be male, younger, university-educated and to live in a capital city.

They were nearly 2.5 times more likely than someone in the general population to match most closely with the Progressive Cosmopolitan tribe, distinguished by its internationalist outlook, love of diversity and progressive social values. Just under 45 per cent of quiz respondents most closely resembled the Cosmo, compared with 18 per cent of the general population.

Active Egalitarians and Ambitious Savers were also heavily over-represented, with quiz respondents nearly twice as likely as someone from the general population to belong to one of these tribes.

Just over 30 per cent of users most closely matched the Egalitarian tribe - distinguished by its strident support for wealth equality and strong social conscience - compared with 18 per cent in the general population.

Savers - who are career-minded and watch their spending - made up 10 per cent of the general population, but 18 per cent of those who completed the interactive.


The most under-represented were Prudent Traditionalists, which account for 30 per cent of the population, but only 10 per cent of people who completed the quiz.

Unimpressed by luxury and not career-oriented, this tribe leans towards conservative values and are the most wary of change of all the groups.

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