By Brian Yatman
Find words of four letters or more. Every word must include the centre letter and each letter is used once only. Find at least one nine-letter word. No colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes or hyphens. No verbs or plural words ending in “s”. Solution list is not exhaustive.
Reference source: Macquarie Dictionary.
Today’s Target: 14 words, average; 15 words, good; 33+ words, excellent.
Yesterday’s Target: abate, abbe, abet, ablate, able, albeit, albite, baba, babe, babel, baht, bail, bait, bale, bate, bath, bathe, beat, belt, beta, bible, bile, bite, blab, blat, bleat, bleb, blithe, habit, HABITABLE, labia, tabla, table.