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Good Weekend letters to the editor: February 3

This story is part of the February 3 edition of Good WeekendSee all 14 stories.

Already Famous


What a treat it was to read about Anne Curtis, the Australian-born TV and film actor who is a megastar in the Philippines but virtually unknown here [January 27]. It’s really a case of on-with-the-show for the woman they call “Asia’s sweetheart” – as anyone who has been to the Philippines would know, images of Anne Curtis are everywhere, promoting her movies, her TV show It’s Showtime, her own brand of cosmetics, as well as fast food. That she is transitioning to dramatic acting, now with a sequel to the slum-set thriller BuyBust, is a reflection of the breadth of her talent.

Chris Brown
Erskineville, NSW

The Reckless Chainsaw Massacre

Tim Elliott’s story [January 27], paints a melancholy picture of a privileged few out-of-touch with humanity’s reliance on nature. Land clearing isn’t just a problem in high-visibility metro areas. It’s a massive issue in rural Australia where it’s far more difficult to police in the absence of main roads and foot traffic. Many people are unaware Australia is the only developed country ranked a global deforestation hotspot. An Australian Conservation Foundation investigation in 2023 uncovered major swathes of land cleared for beef production, possibly in breach of environment laws and putting endangered wildlife at risk. Big agriculture – mostly livestock – is the biggest contributor to deforestation in Australia, more than chainsaw vandals, housing estates or logging. We desperately need stronger laws and enforcement to protect the nature we all rely upon, whether in the city or the country. With Australia’s national environment laws under review, these changes can’t come soon enough.

Bonnie Graham
Dulwich Hill, NSW


Tim Elliott writes that “getting rid of an inconvenient tree is almost a national pastime in Australia”. And what a shame this is. Tree vandalism and tree disputes are indeed rife. As we experience accelerating environmental and climate decline, however, trees are our ally and should be deemed priceless. A few-grand fine, largely unenforced, for removing a tree in this era is highly insufficient. Trees provide clean air, suburban cooling, reduced run-off, and wellbeing benefits to us all. Protecting them is in our best interest. In fact, trees are life.

Amy Hiller
Kew, VIC


Thank you to Tim Elliott for the revelations made in his article. At a time when we need trees more than ever to counter climate change, it is alarming that so many trees are being destroyed with the culprits not being held accountable in any meaningful way. It is also very alarming that the NSW Environment Protection Authority only gets involved if the damage involves the use of pesticides but not herbicides or chainsaws. This inadequacy of the NSW EPA must be urgently rectified.

Adrienne Kabos
Lane Cove, NSW


Tim Elliott’s story highlights the urgent need for authorities (council or police) to take seriously the wanton destruction of our precious trees. The vandalism taking place across our states reeks of abhorrent, selfish and self-entitled behaviour, with no thought to the environment, or the repercussions of the long-term damage to the earth and its habitat. Seeing the photos of Sydney’s Castle Cove should have us all outraged and disgusted. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg. Councils and police have the powers to act, but it seems that it’s all in the too-hard basket. This was a very distressing story, but one that needed to be told.

Judith Caine
Donvale, ViC

Good Food

Good recipe for Pan Bagnat from Julia Busuttil Nishimura [January 27]. I intend having it as a main meal for four, with a serve of hot oven-baked chips.

Susan Munday
Bentleigh East, VIC

Want to chat? We’d love to hear from you. Send your letters to goodweekend@​ Or send us a picture or Instagram one of Good Weekend in your life, using the hashtag #goodweekendmag.

All letters are edited for reasons of clarity, syntax and space.

To read more from Good Weekend magazine, visit our page at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times.

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