

This was published 2 years ago

‘Fundamental flaws’: Former Rio boss takes aim at WA Aboriginal site laws

By Hamish Hastie

Former Rio Tinto chief executive Sam Walsh has joined a group of eminent Australians calling for the WA government to withdraw its Aboriginal cultural heritage bill over concerns it won’t prevent another Juukan Gorge incident.

Mr Walsh has overseen many applications to destroy Aboriginal heritage sites from the mining side during his 25 years at Rio Tinto, including three years as its chief executive and nine years as head of its iron ore division.

Former Rio Tinto chief executive and current Banjima Aboriginal Corporation board member Sam Walsh.

Former Rio Tinto chief executive and current Banjima Aboriginal Corporation board member Sam Walsh.Credit: Robert Shakespeare

However, in his new role on the Pilbara-based Banjima Aboriginal Corporation board, he has taken aim at the new Aboriginal heritage bill’s lack of appeal processes for Traditional Owners

“I think that there is a fundamental flaw … the issue with it for me is we haven’t rectified the problem with the old legislation and the problem was the final call is with the minister,” he said.

“It doesn’t provide an independent appeal which, I think is critical in the process as we saw with Juukan Gorge, a section 18 [application to destroy the site] was approved [by the minister] for that.”

Traditional Owner groups were caught off guard when the bill was introduced to WA parliament earlier this month. It breezed through the Labor-dominated lower house shortly after.

Earlier versions of the legislation included an appeals process, however, in contentious heritage destruction applications lodged by industry, the bill before parliament ultimately puts the decision in the minister’s hands.

That feature is a key criticism of the existing legislation that allowed for the destruction of the 46,000-year-old Juukan rock shelters by Mr Walsh’s former employer.

With a Labor-controlled upper house, the bill was also expected to pass without issue, but Mr Walsh has called on the McGowan government to allow its members to vote with their conscience.


“I’m asking for really a conscience vote on this, I’m asking for the upper house to really consider their obligation to the Traditional Owners that were the custodians of this land for some 60,000 years,” he said.

“This is an important issue for the Australian people.”

Mr Walsh is one of nearly 150 signatories to an open letter to the McGowan government calling for them to halt the passage of the legislation because of a lack of consultation and the decision-making power it imparts on the minister.

Other signatories include former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley, Professor Marcia Langton and Ernie Dingo.

Labor stalwarts, including former WA Premier and Keating government minister Carmen Lawrence and former Fremantle MP and current WA Museum chair Melissa Parke, have also signed the letter.


The letter states the bill breached Australia’s commitments under the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and was now the subject of an early warning and urgent action before the UN committee for the elimination of racial discrimination for their review of the bill.

A recent Senate inquiry into the Juukan Gorge incident in May 2020 found that existing legislation failed and raised concerns about the new legislation.

The inquiry recommended in light of the criticisms of the current and proposed laws the Commonwealth Government should have a role in legislating for minimum cultural heritage protection standards.

After that inquiry, the Commonwealth formed a new Aboriginal heritage alliance to advise on reform of the area and whether nationwide standards can be set for states and territories.

Yamatji Noongar woman and WA Greens Senator Dorinda Cox urged the WA government to hold off on the new legislation until the alliance designs a process for law reform that would genuinely protect Aboriginal heritage.

“If the Western Australian Government were serious about co-designing reformative cultural heritage, then they must adopt this process for establishing a national heritage standard,” she said.

“It would go part of the way in closing the gap for First Nations people in Australia without creating more cultural heritage rubble as we saw with Juukan Gorge.”

Mr Walsh’s relationship with Rio Tinto was strained last year after he claimed he instructed the company seven years earlier to not mine the area where the Juukan rock shelters were located, hours before his successor fronted a parliamentary inquiry into the destruction.

Rio Tinto disputed these claims and said they found no mention of any instructions in a review of Mr Walsh’s emails from 2013 and 2014.

A spokeswoman for WA Aboriginal Affairs minister Stephen Dawson backed the legislation and said it was the most progressive in the country.

“It mandates agreement making with traditional owners, in line with Native Title laws, and allows Aboriginal people to negotiate better outcomes for projects on their lands,” she said.

“The bill also embeds the principles of free, prior and informed consent in its agreement-making processes.

“This bill finally puts Traditional Owners at the heart of decision making about the management and protection of these sites.”

She said the bill incorporated feedback from more than 100 workshops and information sessions attended by more than 1400 people as well as 150 targeted and individual stakeholder meetings and more than 380 submissions.

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