

This was published 3 years ago


Farewell JobKeeper, hello JobKiller: how bosses and workers are encouraged to part ways

The employment bloodbath revealed in Thursday’s Labour Force figures delivers a damning verdict on the government job support programs that replaced JobKeeper. The data reveals the massive scale of lost jobs, shifts and gigs in the states affected by lockdowns.

In total, a staggering 12 per cent of all hours of work has been lost across the NSW economy since May. That is a larger hit than we suffered at the start of the pandemic last year. It is also the largest fall in hours worked in any three-month period since modern records began 40 years ago.

Deserted workplaces in COVID times: many employees are choosing not to go to work and instead take government payments, and employers can benefit with a lower wages bill.

Deserted workplaces in COVID times: many employees are choosing not to go to work and instead take government payments, and employers can benefit with a lower wages bill. Credit: Janie Barrett

In Victoria, hours worked fell by 3 per cent in August. This is a big drop given that the data only covers the first two weeks of August when the sixth Victorian lockdown had barely begun.

It’s worth remembering that compared with last year, this lockdown is on track to deliver a smaller drop in GDP, a smaller fall in consumer spending, and a much smaller hit to business confidence. So how have we managed to lose more jobs in a less severe economic crisis? The answer is that this time we had a different – and much less successful – policy response.

Last time, workers were protected by JobKeeper. This year, under pressure to address the waste in the program, the Commonwealth government replaced JobKeeper with a Disaster Payment for individuals and a patchwork quilt of support programs for businesses delivered in partnership with the states.


These programs have been beset by problems including constant changes, confusing eligibility requirements and slow rollout of support.

But the crucial flaw in the new programs is that they have not replicated the most important feature of JobKeeper. As the Prime Minister himself said, the main benefit of JobKeeper was it maintained “the connection between the employer and the employee and keep[s] people in their jobs even though the business they work for may go into hibernation”.

The new Disaster Payments are delivered directly to individuals rather than being channelled through employers. This dramatically changes the relationship between businesses and their workers.


Under JobKeeper, a business was well advised to keep its employees coming to work as much as possible. After all, their wages were being paid by the government, so why not? But under the new programs, the same business would be better off reducing its wages bill by encouraging workers to stay home and apply for disaster payments. The programs have loose requirements to maintain employee headcounts, but that doesn’t mean businesses can’t cut shifts.


The Labour Force data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests this is precisely what is happening. Employers have been cutting workers’ hours at twice the rate they have been cutting jobs.

The new programs also change the game for workers. Under JobKeeper they had to continue to attend work. But now they qualify for the Disaster Payments more readily if they stay at home.

The August data shows many people have decided they are better off not working. During this lockdown more than 230,000 people stopped seeking work in NSW – the largest labour force exodus in decades.

The fall in the number of people looking for work artificially improved the national unemployment rate which fell to 4.5 per cent – its lowest level since 2008. But this is merely the product of weak employer demand and discouraged workers taking themselves out of the labour force.


That’s the critical difference between JobKeeper and the programs that have replaced it. JobKeeper encouraged the firms and workers to stick together. The new programs encourage them to go their separate ways.

The impact of the new programs has been particularly severe for women. In the past three months, women in NSW were 80 per cent more likely than men to lose their job. In the past month in Victoria, twice as many women were twice as likely to lose their jobs.

Yet data from illion shows that government support is disproportionately going to men. Men are 50 per cent more likely to be receiving a government payment, despite bearing less of the employment hit.

Young people have also been badly affected. The number of young people in jobs fell by 19 per cent in the past three months in NSW. Part of that is because their employers had little incentive to keep them, and part is that many of them were able to collect generous government payments directly without going to work. Across Australia, 134,000 young people have chosen to leave the labour force in the past three months and not look for work.

The federal government deserves credit for putting together the JobKeeper program so quickly in early 2020. Yes, it gave a lot of money to businesses that didn’t need it, but it was also very effective at saving jobs. Critics of the JobKeeper waste need to be mindful of the speed at which it was put together and the uncertainty that prevailed at that time. Overall, it was a success.

But this time is different. The government had the benefit of experience and time. Yet, rather than fixing JobKeeper, it replaced it with an inferior set of support programs.

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