

This was published 10 months ago

Fancy Free-o: Linda Reynolds’ repast with Janet Albrechtsen

By Kishor Napier-Raman

Two days after Federal Court judge Michael Lee found former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann had raped his then colleague Brittany Higgins in a ministerial office, their former boss Linda Reynolds sat down to dinner with The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen at Fremantle Italian joint Vin Populi.

The pair, who played their own side roles in the sad affair, had been at a conference organised by conservative think tank the Institute of Public Affairs out west, along with Lehrmann’s former barrister Steven Whybrow, who told attendees he’d yet to even read Lee’s judgment.

Albrechtsen, a columnist at The Oz, became one of the broadsheet’s go-to correspondents on matters pertaining to Lehrmann and Higgins, occasionally blurring the line between reporter and #MeToo-critical opinionator, and in the process managing to commit one of journalism’s cardinal sins by becoming a part of the ongoing story.

The ACT Supreme Court would find that an inquiry into Lehrmann’s aborted criminal prosecution conducted by Walter Sofronoff, KC, was infected by an apprehension of bias against the territory’s ex-director of public prosecutions Shane Drumgold, because of the former Queensland judge’s excessive contact – 273 phone interactions – with Albrechtsen.

Reynolds, meanwhile, is suing Higgins and Higgins’ partner, David Sharaz, for defamation over social media posts made by the pair. After last week’s judgment, the former defence minister, backed by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, claimed vindication after Lee shattered the narrative that Reynolds and her staff had been involved in a political cover-up of Higgins’ allegations

In a statement at the weekend, Higgins apologised to Reynolds and former chief-of-staff Fiona Brown, saying that she hoped to resolve their differences.

Former minister Linda Reynolds arrives at the Perth Supreme Court in March for a mediation session with Brittany Higgins, flanked by partner Robert Reid (left) and lawyer Martin Bennett.

Former minister Linda Reynolds arrives at the Perth Supreme Court in March for a mediation session with Brittany Higgins, flanked by partner Robert Reid (left) and lawyer Martin Bennett. Credit: Trevor Collens

But on Sunday, Reynolds said she’d be proceeding to a trial in July unless Higgins agreed that the Morrison government did not try to cover up her allegations.

So no doubt Reynolds and Albrechtsen had much to discuss last week.


“I can confirm that we had dinner at one of Fremantle’s newest restaurants after we both attended a conference nearby,” Reynolds told CBD. “I can also confirm the Western Australian food and wine was amazing!”

Committed to commitments

Wresting a straight answer from a politician can be difficult at budget time, so it was refreshing to hear Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes acknowledge that the Echuca court building could do with a spruce-up.

Visiting the Murray River town for a rare regional sitting of the upper house, senior Liberal MP Georgie Crozier asked what the government was doing to provide safe access to the building, which is smack bang next to the local council chambers.

So did Symes object to the apparent safety concerns of forcing ratepayers to mix with ruffians? No, in fact she agreed.

“It is obvious when you enter the Echuca courthouse that its facilities are not modern and not up to date,” she replied.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes.Credit: AAP

If only there was something – as the relevant minister and local MP – she could do to improve this civic space.

A quick flick through past budget books confirms that eight years ago, back in 2016, Labor committed $1.1 million to provide safe access to the court for victims of family violence as well as a tradesman’s entrance for the local crims.

Two years later, and with the problem unfixed, Labor then committed another $5 million to again “improve the safety, security and operation” of Echuca court. Terrific stuff. Still hasn’t been done though.


So is this a case of a “non-core promises”, a term John Howard used to wriggle out of commitments made during the 1996 election campaign?

According to Symes, no, it’s just been, well, “difficult”.

Is the government still committed to its commitments? Hard to say, but that was the promise Education Minister Ben Carroll gave on Saturday when asked about anticipated delays to school upgrades that insiders say will struggle to progress in this term of government.

Being “categorically clear”, Carroll said, “all of our education commitments will be committed to”. Well, we are categorically grateful for that.


While we’re in border country, a peek over the Murray brings a familiar tale of a post-politics path. Following much speculation, former NSW deputy Liberal leader Stuart Ayres, who lost his seat at last year’s state election, has been appointed chief executive of the Urban Development Institute of Australia’s NSW branch.

That’s an industry group representing property developers.

So what of Ayres’ partner, former senator and foreign minister Marise Payne? Well, Payne has recently landed a gig as a senior adviser at former treasurer Joe Hockey’s strategic advisory firm, Bondi Partners.

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