

This was published 6 years ago

Dicey Topics: Immunology professor Ian Frazer talks sex, death and bodies

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given.

This week, he talks with Ian Frazer. The 65-year-old Scottish-born clinical immunology professor helped develop the human papilloma virus vaccine, which works to prevent cervical cancer. He was Australian of the Year in 2006.


When you developed the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, it was met with resistance from some people, who argued it could promote promiscuity among young women. How did you respond?

I don't think any vaccine is likely to increase people's sexual activity! They can work that out for themselves.

Having a vaccine to prevent some of the complications of sexual activity – including the virus that can promote cancer development – is a worthwhile enterprise.

Much of your work has involved examining the adverse consequences of sex. Has that changed how you think about sex personally?

Maybe I was just a very conservative individual, but I didn't think about sex too much until I was in a stable relationship.

Professor Ian Frazer.

Professor Ian Frazer.Credit: Paul Harris

But working with men who had sex with men – back in the 1980s, when HIV was becoming a problem – you really learnt there was a huge diversity of sexual activity out there in the community, and that quite a lot of it never got talked about in public. There's no doubt that helped the spread of the HIV virus.


To clarify, you mean a fear of talking about the variations of sexual practices helped spread HIV?

Absolutely. We sort of hide it under a bushel. Yet if you go back to Roman and Greek times, there's all sorts of sexual activity. Group orgasms and same-sex activity were the norm rather than the exception, at least among those who were wealthy enough to be able to think about these things.

How did you discuss and teach your three adult sons about sex? Were you comfortable with that task?

I don't think any parent is comfortable with the task. You just have to get on and do it. I don't know if I did it particularly well …

What makes you say that? I don't think anybody knows exactly how to tackle these issues.

You just have to feel your way through it. But everybody does it and you might as well get on and talk about it, rather than concealing things. Leaving people to find out for themselves is a recipe for disaster.


How does your work make you reflect on death?

What we really want to do is worry less about death and more about the way we die. Most of what I think is important in health and medical research is making sure we have a healthy life while we're alive, and accepting that inevitably we will die at some time.

You focus on the word "inevitably". For many people, that inevitability is terrifying. Are you afraid of death?

Not now, I'm not. When I was younger, I was.

What changed?

I guess just maturity. When I was young, death was something nobody talked about. You hushed it up and kept it in the back room. As medical students we were never really taught how to deal with death, because it was going to be a difficult conversation. Now I realise that was a mistake. Being able to openly talk about death with somebody who's got a fatal illness helps them to get through the problems they're going to have to cope with.

How do you start a conversation like that?

Most people, when they have a serious illness, realise it's serious. What they really want to know is what that means. The question might be, "How long have I got?" We are probably more open about death in society now, and that's reflected in the way doctors talk about it with patients.

Where do you stand on assisted dying?

I'm supportive of the concept of voluntary euthanasia, with appropriate checks to make sure the person is rational enough to make a decision. We don't want to hasten death, but we don't wish to non-productively prolong life where there's nothing that can be gained from that life. The real problem is with people who aren't able to make that decision. Life is paramount, so we have to look after them as best we can.


Tell me something about my body that would surprise me.

The number of bacteria you carry around with you outnumber the number of your cells, 10 to one.

So where do I begin and where do I cease to be me?

Well, most bacteria help you stay healthy. They help you digest your food. They help protect your skin against nasty bacteria that would take the place of the nice ones if the nice ones weren't there. Without them, you wouldn't be around. When it comes to death, they'll be the things that start digesting us and getting rid of us. Recycling us.

What mystery of the human body would you most love to crack?

How our brain works. Every other organ in the body, we can say it's there for this purpose, this is how it works. But when it comes to understanding brains – thinking, consciousness, what we actually are – we are really struggling. We know what the physical components of our brain are, and in some sense we know what the wiring diagram of the brain is. But how that makes us into a person, what goes wrong when we have a mental illness, and why our brain fails at the end of the day. We don't really understand any of that.

Are you struck more by the resilience of the human body or its fragility?

Individuals are fragile, but it's amazing just how resilient the human race is. It doesn't matter what the environment throws at it, it seems to survive. We have to remember, however, that civilisations come and go. Eventually, civilisations become fragile, too.

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