

This was published 3 years ago


Cities, the magnets of civilisation, have lost their pulling power

Maybe it is Australia’s ageing workforce that has made working from home so welcome as the new normal. All that effort on overcrowded public transport, with stiffening limbs and uncertain balance, is no longer necessary. For the mums and dads, sitting angry and alone in traffic, wasting time that could otherwise be spent supervising homework or footy practice, working from home is also a mostly welcome refuge.

Yes, COVID-19 is changing everything, but it will change cities the most. For white-collar service economies such as Australia’s, the future of cities has never looked so bleak. The world is hell-bent on de-concentrating, and cities may be its first victims.

Deserted city streets ... we need to give them a new allure.

Deserted city streets ... we need to give them a new allure. Credit: Getty

As CT Group’s latest insight trackers’ survey finds, about a third of Australians, British and Americans believe their working lives have permanently changed. Less than half of Australians have returned full time to the office and, even with a vaccine, don’t intend to do so. There is no good news in this for cities. Yet, as elsewhere, Australia’s cities have been the engine rooms of modern growth; we must reinvent them for a post-COVID world or pay an enormous price.

Ever visited a city that didn’t boast grunge (Canberra does not count)? The grungier the city, the more people want to live in it. Melbourne, take heed. You are far too pleasant. Then there’s the street jostling, badly behaved crowds, huge inequalities, hustlers and more than the occasional rat. This is the nature of cities; it brings them their vibrancy, their creativity, their tension, their crime rates. It also brings great art galleries, theatres, public spaces, ideas and other marvels. It makes them the magnets of civilisation.

People like cities; it’s just that now, they need to be different.


For these reasons, great powers arose only with the growth of cities. Democracy was born from the advent of cities. Ideas have thrived in cities. Starving artists lived in the garrets of city townhouses, along with the down and out, not in gentle country towns where everyone knew each other.

Cities are first and foremost marketplaces where goods, services and ideas are traded in the mysterious way of Adam Smith’s invisible hand. Where risk stands on every corner, ready to steal your last dollar or to be embraced, or neatly sidestepped. Where people can be lost and reborn as who they want to be.

As white-collar workers slash their commuting days into our cities, so the street stalls, dry-cleaners, nail bars and ancillary services will wither or die, along with office block towers and what is left of retail. Beggars will lose their livings, chefs their diners, streets their decorations.


The geography of Sydney will ensure the retreat to the suburbs only enhances its tribalism. Melbourne’s 20-year investment in residential high-rise is in for a serious reassessment.

As a long-time sufferer of Zoom, Skype, Teams and whatever other video-conferencing apps there are, I am happy to testify against their contribution to intellectualism. What’s more, as smokers and attendees at the water-cooler will attest, there are so many coincidental conversations at work that enrich our lives.

So, just as the pandemic has been the opportunity for governments to shine (who'd ever had thought Brad Hazzard and Kerry Chant could be beloved household names), it is now the chance for our cities. The laziness of Australian cities, where commuters paved the streets with gold, needs to be replaced with a hunger to remake them as they began: as those magnets for civilisation, for originality, diversity and difference.

At the risk of being banal, the shopping offerings could change. Leave the franchise stores to the suburban Westfields, surrounded by parking. Give people a reason to leave the comforts of the suburbs and visit the city. Libraries, small bars, parks and sculpture gardens, and streets that are wonderful to be in.

I am no planning expert. These are merely suggestions for lord mayors and town planners. But we need to revive our cities or we will be lost in a convenient loneliness of our own making. The great force of human congregation cannot be allowed to fade into nothingness. As Aristotle of Athens observed, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. He could have been speaking of the power of cities.

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