

This was published 2 years ago

Carnegie and Singo split up for good

By Samantha Hutchinson and Stephen Brook

Local investment community fixture Mark Carnegie made waves earlier this week revealing he had swapped Sydney (via New Zealand) for the more crypto-friendly climes of Singapore where he has domiciled a new, listed crypto investor called MHC Digital Co.

It’s not the only relocation on the cards. After more than a decade as a mainstay of ad-man John Singleton’s resort-style commercial space off Paddington’s Underwood Street, Carnegie’s signature asset management firm is also looking for new digs. Its lease at Underwood is up in February and Singo is refusing to renew.

John Singleton and Mark Carnegie in happier times.

John Singleton and Mark Carnegie in happier times. Credit: Peter Morris

Turns out the relationship between the pair first introduced by convicted fraudster and former Herald owner Conrad Black – no joke has reached the end of line after an almost 40-year association.

“He’s being evicted as soon as his lease is up,” Singo told CBD in singularly blunt fashion on Wednesday of the relationship with Carnegie. “I said to him ‘I no longer want an association with you’ and ‘I find you unnecessary and unpleasant’.”

Singo “personally stopped talking to [Carnegie] ten years ago” but has contact with the investor since as he has sought to unwind investments and a relationship in which Carnegie once held power of attorney for the veteran ad man. So what happened?

As it turns out, Carnegie’s fee schedule with Singo was remarkably similar to his new MH Digital Co venture where investors will be charged a 2 per cent management fee in addition to a stonking 20 per cent performance fee on returns above (a rather uninspiring) 6 per cent.

After decades shelling out, it’s worn thin. The pair had success with ventures including Pleasure State lingerie and Lonely Planet, and plenty of failures – all of which Carnegie was able to charge the 2 per cent management fee for. “He won when I won and when I lost, he still won,” the ad sales veteran said.

Carnegie was more restrained in response: “John and I have spent many years as friends and partners and made a lot of money together.

Now, it seems he wants to go a different way. I prefer to remember the good times -both business and personal - and so I’m going to refrain from any comment about the changes that he is making other than to say that I hope he continues to do well.”



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Say hello to Alexander Downer, British TV star! Our longest serving foreign minister, who was also our high commissioner in London for four years until he was replaced by George Brandis, has been hired by GB News – the right wing UK news channel which had a rocky launch this year. Downer has been hired by GB News boss Angelos Frangopoulos, who ran Sky News Australia for two decades. The D-man will start contributing as an international relations analyst in the new year.

This year Downer proved a dab hand at the punchy sound bite, telling Sky News that former prime ministers Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd needed to (and we are paraphrasing here) get over it. “It looks as though they’re bitter about their own demise from power, and they’re … playing out some sort of act of vengeance,” he told Sky News.

Be like Julia Gillard, John Howard and Robert Menzies, he urged.

In April, he opined that it was a “bloody outrage” that Aussie citizens had to pay about $10,000 to return home.

Last year, he was appointed to assist the government of the British Overseas Territory Gibraltar in its free trade negotiations with Australia.

Other notches on Downer’s belt include chair of Britain’s Policy Exchange think tank, executive chair of the King’s College International School for Government, and chair of London’s Royal Over-Seas League club.

Downer is also principal at Tenjin Consulting, the London- and Melbourne-based firm he runs with his daughter Georgina Downer. It looks like the pair’s international relations Geopod podcast proved the perfect training for GB News.

In media news closer to home, CBD hears that former Sydney Morning Herald editor Lisa Davies is being lined up to be the next boss of wire service AAP.


Such is the nature of the real estate market, a certain world weariness can be forgiven among the neatly suited folk agents who supervise open inspection.

It is fair to say that the real estate agents didn’t know what to make of the bizarre happenings that unfolded at a West Brunswick property in Melbourne on Monday.

The property is the last known address of Tristian Koenig, an art dealer and gallery owner whose shoddy treatment of emerging artists was detailed in these pages on Saturday. Koenig is said to owe a succession of contemporary painters money and unreturned works.

After reading in the Herald that some of their missing work was hanging inside Koenig’s four-bedroom fixer upper, two artists decided to take matters – and paintings – into their own hands.

Elyss McCleary, a Melbourne artist who made a statement to police about Koenig’s failure to return five of her paintings, attended the open for inspection and pulled two of her works off the living room walls.

Benjamin Barretto, who lives in Perth, sent a friend around to reclaim a painting he hadn’t seen for five years. It was found hanging in an upstairs bedroom.

Both artists say they are owed money by the rogue gallerist. But spare a thought for Liam Carrington, the young real estate agent on duty for the open for inspection.

“We deal with a lot of people’s sensitive topics as to why they are selling,” Carrington says. “We see a lot of things, we hear a lot of things, we deal with a lot of personalities. But this is definitely the first instance of art walking out the front door.”

The property is still on the market, guide price $1.3 million.

Helpfully for all involved, the situation was explained to Carrington by a regular reader of The Age who, as luck would have it, was also inspecting the property that night.

“I was standing with a buyer who had read the article and he said ‘mate, this all checks out, this is probably their art work’.”

CBD suspects the prospective buyer may have been Justin Denholm, an infectious disease expert and the author of this delightful Tweet published on the night of the opening: “Best open house/art heist I’ve ever been to!”


Federal MP Jason Wood endured an uncomfortable blast of public scrutiny two years ago after planning a $750-a-head cocktail party at Melbourne’s invite-only Candela Nuevo club. The event, which included Chisholm MP Gladys Liu as a celebrity auctioneer, drew criticism for potentially breaching ministerial standards.

Labor MPs pointed the finger at the member for the marginal Victorian seat of La Trobe after he registered his fundraising vehicle – the Pinnacle Club, an entity associated with the Liberal Party – to the same address as his electorate office.

A potential misuse of public resources, they said. In the end the fundraiser was delayed.

According to ministerial guidelines which applied to the assistant minister, “staff are provided with resources and facilities at public expense for the effective conduct of public business”. In other words, MPs can’t use electorate resources to aid their fundraising activities.

At the time Wood rejected any breach of the standards arguing: “It is not unusual for employees to provide their work contact details so that they can be reached during business hours for activities outside of their usual hours of work.”

It looks like you can’t teach a nervous backbench MP new tricks. An advertisement for the Pinnacle Club’s latest money-spinner set off alarm bells when some party members observed it listed Wood’s parliamentary media adviser Clinton O’Farrell as a contact.


Was Wood using parliamentary resources for fundraising? Not so, O’Farrell initially told CBD – before realising a correction was in order.

“Fundraising for the Pinnacle Club is undertaken outside of work hours, using a personal mobile phone,” he said – with an almighty “but”.

“On this occasion, a thank you note was sent to stakeholders for their support on a weekday morning. We accept this should have occurred outside of work hours and will ensure this happens in the future.”

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