

This was published 6 months ago

Boss of ‘doping Olympics’ on a crusade against evil

By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman

Aron D’Souza seems like an ambitious and enterprising young chap. The Australian-born, Oxford-educated businessman is the man behind big tech’s latest nihilistic side-hustle that nobody needed: the Enhanced Games, or “the Olympics but with doping”. Well, officially permitted doping.

So far, it’s been a success, at least in grabbing media attention, with Australian Olympic swimmer James Magnussen promising to “juice to the gills” for the competition.

Enhanced Games president Aron D’Souza.

Enhanced Games president Aron D’Souza.

D’Souza’s former business partner, billionaire Republican mega-donor Peter Thiel, is helping bankroll the venture and D’Souza has also appeared in this masthead challenging International Olympic Committee member John Coates to a debate. Coates respectfully declined.

Well before the recent spurt of media interest, D’Souza, described by Open AI boss Sam Altman as “ruthlessly ambitious”, had been evangelising on the gospel of performance-enhancing drugs. Announcing the launch of the Enhanced Games, he was suitably grandiose last year.

“I’ve spent my life fighting corruption and evil. I’m pleased to announce my next battle: the International Olympic Committee,” he said.


Fighting corruption and evil – what does he mean? Maybe he means his role as the mysterious “Mr A” – the mastermind behind Thiel’s successful destruction of online news sheet Gawker.

At D’Souza’s urging, Thiel spent around US$10 million on litigation, including a privacy lawsuit brought by former professional wrestling champ Hulk Hogan, with the eventual US$140 million payout driving the website to bankruptcy.

We’re not sure a thin-skinned billionaire suing a media company into oblivion – even if Gawker could be a little tawdry around the edges – constitutes a clear-cut triumph of good over evil.


We went picking through the rest of D’Souza’s CV for more examples of moral crusades, and instead found the remnants of forgotten business ventures. In 2015, along with local entrepreneur Phillip Kingston, our man founded superannuation fintech outfit Sargon Capital, which soon enlisted former Labor communications minister Stephen Conroy and ex-Crown Resorts boss Rob Rankin to its board, and counted Thiel as an early investor.

Billionaire Peter Thiel

Billionaire Peter ThielCredit: Bloomberg

D’Souza departed Sargon in 2019, a year before the company’s spectacular immolation, and later took Kingston to the Victorian Supreme Court over $27 million he was allegedly owed for having sold his stake. The action was struck out with consent in October 2021.

But D’Souza is still being drawn into ongoing litigation surrounding Sargon’s collapse – last year, the Federal Court issued him with a summons relating to a case brought by the firm’s liquidators against its creditors.

As for D’Souza’s more philanthropic endeavours, starting the Nexus Australia Youth Summit, well there hasn’t been one of those since 2022. Whatever it all is, it’s hardly fighting corruption and evil.


Staying with the perks of high office for a moment, CBD often has occasion to remind the masses of some of the freebies enjoyed by their elected representatives, so a refusal of a freebie by a federal parliamentarian caught our eye.


Dan Repacholi, the imposing Labor MP for Hunter, has filed a delightful update to his parliamentary register of interests.

“Received a complimentary streaming subscription from CEO Paul Whittaker on February 6,” Repacholi wrote. “Didn’t take up the offer.”

Now you might not be surprised that a Labor MP, one who got into parliament with the support of conservative Australia’s nightmare, the CFMEU, might be uninterested in the right-wing ranting that makes up so much of Sky’s output.

But people can surprise you, so we called Dan to check. Turns out he already has Sky News through Foxtel at his electorate office and parliamentary office as well as at home, so the refusal of the freebie was no snub to Whittaker.

A Sky spokesperson told us that every federal parliamentarian had been offered a free pass, valid until the end of the year, so they could “stream Australia’s best political news coverage live and on the go”.


Qantas’ secretive Chairman’s Lounge, where the country’s movers and shakers go to spend a few minutes away from the airport hellscape, has provided CBD with no shortage of content.

Despite the airline’s best efforts to never say a word about the lounge, controversy around Qantas’ provision of lounge membership to Anthony Albanese’s son has led to a bit more transparency from some public departments about their relationship with the airline.


Which is how, through documents released under freedom-of-information, CBD got hold of a membership form for the Chairman’s Lounge. A pretty standard bit of paperwork, although one section did give us an insight into the interests of Australia’s power players.

In the personal information part, there’s a line which asks for the nominee’s interests, with the examples listed as “AFL-specify club, Theatre, Rugby, Arts”.

But before followers of league, rugby union or roundball cry foul, the people over at the Flying Kangaroo reckon it’s just a standard question they’d ask of any members of the airline’s loyalty club – of which the Chairman’s Lounge might be said to a sub-species – described in the game as a data-point to allow targeted marketing.

But we’re still not sure who made footy the king of the lounge.

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