

This was published 2 years ago


Border reopening a chance to reset immigration program

Next week Australia’s borders will reopen to migrants and other visa-holders for the first time in nearly two years. We should welcome them back. But we should also use this restart as a historic opportunity to reset our immigration program.

Not everybody wants to fling open the migration doors after COVID-19. In fact, about 58 per cent of us believe our immigration intake should be cut back below pre-pandemic levels. This reluctance may be due in part to the experience of the pandemic. For the past 18 months, Australia has had virtually no migrants. At the same time, we have had a strong rebound in employment, record numbers of young people in work and the beginnings of long-awaited wages growth.

Most Australians want lower immigration levels when our borders reopen.

Most Australians want lower immigration levels when our borders reopen.Credit: Brook Mitchell

Unemployment in regional areas is lower than it’s been for many years as farmers scour the market for local workers to fill places usually taken by people from overseas. It’s the same story in supermarkets, cafes, hospitality venues and professional firms.

Wages for professional, scientific and technical jobs are up 3.4 per cent over the year to September – the fastest rate of growth since 2012. Jobs in accommodation, food services, retail and administration are all enjoying strengthening wages growth.

You can understand why people might conclude that these strong labour market outcomes are thanks to our closed borders and low immigration. But that would be the wrong lesson to draw from COVID-19. For one thing, strong post-pandemic employment and wage outcomes are the consequence of a lot factors including massive government spending and record low interest rates.

It’s also important to remember that migrants don’t just take jobs, they also create jobs. Think of the foreign students who flock to Australia’s universities each year. Under the conditions of their visas, they can work for about 20 hours a week. But they also create more than 35 hours of work for other Australians through their spending on education, living expenses and tax payments. So the migration of foreign students to Australia creates more job opportunities overall for Australian workers.

Cuban men play dominoes in Miami, Florida.

Cuban men play dominoes in Miami, Florida.Credit: iStock

Last month the American economist David Card received the Nobel prize in economics for, among other things, using data from a previous crisis to show that immigration doesn’t hurt wages and employment in the host country. Card studied the impact of the mass migration of more than 125,000 Cubans to cities in Florida in 1980, in what is known as the Mariel Boat Lift. By demonstrating that the cities that took in more Mariel migrants had just as strong wages and employment as those that took in less, Card showed that immigrants deliver economic benefits to their new home country.

Of course, we can, and should, continuously tailor our migrant intake to maximise these economic benefits for Australia. And the closure of borders creates an historic opportunity to rethink and reset our immigration program for the future.


For one thing, we need to ensure that we are attracting the most economically valuable migrants to Australia. These are young, employable, skilled and single – let’s call them YESS migrants. These migrants are valuable because they are likely to be in work and less likely to be on welfare, they are most likely to be filling an existing business need and less likely to be coming with a spouse who is statistically less likely to work.

If immigration is too concentrated among low-skill workers, it can create extra competition and put downward pressure on wages for lower skill jobs. YESS migrants tend to support higher wages by sharing their skills with their co-workers and creating more demand for low skill jobs.

YESS migrants power our economy forward.

YESS migrants power our economy forward.Credit: Andrew Quilty

These are all generalisations, of course, and there are plenty of exceptions. That’s part of the reason why we need to continue a strong humanitarian and family program. But on average, YESS migrants are the ones that power our economy forward. We should be building on Australia’s relative success in the pandemic to appeal to high-value YESS migrants from around the world.

We also need to make sure that we complement our migration program with strong workplace laws to ensure that migrants aren’t exploited by unscrupulous employers.

Policies to eradicate sham contracting, eliminate wage theft and strengthen protections for casual and marginal workers can help protect vulnerable migrants. These policies will also help ensure that immigrant labour isn’t used to undermine wages and conditions across the economy.


We also need to support the communities that accept a larger share of migrants to ensure that their growth doesn’t result in strained infrastructure, insufficient jobs, traffic congestion and other problems.

If immigration is focused on YESS migrants, and well managed with complementary policies to ensure that migrants and the broader community are well supported, it can absolutely be a net positive for Australia. The benefits will extend well beyond pure economics into our culture and communities.

Australia has a history of strong immigration. As the pandemic ends, we need to reopen our borders to immigrants, but with a migration program set up for success.

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