

Blue detective: Celebrity cop’s ‘unforgivable’ calls on duty

By Noel Towell, Kishor Napier-Raman and Michael Koziol

Celebrity homicide cop Gary Jubelin is doing a brisk trade with his books and podcasts, but CBD worries that the former detective might be getting just that little bit too comfortable on his preferred audio format, with his latest outing straying way beyond what might be considered professional.

Jubelin posted audio to his socials of him interviewing his former life partner – and fellow former senior NSW Police detective Pam Young, who knows more than most about unsolved homicide. Her 2015 ABC interview in which she alleged political interference in the investigation of US national Scott Johnson’s death caused internal fallout among police.

Good at cleaning the house: Gary Jubelin.

Good at cleaning the house: Gary Jubelin.Credit: Peter Rae

We digress. Young was kind enough in the latest interview to tell her ex that he was a “passionate and generous” lover who was also very good at cleaning the house.

But, Young added, “every time we were having sex, your phone would ring, which you can understand, busy cases, on call and all of that .

“It was the fact that you answered it, Jubelin, and that is unforgivable and disrespectful and very disappointing.”

Fair to say that listeners tuning in for the true crime might have got more than they bargained for there.


We love an email fail here at CBD, and federal Labor backbenchers Lisa Chesters and Sam Rae served us up a half-decent one on Thursday morning.

The two Victorians, co-convenors of Labor’s caucus campaign committee, are hosting an online get-together of the parliamentary comrades to swap tips on how best to spruik Team Albo’s women’s policy announcements.


For those living under a rock, Labor reckons it’s on to a winner here, not least because of the Coalition’s much vaunted “woman problem”.

Labor MP Lisa Chesters.

Labor MP Lisa Chesters.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“This session will focus on why our women’s agenda is everyone’s business and how best to engage women in your electorate,” the invitation to all Labor’s MPs and senators read.

Trouble was, somebody went and sent it to all MPs. Libs, Nats, Greens, teals, the works.

A good thing the email invite didn’t divulge any official ALP trade secrets, but it did occur to us that there are plenty of denizens of the big house desperately in need of a crash course in women’s issues.

Rae told us he hadn’t had any inquiries yet. But we’re ruling nothing out, not in that place.

Morrison’s not member material

You’ve got to feel for Scott Morrison. First, his Sutherland Shire farewell to politics was “postponed” amid a dearth of RSVPs. Then sales of his book, Plans For Your Good, tanked. Now the former prime minister has been dealt a fresh injustice.

It was late 2022 when our friends at The Australian Financial Review brought news that Morrison had applied for membership of Sydney’s ultra-exclusive Australian Club. He was evidently unfazed by the bad press the club received the year before when its all-male members voted against allowing women to join. Yes, in the year 2021. Anno Domini.

PM30 was put forward for consideration by Liberal luminaries John Howard and Bruce Baird, the latter ScoMo’s predecessor in the seat of Cook.

Then there was radio silence, until Thursday when we were surprised to learn the men of the Australian Club have opted not to admit Morrison to their number.

Unlike past Liberal PMs, Scott Morrison hasn’t yet been let into the Australian Club.

Unlike past Liberal PMs, Scott Morrison hasn’t yet been let into the Australian Club.Credit: John Shakespeare

Initially, CBD’s spies said in no uncertain terms the ex-PM had been rejected. The message was later finessed: his application had simply been deferred, potentially for years. Oh, well – it’s not a race.

As for the reasons behind Morrison’s misfortune, apparently that whole “multiple ministries” unpleasantness didn’t help.

When CBD contacted club secretary Michael Solomons, he reminded us: “The Australian Club has a policy that it does not comment on membership nominations.”

Indeed, the Australian Club is not known for being forthcoming, and it’s tough to get a straight answer out of anyone there, so Morrison might fit right in. He chose not to respond to our inquiries. Howard didn’t return calls and Baird declined to comment.

Former prime minister John Howard was a co-sponsor of Scott Morrison’s unsuccessful bid to join the club.

Former prime minister John Howard was a co-sponsor of Scott Morrison’s unsuccessful bid to join the club.Credit: Wolter Peeters

But it’s not like the club doors are closed to everyone. Another former PM, Tony Abbott, has gained membership, as has federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. Indeed, the last Liberal figure we can recall being denied membership was former NSW state minister Don Harwin.

Of course, there’s another Liberal prime minister lurking in the Australian Club’s ranks: Malcolm Turnbull. He had no more insight into Morrison’s fate, either, nor an update on efforts to allow women to become members.

But a recent Australian Club inductee, who didn’t want to be identified for fear of jeopardising his spot, thought the institution’s treatment of ScoMo was a bit rough. “As a former PM, that is surely a good enough track record to become a member,” he said.

You’d think so, right?


Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest person, art lover, and dear friend of the column, leads a charmed life. We were half expecting the billionaire mining magnate, whose generosity towards Australian swimming has earned her a cult-like devotion among some of her Paris-bound beneficiaries, to show up poolside in Brisbane for the Olympic trials.


Instead, on Wednesday evening, Rinehart was spotted disembarking her private jet at Sydney airport, hair still in curlers. She was then whisked away to the Blue Angel restaurant in Darlinghurst, a power-dining favourite famed for its giant tanks of live lobster (which go for $170 a kilo).

As for Rinehart’s dinner guests, the party included Nationals senator Matt Canavan, about as ardent a fan of the mining sector as our federal parliament has ever seen. We’re sure they had much in common.

As for the swimmers, there’s still a chance that Rinehart might show up in Brisbane this weekend for the team announcement. We’ll keep you posted.

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