

This was published 2 years ago

Behind the scenes with cartoonist Cathy Wilcox

By Cathy Wilcox

I’ve been drawing cartoons for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age since 1989. I began drawing pocket cartoons for sections, then I moved into the news pages, then the bigger editorial spot, usually to fill in for one of the esteemed masters of the craft such as Alan Moir, Jenny Coopes, Les Tanner or Michael Leunig. Now I draw editorial cartoons four days a week - sufficiently immersive but with a chance to recover on weekends!

Cartoonist Cathy Wilcox at her home studio.

Cartoonist Cathy Wilcox at her home studio.Credit: Rhett Wyman

My main responsibility is keeping up with the news. I can get away with walking in “fresh” occasionally, but for the most part I need to follow what’s going on so I have plenty of material to work with. News moves fast - especially with social media and a 24-hour news cycle - so catching the arc of a story and predicting where it’s going is as important as examining any single event.

While I don’t have the same obligation as a journalist to be ‘factual’ - to have all the names and figures to hand - my cartoons need to be founded in truth. It might be what I think lies beneath the political spin, or stretching someone’s proposition to its logical extreme to expose an absurdity, but if it doesn’t ring true, it probably fails as a cartoon. If I have doubts about this - about whether my idea conveys what I want it to say, and ‘works’ - I might run it by a trusted critic, such as a colleague, friend or family member. But working from home as I do these days, I’m fairly used to relying on my own judgment, or that of my dog. My dog Tilly, by the way, is very helpful, as she gets me out walking every day, and many a good idea occurs on a walk!

Cathy Wilcox won the Vince O’Farrell award for outstanding illustration/cartoon at the 2021 Kennedy Awards for this cartoon published on March 17 last year.

Cathy Wilcox won the Vince O’Farrell award for outstanding illustration/cartoon at the 2021 Kennedy Awards for this cartoon published on March 17 last year.Credit: Cathy Wilcox

I love that cartooning combines so many of my interests: human nature, language, humour, drawing; and also that the subject matter changes all the time. I love, too, that I’m given the freedom to fill that space on the letters page as I see fit. I admit, it took a while to get over the “impostor syndrome”, but having been trusted and allowed to grow in the job is one of the greatest privileges.


As I’ve grown up, so has my world view. While I feel no inclination to embrace a party-political perspective, I can bring my own values and life experience to my work. Environmental issues and the treatment of refugees are perennial. They are politicised and exploited as such, but I think it’s worth bringing them back to their essential human dimension. Politicians trying to get away with things are a boundless resource. I trust that won’t change anytime soon.

My main source of feedback is via Twitter. It’s also a large part of my daily research, to gauge what people are excited/vexed/talking about. Some cartoons capture the zeitgeist, and resonate strongly with people; some land more quietly but still say something that matters. If I end up having to explain a cartoon, then it has probably failed. And last week, I drew one which was accurate when filed, but somewhat out of date by the next morning. Twitter made sure I knew about it!

Cathy Wilcox with dog Tilly.

Cathy Wilcox with dog Tilly.Credit: Rhett Wyman


I’ve been so lucky to see my work published alongside cartoonists I admired since I was young, and I’m now aware of being one of the more “senior” practitioners of my profession. I’m mindful that, in a shrinking field (at least with regard to paid media jobs), there need to be opportunities for “new” cartoonists to be cultivated, seen by a wider audience and allowed to grow in the job.

I’m thrilled that The Age and the Herald have recently trialled some new cartoonists and have chosen two, to draw editorial cartoons on a regular basis. These are Badiucao, a young dissident Chinese-Australian artist, and Megan Herbert, a young Australian artist who had set herself the challenge to draw cartoons every day, to be “match fit” in case an opportunity came along. And it did!

I’m glad there’ll be great, new and diverse voices on the page when it’s time for me to step aside.

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