

This was published 11 months ago


Another Great War? Lest we forget what happens when diplomacy fails

As Australians pause to reflect on the service and sacrifice of the fallen, remembrance of the origins and consequences of the First World War is more important than ever. The profound sense of grief and loss that has endured for over a century since the guns of the Western Front fell silent at 11am on November 11, 1918, gives us pause to ponder the growing likelihood of a great war of our own age, as tensions rise between the United States and China.

Australian infantrymen clamber out of a trench on the Western Front in France on a bayonet charge towards the German lines.

Australian infantrymen clamber out of a trench on the Western Front in France on a bayonet charge towards the German lines.Credit: From the book War

The lessons of the First World War portend serious crisis if we do not adequately prepare for an enduring peace in our own time.

By 1914, Britain had, for several decades, been in a state of gradual but sustained relative decline as a global power, while Germany had been on a remarkable trajectory of growth and expansion.

Germany had established a significant trade surplus with Britain, and German products had come to outcompete British in international markets, particularly in the most critical industries of the era: advanced chemical and metallurgical products, energy generation, transport infrastructure and telecommunications.

The British feared their imminent replacement at the apex of global power by a rising and vigorous German Empire. Germany feared encirclement by Britain and her allies, and particularly that the British would use their naval supremacy to cut off Germany’s access to global markets, and thwart its continued rise.


For years there was every sign that war was approaching, with little done by either side to avert it. When it arrived in 1914, war was met with celebration across Europe. Enthused by the patriotic tones of newspaper editorials and political speeches, Australians volunteered in droves to join Britain and her allies in the fray. By the war’s end, about 10 million soldiers were dead, including 60,000 Australians.

The spontaneous outbursts of joy in 1914 seemed unimaginably macabre just four years later, a sentiment most strikingly captured in the poem Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen, who was killed by German machine gun fire one week before the war ended, in one of the last offensive actions of the conflict.

Far from building the foundations for stability, the conditions of the aftermath of the Great War gave rise to a far worse German regime, and an even bloodier conflict a brief 20 years later.


The dynamics of rising and declining powers, and the blase attitudes of many leaders and political commentators to the growing likelihood of superpower conflict, will be familiar to anyone who has watched closely the developments of the US-China rivalry.


The US has been in relative decline for decades now. America’s share of global GDP, about 50 per cent in the middle of the 20th century, today accounts for about 15 per cent by purchasing power parity, a smaller portion than China’s.

China is now the world’s largest trader, by far the world’s biggest manufacturer, and the global leader in much cutting-edge 21st century technology, including renewable energy, quantum communications, high-speed rail and energy efficient automobiles.

While the US retains a significant military edge, this too is shrinking. In recent years it has scaled back its “two-war doctrine”, the standard established since World War II that the US military should be of a size and capability that it can reliably fight and win two major wars across separate regional theatres. Even in a one-war scenario with China over Taiwan, which most analysts agree is the most likely flashpoint between the two countries, American victory is far from certain.

While heightening tensions have characterised the US-China relationship in recent years, sectors of the American policymaking community are beginning to more prominently articulate the need for serious shift in strategic policy as the nation’s economic and military advantage shrinks. Earlier this year, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft released a major policy paper on the US-China relationship, calling on American leadership to turn away from its zero-sum approach to maintaining regional primacy and towards a policy based on restraint, which would seek to build “a stable, balanced, mutually beneficial form of peaceful coexistence and bounded competition that can sustain global peace and prosperity while effectively addressing the primary threats facing both countries”.


This is far from a pacifist pipedream. Many advocates of restraint are hard-nosed foreign policy realists, former defence officials and military officers. Recent books by Clinton Fernandes and Sam Roggeveen, both with a professional background in Australian national intelligence, have brought much-needed fresh thinking to the task of reconstituting our own foreign and strategic policy to better reflect the realities of a changing region.

Coupling this sort of serious thinking about alternatives to the drift towards a superpowers war with the high-level diplomacy that Anthony Albanese has recently conducted in Washington DC and Beijing gives a measure of hope that we may be coming to terms with the realities of sharing a region with a Chinese superpower.

Remembrance Day is a visceral reminder of what can happen when we fail to forge a system of mutual accommodation, balance and restraint. Lest we forget.

Dr Stuart Rollo is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for International Security Studies, University of Sydney.

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