

This was published 2 years ago

Alcohol harm to bystanders ‘costs Australia $20 billion a year’

By Chloe Booker

More than two-thirds of Australian adults have been adversely affected by someone else’s alcohol consumption, costing the country an estimated $20 billion a year in emergency healthcare, caring and lost productivity.

In a first, researchers have attempted to quantify the financial costs of alcohol-related harm to bystanders, including family, friends and colleagues.

Joanna Macdougall became the only provider for the family and eventually the sole parent of her sons.

Joanna Macdougall became the only provider for the family and eventually the sole parent of her sons.Credit: Chris Hopkins

The study reveals that bystanders bear almost 90 per cent of the costs, with government agencies footing the rest.

Dr Jason Jiang, from La Trobe University’s Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, said the study revealed “the burden to others from drinking is of the same general magnitude as the burden that drinkers impose on themselves and on response agencies serving them”.

“This distinguishes alcohol from tobacco, for instance, where the burden of health harm to the smoker is much greater than the burden of second-hand smoke,” he said.

Joanna Macdougall estimates her ex-husband’s drinking cost her and the community millions of dollars in private-health treatment costs, loss of income and the family home, debt repayments, caring for him and their two sons and loss of quality of life.

“We focus on the person who’s sick and then what happens to all the people that have put up with it for 15 or 20 years?” she said.

“I ended up … having two nervous breakdowns. There’s only so much you can cope with.”


Macdougall and her ex-husband, whom the Sunday Age has decided not to name for privacy reasons, first met in rehab 40 years ago. She stayed sober, while he relapsed.

Macdougall said she struggled as a newly sober young mother, while her ex-husband’s drinking got more and more out of control.

“The minute he relapsed again, that’s when the mental health and the arguing and just everything blew up very quickly,” she said.

Macdougall became the sole provider for the family and eventually the sole parent of their sons.

However, years ago, he stopped drinking and slowly earned her and her now-adult sons’ trust back.

“I’ve just celebrated his 16 years of sobriety,” Macdougall said. “And he’s also got a really good relationship with his children.”

The study, published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, used a survey of 2649 adults and data from government agencies to quantify the cost of alcohol harm to bystanders, including in terms of healthcare, social services, criminal justice, productivity losses and quality of life.

Almost 30 per cent of survey respondents reported spending time caring for drinkers, including cleaning up after them, driving them around and looking after their children. Two per cent reported they had worked extra hours due to a colleague’s drinking.

The researchers multiplied the respondents’ self-reported time spent caring for drinkers by the average hourly wage, and valued the loss of productivity in Australia per year at $2.93 billion. The loss of productivity for workmates was estimated at $415 million.

The study used Australian Bureau of Statistics and state crime agency data showing more than 154,000 alcohol-related violent crimes and tens of thousands of other domestic violence and sexual violence crimes to estimate that they caused $560 million in productivity and healthcare service losses.

A further $1.61 billion was spent on child protection services due to a parent or carer’s drinking.

Individuals spent $130 million on alcohol treatment services, and lost $573 million owing to the time they spent looking for them, while federal government spending on services was $2 million.


The study, titled Beyond the Drinker: Alcohol’s Hidden Costs in 2016 in Australia, found that 22 per cent of all road crash deaths and more than 10 per cent of road crash hospitalisations were caused by drunk drivers. Premature deaths and hospitalisations due to road trauma cost $373 million and $84 million respectively.

The cost of property and belongings damage and other out-of-pocket expenses to bystanders was estimated at $4.72 billion.

The survey results indicated more than two-thirds of Australian adults have been adversely affected by someone else’s drinking and loss to their quality of life was valued at $7.99 billion.

Jiang said the findings made a strong case for government intervention, such as limiting alcohol accessibility, including online sales, through price increases and restrictions in specific areas.

The study was conducted in 2020, using 2016 data – the most recent available at the time. The release of the findings were delayed due to the pandemic.

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