

This was published 3 years ago

Abuse survivors despair as Pell conspiracy breaks cover

By Chip Le Grand and Pat Stringa

At the mention of George Pell, the old man became enraged.

The Italian Monsignor had been sitting quietly beneath the baroque arches of a 17th century dining room, waiting for his guests to arrive for Sunday lunch, when a visiting Australian priest made the mistake of name-dropping the Cardinal.

Bishop Peter J. Elliott says allegations of corrupt interference in the prosecution of George Pell must be investigated.

Bishop Peter J. Elliott says allegations of corrupt interference in the prosecution of George Pell must be investigated.Credit: Jason South

“Pell, what is he doing here?’’ the normally affable Monsignor shouted. “He is imposing your ways on our ways.

“We have our ways of doing things.’’

Peter J. Elliott, an auxiliary bishop from Melbourne who previously worked for 10 years inside the Vatican, says he retreated to his own table without saying a word in response. “I sat down and thought ‘Oh George, you are in trouble.’''

Such was the venom in the Monsignor’s comments, Bishop Elliott made a note of them in his diary: July 5, 2015. He has since become convinced that Pell’s enemies within the Vatican, possibly with the help of the mafia, were the hidden hand in his prosecution and jailing for historical child sex offences.

This conspiracy theory, previously only held to by Cardinal Pell's most ardent supporters, has broken into the open with Italian newspaper reports that 700,000 euros ($1.2 million) in Vatican funds were transferred to Australia to influence witness testimony against Pell.

According to those who subscribe to the theory, this was done not to bring Pell to justice but to throw him nel fango – in the mud – and prevent him from cleaning up the Vatican’s finances and exposing corruption within the church.

“He went into a situation where they were going to fight him and they got him," says Bishop Elliott, now retired. “I believe he was punished. Now it is up to an inquiry to prove it.’’


Chrissie Foster also wants an inquiry.

She lives far removed from the splendour of the Domus Paulus xi, a residence for Catholic clergy in the ancient centre of Rome where Bishop Elliott had his run-in with the now dead Monsignor.

The mother of two daughters who were sexually abused by a Catholic priest known by the church to be a paedophile, Foster says the suggestion implicit in the Italian media reports is deeply offensive and potentially damaging to abuse survivors and should not be left to stand.

“They are saying the witnesses are corrupt. How are you supposed to take that?

Chrissie Foster says the Pell conspiracy theories are offensive to abuse survivors.

Chrissie Foster says the Pell conspiracy theories are offensive to abuse survivors.Credit: Jason South

“It should be investigated to the end to find out where that money went. How do we know it didn’t go into George Pell’s account to pay for his legal bills?

“Follow the money. Get a court order and find out. Don’t just leave it hanging there, to entertain their conspiracy theories.''

Claims of a dark conspiracy against Pell involving crooked Vatican officials, the mob and corrupt actors in Australia have been circulating for at least four years.

Sources familiar with the matter this week said that Pell's legal team considered the possibility of a Vatican plot before he was formally interviewed by Victoria Police in Rome in October 2016.

His legal team considered the claims and decided that, in the absence of any evidence to support them, they could not be put to jury.

Bishop Elliott, a friend of Pell’s, spoke of it publicly in October 2017 at a Sydney Institute event to mark the 500th anniversary of the reformation. Pell had just been charged by police and shortly after the event, Bishop Elliott surprised those still in room by suggesting the mafia had cooked up his legal troubles.

Pell has been more careful. After the High Court quashed his conviction and freed him from jail earlier this year, he said in a Sky News interview that he believed his only accuser who testified at trial, a former choirboy known as J, might have been used.

Did he believe corrupt Vatican officials were behind it? “Most of the senior people in Rome who are in any way sympathetic to financial reform believe that they are,’’ he said. “I don’t have any evidence of that.’’

Cardinal George Pell is interviewed by Andrew Bolt on Sky News shortly after his acquittal and release from prison.

Cardinal George Pell is interviewed by Andrew Bolt on Sky News shortly after his acquittal and release from prison. Credit: Sky News

Evidence remains elusive. However, over the past two weeks, a sequence of events have sent into overdrive Vatican intrigue surrounding the trials of George Pell.

The first was an announcement by Pope Francis on September 24 that Giovanni Angelo Becciu, a powerful Vatican figure who vehemently opposed Pell’s financial reforms, had effectively resigned as a cardinal. Becciu is at the centre of ongoing Vatican investigations into a series of suspect property deals.

On the day the Becciu news broke, Pell was packing his bags in Sydney to prepare to return to Rome for the first time since he stood trial in the Victorian County Court. It appears coincidental that Pell arrived in Rome just as Becciu was exiting the Vatican but Pell revelled in the timing. “I hope the cleaning of the stables continues in both the Vatican and Victoria," he said.

Pell’s return to Rome was greeted by a series of local newspaper reports, the first of which was written by L'Espresso journalist Massimiliano Coccia.

Cardinal George Pell returns to Rome amid reports of an elaborate conspiracy to influence his trial.

Cardinal George Pell returns to Rome amid reports of an elaborate conspiracy to influence his trial.Credit: Andrew Medichini

It revealed that Becciu’s assistant Monsignor Alberto Perlasca had turned whistleblower and was assisting Vatican investigators. According to the report, Perlasca told the investigators Becciu arranged a series of financial transfers to Australia to “finance the testimonies against his great rival George Pell''.

The report goes on to suggest the second former choirboy Pell was charged with sexually assaulting received money to accuse the Cardinal. This claim, which the Italian journalist sourced to unnamed “Ballarat residents", does not withstand scrutiny.

The second choirboy, a friend of J, never accused George Pell of sexual assault, did not provide a statement to police and died three years before Pell was charged. J testified that it was his friend's death, which followed years of drug addiction and mental health problems, which prompted him to take his allegations against Pell to police.

The second choirboy’s father, who testified against George Pell at the Cardinal’s committal proceedings and is currently preparing a lawsuit against the church, said he was “beyond offended" by any suggestion he benefited financially from Pell’s prosecution.

“My wife and I are driving around in a car that is 21 years old, we are renting a National Affordability Scheme home and living on a pension. This is absolute stupidity and these allegations should never have seen the light of day," he said.

“I have certainly not received any money to give evidence against George Pell and any suggestion that the surviving complainant has is just ludicrous. Given what the surviving complainant has been through I can only imagine how distressing it has been for him to hear these baseless allegations.''


J has denied through his lawyer any knowledge or receipt of payments to testify against the Cardinal. At every stage of the judicial process, including the High Court appeal, J was found to be a credible, compelling witness.

Becciu has denied interfering in Pell's trial. The barrister who defended Pell, Robert Richter, QC, says the money transfer should be investigated.

The final event in a combustive sequence was Pope Francis’ private meeting with his Canberra Nuncio, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana. News of the meeting emerged shortly after reports of the 700,000 euros transfer, inviting speculation that the Vatican’s embassy in Australia might have played a part in the conspiracy.

Senior church figures are divided on whether it is unusual for a Nuncio – the Vatican equivalent of an ambassador – to be given a private audience with the Pope. The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald confirmed that the Nuncio's reasons for being in Europe had nothing to do with Becciu or Pell. He had recently travelled to Poland to ordain the next Bishop of Port Pirie.

Whatever the truth of the conspiracy theory, the political machinations playing out in Rome are crucial to the affairs of the Vatican and legacy of George Pell.

Giovanni Becciu says he categorically denies "interfering in any way in the trial of Cardinal Pell”.

Giovanni Becciu says he categorically denies "interfering in any way in the trial of Cardinal Pell”.Credit: AP

Pell was handpicked by Pope Francis to bring the finances of the Vatican into the modern era. This put Becciu on a direct collision course with Pell, who had already dubbed his shadowy technique of managing funds as the metodo Becciu – the Becciu method.

By 2016, when the Victoria Police investigation into Pell was nearing its conclusion, Becciu had politically outmanoeuvred his rival and with the Pope’s support, blocked Pell’s attempt to bring external auditors into the Vatican.

The resignation of Becciu and return of Pell to Rome presents a dramatically altered picture. Becciu's loss of cardinalate rights exposes him to Italian civil law. Pope Francis, having backed the wrong cardinal four years ago, is hoping to be remembered on the right side of the historical ledger.

And Pell? "He was the Eliot Ness of the Vatican," says Australian Catholic University vice chancellor Greg Craven. "He was the good guy trying to clean up hundreds of years of financial mess and exploitation."

Such is the view from Rome. In Ballarat and Melbourne, it remains unchanged.

As Chrissie Foster puts it, whatever comes of Vatican power plays, abuse survivors stay at the bottom of the pile. "It is terrible and for what? For George Pell and his fight with his fellow cardinals? They really do live in another world. That’s what’s wrong with them."

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