

This was published 2 years ago


ABC can take hits and still make hits, as long as you’re in its corner

By David Anderson

Many Australians who care about the ABC are concerned about its future. I am not surprised by this, given the way in which our critics conveniently overlook, ignore and disregard the totality of the ABC’s contribution right across the nation, every single day.

We know that for democracy to flourish, a nation’s citizens must have an independent source of truth that is unbiased and committed to providing the accurate, relevant information they need. This is the core role played by the ABC. And any attempts to interfere with, or undermine, the independence of the ABC, by either political or commercial players, must and will be resisted at all costs.

ABC boss David Anderson with fan favourites Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis and Bluey.

ABC boss David Anderson with fan favourites Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis and Bluey.Credit: James Brickwood

It’s my view that the best defence for the ABC against attacks on its legitimacy, or interference in its operations, will always be the ongoing support of the Australian people. I believe we can count on that support because now, more than ever, the ABC matters to Australia.

It is true that in real terms, ABC funding is 30 per cent lower than it was in the mid-1980s. This year, the ABC’s operational funding is more than 10 per cent lower in real terms compared to 2013–14.

(The federal government committed $3.3 billion to the ABC over three years earlier this month. This is an increase of $87.2 million over the current triennium. It includes the resumption of indexation to the ABC’s base funding, the renewal of the funding for the Enhanced News Gathering program which has given the ABC the ability to deliver more local news and bring news from across the country to a national audience, and additional funding for audio description. The indexation pause — in place for three years from 2019 — required to the ABC to make ongoing savings of about $40 million per annum.)

Internationally, there have been well-organised calls to ‘defund’ public broadcasters altogether, including in Canada and Britain, and this right-wing agenda is being amplified by social media. The globalisation of news and entertainment is creating major new challenges for all media organisations, along with many opportunities.

The vast majority of Australians put their trust in the ABC, rely on it, value its importance to democracy, and think of it as a reliable source of news, information and entertainment. It should be a matter of national pride that, over 90 years, a multi-generational community of talented artists, reporters, broadcasters and storytellers has shaped this unique and irreplaceable Australian institution.

A standout for the ABC over recent years has been You Can’t Ask That. This is a program with a uniquely Australian, no-frills way of dealing with the myths and fears that can build up around those who are perceived to be different, those who find themselves misunderstood or pushed to the margins. Participants are courageous, being asked to answer anonymous, sometimes crudely honest questions sent in by our viewers. It sounds high-risk, and in the wrong hands it could be.

You Can’t Ask That is the most successful ABC format in history, adopted and localised in countries around the world.

You Can’t Ask That is the most successful ABC format in history, adopted and localised in countries around the world.


You might be surprised to learn that this daring program is already the most successful ABC format in our history, adopted and localised in countries around the world, from Israel to Canada, Belgium to the United States. Already, 30 seasons of YCAT have been delivered across 10 international productions in nine different languages, including Arabic, and seven more territories have taken options on the format.YCAT has become a uniquely Australian gift to the world.

Bluey has quickly become a global phenomenon, winning acclaim and numerous international awards. The show is so Australian that one of its episodes is called ‘Dunny’. Disney+ has chosen to honour this authenticity by keeping the original Australian voices for broadcast to overseas audiences. One episode, ‘Sleepytime’, was named by New York Times reviewer Margaret Lyons as one of the best TV episodes of 2020. In any genre.

As global giants offer more entertainment choices, and commercial investment in Australian content declines, the ABC needs to, and will, play an even bigger role in sharing and promoting Australian stories and culture. So we will continue to advocate for a budgetary envelope that gives us the financial stability and confidence to comprehensively undertake these tasks.

The public funding that supports the ABC means there is no actual or perceived pressure to tiptoe around issues that may affect sponsors or advertisers. Lacking subscribers, the ABC can’t be subtly tempted to focus on any particular audience segment or demographic with content that caters to one perspective on the world.

The ABC is opposed to any proposal for a so-called “external” government-appointed ABC ombudsman exercising powers beyond the current role of the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Other major public broadcasters like the BBC and CBC have no comparable external role and it would raise the possibility of government interference, significantly degrading the ABC’s independence and its capacity to perform its democratic function.

We can’t take democracy for granted. We can’t take public broadcasters for granted either.

Unfortunately, public broadcasters and independent journalism around the world are increasingly under pressure. The ABC has joined with seven such broadcasters — the BBC and the national broadcasters of France, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea and Sweden — to form a global task force to defend the values of public media and safeguard the future of healthy democracies.

ABC chair Ita Buttrose with managing director David Anderson in the Q+A studio.

ABC chair Ita Buttrose with managing director David Anderson in the Q+A studio. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Independence certainly does not mean a lack of accountability. The ABC is always accountable to the people of Australia. This accountability is expressed every day through the roles of the six directors (plus the chair) appointed by the government to the ABC board for five-year terms. Today the ABC remains fiercely protective of its editorial independence, delivering trusted public interest journalism through investigative reporting, fact-checking, public health and safety information, and emergency broadcasting.

Australia has now moved into a world of multimedia abundance. We are living through a revolutionary set of changes in news, media and entertainment. On-demand viewing services like Netflix, Stan, Apple and Disney+ are in a global race for viewers. Apple spent about US$6 billion (8 billion) on content in 2019. Amazon spent US$11 billion ($15 billion) in 2020. And Netflix was planning to spend US$17 billion ($24 billion) in 2021. Meanwhile, specialist services such as Foxtel’s Kayo offer sport on demand; Spotify and Apple Music promise unlimited musical choice; and YouTube offers a lottery of user-generated material and, increasingly, curated content. Traditional TV and radio formats, with their fixed linear schedules, are figuring out how to best compete with these myriad choices and the instant gratification of paid and free sources available via phones, laptops and home theatre screens.

News has also changed forever. Not only can Australians readily access international news online, overseas news providers have targeted the Australian market with Australian content and are experimenting with ways to win and keep their Australian customers. As a result, local news providers have seen their traditional audiences decline and lost precious advertising revenue to platforms like Google and Facebook.

Now More Than Ever: Australia’s ABC by managing director David Anderson.

Now More Than Ever: Australia’s ABC by managing director David Anderson.Credit: Monash University Publishing

We can also see that, while the options available to Australians beyond the ABC for their news, information and entertainment have multiplied, more is not always better. We will need the ABC to play its part in addressing new types of information, media and social deficits: loneliness and disconnection, fake news and conspiracy theories, a distrust in the efficacy of our democratic processes.

The ideal level of funding for the ABC is always a matter for debate. But it is ultimately about the sort of Australia we want. Do we as a nation believe in the notion of an institution serving all Australians independently, with a broad charter to provide services that the private sector cannot possibly fulfil? I believe we do.

This is an edited extract from Now More Than Ever: Australia’s ABC by managing director David Anderson, released on February 15 as part of the In the National Interest series published by Monash University Publishing.

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