

This was published 5 months ago

A right knees-up: CPAC Australia goes to Washington

By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman

CBD loves nothing more than a bunch of plucky Aussies rubbing shoulders with international movers and shakers, and our dear old friends from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) network did us all proud last week.

CPAC Australia is an offshoot of the original US outfit, so you can see why a group of locals was excited to be off on “pilgrimage” to Washington last week to join one of the parent company’s events, and pretty much claim credit for the victory of the No campaign in last year’s Voice referendum.

A CPAC group photo.

A CPAC group photo.

Among the pilgrims were CPAC Australia founder and executive director Andrew Cooper, fellow director Lyndal Maloney and a group of up-and-comers lucky enough to score a spot on CPAC’s “global explorers” program, among them CBD’s favourite young Liberal activist, Barclay McGain.

Cooper got himself into a group photo with some prominent people including Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister, Liz Truss, “Mr Brexit” Nigel Farage, Matt Schlapp – former White House political director to Donald Trump – and Steve Bannon, the campaigning brains behind the Trump operation.

Nigel Farage and Andrew Cooper.

Nigel Farage and Andrew Cooper.Credit: John Shakespeare

Cooper had a slightly nervy start to his big address to the faithful, but boy, did he have some content for his US audience. Turns out that Australia voted last year on a proposal for a third chamber of parliament that would have a “veto” over the Senate and the House of Reps. Golly, really?

Fortunately, CPAC Australia chairman – and dear pal of this column – Nyunggai Warren Mundine, who had to miss the US pilgrimage for personal reasons, and friend of the network Jacinta Nampijinpa Price stepped in and, apparently double-handedly, turned public opinion around to engineer what Cooper described as the “absolute smashing” of the Yes campaign.

And it might get even better. Andrew closed his set with a plea for Farage – who has been known to rock up at CPAC events in Australia – to rescind his verdict that Australia is the “wokest nation on Earth”, with Cooper hoping we may have redeemed ourselves with that referendum outcome in the eyes of the former UK Independence Party leader.

We can only hope.




We’ll linger just a while on Voice referendum nostalgia.

Sky News tough guy Chris Kenny put in a lonely old shift in the lead-up to the vote last year, as the right-wing channel’s token Yes supporter.

So it was great to see Chris maintaining the rage at the weekend, attending his colleague Sharri Markson’s 40th birthday party resplendent in a Yes campaign T-shirt, lining up for a snapshot with Markson and two other Sky performers, Paul Murray and Erin Molan.

Kenny also had on a bandana-type affair up top, a look that arch-leftie writer and journalist Peter FitzSimons has made his own. Was Kenny poking some fun at his cross-town rival and fellow Yes supporter?

But once we got the man himself on the phone, everything fell into place, as it so often does.

“It was fancy dress Coachella-style,” Kenny explained. “I’m closer to Woodstock than Coachella, so I just channelled my inner hippy, and it was an ideal chance to wear a great T-shirt.”


Author and former speechwriter Lucinda Holdforth had some sage advice on Monday for Australia’s corporate leaders, telling a Financial Review talkfest that those who surrounded themselves with yes-people risked disaster when faced with hostile media interviews and Senate inquisitors.

How else to explain the spectacular self-immolation of Woolies boss Brad Banducci on Four Corners, or the halting performances of many a corporate leader dragged into parliament in the past 12 months.

Holdforth would also know something about the dangers of saying no.

Lucinda Holdforth (centre) at the AFR Business Summit.

Lucinda Holdforth (centre) at the AFR Business Summit.Credit: Peter Rae

The former speechwriter for ex-Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce once wanted to write a tell-all book on her time handling comms for the flying kangaroo, including a cockpit view of Joyce’s decision to ground the airline’s entire fleet in 2011.

But Fighting Words, Holdforth’s manuscript, never saw the light of day.


Qantas bosses weren’t keen on the whole warts-and-all thing, and Holdforth threatened to activate guerrilla mode and “go feral” if the airline didn’t co-operate.

Qantas took action in the NSW Supreme Court to block the manuscript, arguing publication would damage the airline.

And while that court battle would have been juicy, the two parties quickly reached a settlement, with Holdforth agreeing to publish a 30-page extract not mentioning Qantas.

We still wish she’d said no.


CBD’s operatives spotted four likely-looking lads enjoying a drink before the Wales versus France Six Nations Rugby clash on Sunday in Cardiff.

Liberal MP Tim Smith, whose political career never quite recovered from the time he crashed his Jaguar while drunk driving, was seen in the pub with Jake Thrupp, protégé of embattled Sydney talkback king Alan Jones.

Former Liberal MP for Kew Tim Smith.

Former Liberal MP for Kew Tim Smith.Credit: Justin McManus

William Wright, the UK managing director of GovConnex, the Aussie tech start-up for political lobbyists planning an assault on Westminster, was also joining in the fun. Rounding out the quartet was Taylor Gramoski, a former staffer to ex-NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian now chief of staff at Water UK.

It’s not clear where the boys’ rugby loyalties lay on the day, but it seems certain they will get more joy with either the Dragons or Le Bleus than with our own Wallabies.

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