

This was published 4 years ago

A mass shooting shaped the AFP's new top cop - but can he deliver?

By Zach Hope

On June 4, as Australian Federal Police officers raided the bookcases and underwear drawers of journalist Annika Smethurst for state secrets, a lone gunman nearly 4000 kilometres away was readying himself for one of Australia's worst mass shootings since Port Arthur.

Reece Kershaw, then the Northern Territory's police commissioner, was about to find himself managing a crisis of public safety.

Emails about raids on journalists "down south" told him the AFP - the force where his decorated career began in 1988 - would soon be dealing with a crisis of public relations.

At the time he did not realise that he would be inheriting that problem.  Indeed, so sudden was his announcement as the new commissioner of the AFP that his two adult daughters were only told half an hour earlier.

Neither did Kershaw know that the two unrelated events of June 4, one unfolding in wintry Canberra and the other in dry-season Darwin, would converge in a way that could define his career.

In his first interview since taking over from Andrew Colvin last month, Kershaw is promising an era of unprecedented transparency from the AFP's traditionally opaque bureaucracy of some 6500 employees.

Reece Kershaw at AFP headquarters in Canberra this week.

Reece Kershaw at AFP headquarters in Canberra this week.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

He says this means the volunteered release of some information currently protected by onerous Freedom of Information processes and costs.

This approach had been forming in his mind but it took Darwin's darkest hour since Cyclone Tracy for its value to be tested and, in Kershaw's view, confirmed.


His frank half-hour press conference after Darwin-bred shooter Ben Hoffmann allegedly killed four people surprised journalists and won public praise.  The Territory's top cop offered information no one outside of the investigating team knew, the sort of detail usually only revealed in court or at coronial inquests.


These details, including the admission that police had stopped the parolee earlier that day, became headline news, but the honesty was a bridge of trust between frightened citizens and the man leading their protectors. It also meant the headline news was factually correct.

“I said to the detectives, 'It’s a new paradigm that we’re operating now, we’re going to have to put out as much as we can'," Kershaw says of the moment.

"I think police have, historically, not understood what the media does. And you still get some cops who are like that - 'what’s the media all about' and so on. Those detectives understood that it was really important from a community reassurance point of view."

As he seeks to extend that new paradigm to the AFP, Kershaw acknowledges officers may have previously "dodged" giving information; not out of ill intent, he says, but from a culture of selective sharing on a need-to-know basis.

For Kershaw, the social media age fills information voids with rumour and fake news, meaning the need-to-know circle has widened to include the public sphere.

"My view is tell the truth, because it's going to come out and the truth is the truth," he says.

One of his first acts as AFP commissioner was to apologise to refugee footballer Hakeem al-Araibi for the 77 days he spent behind bars in Thailand because of bureaucratic bungles.

"If you’ve got it wrong, say it. And then say 'this is what we’re doing about it'," he says.

Nearly a year earlier, the same day Malcolm Turnbull was getting rolled in Canberra, Kershaw was in the remote Northern Territory to mark the 90th anniversary of the Coniston Massacre, apologising on behalf of police to the descendants of those killed there.

His first major AFP challenge - sorting through the public relations damage from the June raids on journalists - is not a settled matter. He has not ruled out dropping the investigation into News Corp's Smethurst and the ABC's Dan Oakes and Sam Clark.

Reece Kershaw, newly appointed head of the AFP, appears before a Senate committee on press freedom.

Reece Kershaw, newly appointed head of the AFP, appears before a Senate committee on press freedom.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

"I would say this, though ... I'm angled in more to those people that access that information ... doing the - what you call the disclosure - than the rest of the chain," he says.

Good news for journalists, perhaps, but not for whistleblowers present and future, who risk their careers and freedom to bring secrets of public importance to light.

Nonetheless, Kershaw's stated determination to err on the side of openness, while clearly not an information free-for-all for an agency responsible for such matters as counter-terrorism, marks an attitude shift.

It  also marks a personal shift. Kershaw's first interview in early 2015 after taking the Northern Territory's top police job - also with this reporter - mostly consisted of him reading talking points prepared by a media adviser.

That was also a time of crisis. His predecessor, John McRoberts, had just been sacked for what a court would later find was meddling in a police fraud investigation that targeted his lover.  McRoberts spent a year in home detention for the crime.

It was one of the biggest top brass scandals in Australian policing history, largely ignored in the southern states but magnified in the fishbowl of Darwin. Even Kershaw's impressive career, which has included postings at the United Nations and various global hotspots in the emerging years of counter-terrorism, could not prepare him for the mess.

"As a leader up there, going through that intense period was really challenging for me, but I grew - a lot," he says.

"And I’m really grateful, because not only did the Territory prepare me, it sort of took me into a whole different cultural understanding - some of the struggles of Australians, in particular those vulnerable communities I got to connect with and hear their stories."

In this interview, in his Canberra office at AFP headquarters, Kershaw is relaxed. He doesn't care if his new media man stays or goes. He laughs easily, and disarmingly.

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw.

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

His walls are adorned with a framed poster of Muhammad Ali and a painting by Northern Territory Aboriginal policewoman Bettina Danganbarr, to remind him of her advice to him that "everything is connected".

Those who know his career say his charm masks a keen political radar as well as a ruthless streak.

Critics also suggest he had lost the Territory's rank and file officer by the end of his term, which had just been renewed when he accepted the job in Canberra. This is backed up by a 2018 survey by the NT Police Association, which revealed low morale among almost half the respondents.

It could be an important metric as Kershaw takes the reins of the AFP in the wake of five suicides and similarly diminished morale, according to AFP Association president Angela Smith.

"I think things started going off the rails with Tony Negus, because Tony Negus didn't have any media profile and didn't seem really engaged with the troops. I think we're still paying the price for that," Smith says.


"Andrew Colvin came in with his own agenda, which was a cultural change agenda and we've gone from five years of no profile to this massive cultural change, all sort of reviews, and there was so much change that went on people felt it wasn't done properly and didn't get implemented very well."

Smith says some of these changes came from the controversial 2016 Broderick report, which dived into matters like sexual harassment and assault.

Male officers felt like they were being tarred as misogynists, she says, while some women felt like they were being promoted for the wrong reasons.

"They were trying to push women forward, which is great, but is that the right report to leverage that sort of thing off? No, I don't think it is," she says. "I've had female members saying,  'Why should I get promoted on that system? Don't do it in my name'."

Kershaw's message to the rank and file on visits to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane has been about Section 8 of the AFP Act, the organisation's reason for being.

He says the measure of victory at the end of his five-year term will be a disciplined force coalesced around the principles of “disrupt, discover, detect, deter, arrest”.

"I'm keeping it simple, going back to the core," he says.  This is the focus of his 100-day restructure, or recalibration, which Smith warns is a massive change in itself.

"His agenda, from the feedback I've had, is going over well because [serving officers] feel they've got a commissioner that speaks their language," Smith says.  "There's a positive vibe at the moment. The only other thing for Reece is that he does have such a big agenda, I don't know how he's going to go getting it all through.

"I wonder how he's going to go in 100 days, poor bugger."

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