Retirement Ready
Get your retirement right with our six-part series offering tips and guidance for the next financial phase of life.
Brought to you by Aware Super
Super strategies and finding the best fit for you
You’ve no doubt come across a range of super strategies - from salary sacrificing to spouse contributions - but how do you know if they’ll suit your situation?
- by Simon Webster
Super checklist: if you can’t answer these questions ask for help
These are the questions everyone needs to answer about superannuation and retirement - and if you can’t there is plenty of help on offer.
- by Simon Webster
Four things to know about super when you retire
You’ve worked hard – now it’s time to enjoy the rewards. But what do you need to know about accessing your superannuation in retirement?
- by Katie Cunningham
The sweet spot: How to get the most from your super and the pension
There’s a new way to find the point where super earnings and the pension intersect to help you attain maximum earning capacity in retirement.
- by Bec Wilson
How to plan for retirement if you want to keep on working
We’re living far longer than we used to and more of us are working well beyond age 65. Here’s how to financially plan for that.
- by Bec Wilson
How to calculate the cost of a comfortable retirement
The common belief that people need $1 million to retire comfortably can cause unnecessary stress and lead to wrong decisions.
- by Iain Gillespie
Practical ways for older women to fill their superannuation gap
There’s no beating around the bush – the disadvantage imposed on women by the last three decades of the super system is just plain unfair.
- by Bec Wilson
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