

This was published 7 months ago


Rise of the DINKs: Choosing financial freedom over parenthood

The cost of adding another human being to your family is significant. From pregnancy, birth, actually raising the child and all the costs in between. Historically, having a baby was more often than not part of the journey of life, an assumption placed on anyone in a committed relationship.

However, life is much more expensive than it once was – so it makes sense that so many people are choosing to remain DINKs: double incomes, no kids.

Couples opting for the DINK lifestyle, lets them concentrate on financial objectives before contemplating parenthood.

Couples opting for the DINK lifestyle, lets them concentrate on financial objectives before contemplating parenthood.Credit: Dionne Gain

As someone currently on the journey to becoming a parent, I’ve spent considerable time weighing up the implications and financial intricacies associated with having a child. It’s a topic close to my heart – literally at the moment – but also professionally given my passion and focus on finance. This has prompted a broader exploration into the evolving landscape where, in 2024, the privilege of having children may be more nuanced than ever before.

The decision to eschew parenthood, embracing the DINK lifestyle, is becoming an increasingly prevalent choice. Between 2016 and 2021, the number of households without children increased by 643,343, nearly 100,000 of those being young couples. The Australian Institute of Family Studies predicts that by 2030, childless families will outnumber those with children for the first time.

This lifestyle, marked by financial flexibility and career latitude, grants individuals the autonomy to shape their lives without the financial burdens traditionally linked to raising a family.

Given the considerable costs associated with bringing a new life into the world, it’s no surprise that more individuals are opting to prioritise their financial well-being – and rightly so. As I have been navigating the complexities of my own pregnancy journey, reflections on exhaustive discussions and calculations with my partner underscore the financial challenges that parenthood entails.

While undoubtedly a beautiful journey which I am grateful every day to be on, the financial considerations of bringing up a child often only reveal themselves when one is immersed in the practicalities of nappies, child care and the rising cost of blueberries.

Couples who embrace the DINK lifestyle revel in financial freedom, leveraging dual incomes to curate a lifestyle aligned with their goals.

When you start to delve into the numbers quickly a sobering reality unfolds as you learn that the average 25-year-old woman who becomes a parent can anticipate a staggering $2 million less in lifetime earnings compared to her male counterpart.


In the initial five years of parenting, a woman’s earnings are cut by 55 per cent, presenting a stark contrast to new fathers whose earnings remain largely unaffected. The imperative to address the “motherhood penalty”, highlighted by the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce, emerges as a pivotal step in mitigating economic inequality in Australia.

Compounding this, childcare costs, disproportionately borne by mothers, pose a significant hurdle. Despite government initiatives aimed at reducing out-of-pocket costs, many mothers find themselves constrained by a system that inadequately supports their return to the workforce.


Stark differentials in unpaid care work, with women dedicating more time to childcare and housework, further magnify the economic challenges faced by mothers.

Conversely, couples who embrace the DINK lifestyle revel in financial freedom, leveraging dual incomes to curate a lifestyle aligned with their goals and aspirations. The substantial financial savings afforded by not having children become apparent very quickly.

A childless Australian couple might require approximately $833.24 per week to sustain a comfortable life, translating to an annual figure around $43,000. This, although below the national average income, actually positions them comfortably above the defined poverty line.

Societal shifts reflecting adult children staying at home into their 20s and 30s further fuels this phenomenon. With the trend of delayed independence gaining momentum, some couples opt for the DINK lifestyle, allowing them to concentrate on financial objectives before contemplating parenthood.

When you consider this, a crucial question surfaces: is having children in 2024 a privilege? The motherhood penalty is a severe economic consequence, encompassing lost earnings, the gender pay gap, and diminished superannuation savings that reverberate well into retirement.

The entrenched economic inequality, where women disproportionately shoulder the burden of unpaid care work, formal care roles, and casual employment, is disconcerting.

As a result, the motherhood penalty remains a stark reality for many Australian women, contributing to the disconcerting rise of women over 55 becoming the fastest-growing cohort entering homelessness – which is a conversation I’d like to delve into on a separate occasion because it consistently breaks my heart.

When we really consider the DINK lifestyle and the financial intricacies of parenthood in 2024, it has never been more important to acknowledge that decisions regarding family planning are profoundly personal.

Simultaneously, an acknowledgment of the financial privileges inherent in these choices is warranted. Frustratingly, as we continue to exist in a world where economic inequalities persist, policies and cultural shifts supporting all Australians, irrespective of their family planning decisions, are needed.

The emergence of DINKs underscores the deep importance for a broader conversation about financial inclusivity, equality, and the genuine cost of opting for parenthood in modern society. A flourishing Australia is one where every individual has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life without compromising their financial well-being.

Victoria Devine is an award-winning retired financial adviser, best-selling author, and host of Australia’s number one finance podcast, She’s on the Money. Victoria is also the founder and co-director of Zella Money.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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