

This was published 4 years ago


On the road to happiness by downsizing the budget

Don’t you love these pieces from well-meaning folks telling you how can live a better life going into the new year? This isn’t one of those pieces. But having moved from a corporate salary to no income for 18 months, to now sustaining life on a start-up salary, I’ve had pause to think about the things that have worked for me in managing all of that financially, so taking stock as 2020 fast approaches seems appropriate.

I can’t claim that the cost-saving measures that made the biggest difference to my bottom line have come from a place of enlightenment about the sustainability of our world’s resources or personal reflections on consumerism. They came from the financial reality that being determined to go your own way often brings.

Every part of  life will change a personal austerity drive. The biggest is using the stuff you already have thanks to a 12 month clothes and shoes shopping ban.

Every part of  life will change a personal austerity drive. The biggest is using the stuff you already have thanks to a 12 month clothes and shoes shopping ban.Credit: Paul Jeffers

There has been no part of my life that has not been changed by my austerity drive. And while I was always good with my personal finances, it was an uncomfortable experience accounting for how much had been wasted over the years.

To the changes that made the biggest difference to me. The biggest is that I’m using the stuff I have. The first cab off the rank was I instituted a 12 month clothes and shoes shopping ban. As a world champion online shopper, I had a lot of stuff to use. At the end of that period, the annual wardrobe clear out involved turfing out items because of wear, not because they hadn’t been worn and were taking up space. That was satisfying.

Being more aware of the stuff I had also made me realise I was buying the same thing repeatedly. Versions of the same V-neck navy jumper, marle grey T-shirt and white sneakers made their way into my virtual shopping basket over and over again. I now have enough versions of these staples to last me until 2030. And if I ever shop these days, I still look for these things like I’m a drone homing in on a target. The difference is I don’t buy, whereas before I would.


The next biggest saver was ditching the subscriptions I wasn’t using. I’d put that exercise off for a long time thinking it would be high on administration and annoyance. But the unused streaming services, apps, gym membership and every other little thing that creeps onto the credit card at an easy $10 a month, added up. My one biggest financial regret is how unchecked I left this for years, and the many hundreds of dollars that could have been saved. Imagine how many navy jumpers I could have bought with that sort of cash.

And there was a bunch of everyday items that I downgraded in price to save more than a few bucks. I thought I ''needed'' a certain body lotion that cost more than I care to admit, but as it turns out, the supermarket/pharmacy offering is just as good at a quarter of the price. I applied that approach to a whole bunch of things and the savings have stuck.

One thing that hasn’t stuck so well is wine. Sauvignon blanc to be exact. I had the inside scoop on getting wine advice having worked at Woolies. With access to the wine buyers and experts at Dan’s, they were generous with their time as I peppered them with questions in my mission to find the holy grail – a reliable drop that would cost less than $10.


They assured me that this was doable. They said if you picked right, there wasn’t a whole lot of difference between a $10 bottle and a $25 one. Challenge accepted: I worked my way through a lot of paint stripper before finding a couple of good ones. These days I’m drinking less but better quality wine – a trend that has been the case across Aussies’ alcohol consumption for some years now.


The other thing that didn’t stick long-term was not buying a coffee or two every day. I stuck with it for a year, but was always going to be unsustainable because, well ... coffee. Still, in that period where I had no income, the $2500 saving was significant.

Despite the changes, more than three years later and on a quarter of the income, I don’t feel deprived. I think that’s because I come from a family that didn’t have money to throw around. I was always aware just how much of a stretch it was for my parents to give me the start to life that has afforded me more opportunities than they ever had.

Many of those opportunities came as I progressed up the work ladder. And while the experiences have been enriching, I don’t recall feeling significantly better off financially after a promotion or a salary bump. I know now that’s because it was spent on the little things that don’t add up to a noticeable increase in wellbeing or happiness – two things that money and belongings don’t get you. That’s what my experience in downsizing the budget has shown me anyway.

Claire Kimball is the founder of The Squiz, a free weekday news email. She was formerly press secretary to Tony Abbott and communications director for Woolworths Group.

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