

This was published 5 years ago

Take note of the calibre of the man who cried wolf

By Marcus Padley

Is the sky falling? It depends on who you ask.

There is a video you should all watch. It's on a website called Livewire and you’ll find it in their top trending articles for a reason.

It is a video from a chap called Donald Amstad, head of investments specialists, Asia, at Aberdeen Standard Investments, a global fund manager that has more than $1 trillion in assets under management in 80 countries.

Mr Amstad does a great job of explaining what is wrong with the Western World.

We suspect there is something wrong – the conundrum of negative bond yields and the recent increase in stock market volatility tells us that the markets have begun to pick up on it, too.

Donald Amstad, head of investments specialists, Asia, at Aberdeen Standard Investments.

Donald Amstad, head of investments specialists, Asia, at Aberdeen Standard Investments.Credit:

Mr Amstad nails it – and it’s not good news. He concisely pulls together all the threads and makes obvious all those things we know to be true.

The source of all evil, he tells us, has been money printing by the West, an event that "shocked" many Asian countries.

The Asian crisis in the 1990s could have been solved by money printing but their governments refrained because the International Monetary Fund warned them their currencies would be destroyed by devaluation and their economies by hyperinflation.


Instead, they took their medicine, reset their balance sheets, went through the pain and emerged years later better for the process.

Come the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, which Amstad notes was a Western financial crisis not a global financial crisis, the US and Europe took the easy route. They didn’t take their medicine, they printed money and, a decade later, with all that new money swilling around, the consequences are clear to see – interest rates are low or negative and going lower.

The West on the edge of a financial cliff – printing money at times of market stress cannot continue and central banks are out of ammunition

Mr Amstad says this "bond bubble" has put the Western World on the edge of a financial cliff – that habitually printing money at any sign of financial market stress cannot continue and that central banks are now almost out of ammunition.

After the final rate cuts and the recommencement of quantitative easing, the inevitable will happen, he says. The bond market will burst and, when it does, the money printing governments will lose the ability to endlessly fund themselves, as no-one will want to buy their bonds and the bonds already issued will become "unrollable."

On top of that – and more relevant to equity market investors – the money that had been finding its way from the printer, through the bond markets, into the investment banks and then into the stock market – the money that has put US$25 trillion dollars worth of S&P 500 companies on a fantasy world multiple of 21 times earrnings – will end.

Equity markets will fall and so called risk-free assets will be revealed as being anything but.

'We are at the end of the game'

At a corporate level, the banks that rely on a rising yield curve, high interest rates and asset price inflation will see the opposite of that. They will not be able to find a margin to make money, let alone grow. Some will go out of business.

The West is verging on catastrophe, says Mr Amstad, and the markets are only just beginning to wake up. "We are at the end of the game" and the West "has to take its medicine," he says.

When it does, you will need a markets blindfold because "it's going to be pretty scary."

There are many market commentators that talk down the markets. They serve a purpose because they balance out the rest of the financial market herd that has institutions that are commercially biased toward optimism. We need these canaries in the coal mine.

However, the scary thing is Mr Amstad is not one of them. He works for one of the financial institutions.

The problem, as with all financial disaster scenarios, is timing. The questions for all of us is not only whether Mr Amstad is right, but possibly when? With the financial system set up to protect itself, this oblivious bull market could still perpetuate itself for a lot longer yet.

Marcus Padley is the author of the daily stock market newsletter Marcus Today

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