This was published 5 years ago
Early release of super can end insurance cover
By John Collett
Buying life insurance through a super fund is one of the cheapest ways to purchase it. Most people probably only become aware they have the cover when they need it.
A limited level of total and permanent disability and life insurance is provided on a "default" basis in most super funds, without members having to ask for it, except for new fund members under age 25 and those with low account balances or inactive accounts.
Life insurance through super is one of the best ways to get cover, but the cover could end for those who access their super early.Credit: iStock
The cover – at least up to the default level – usually features automatic acceptance, meaning no medical or health checks. There will likely be a medical questionnaire or examination for any cover in addition to the default level.
Lawyers who specialise in super and insurance have told me how important the cover is for many of those they represent; especially as, for most people, it is the only insurance they have.
Without the cover, you can leave yourself totally reliant on welfare if you are not covered for total and permanent disability, or your dependents can miss out on the financial security from the payment of a benefit if you were to die.
There will be some of those affected by bushfires who will be applying for an early release of some or all of their super, but they should be aware that if they withdraw all of their money, they will no longer have insurance cover.
Super fund members, as well as those with self-managed super funds, are allowed to withdraw up to $10,000 a year from their retirement savings for reasons of severe financial hardship.
However, there are conditions for withdrawals, such as you have received government income support payments continuously for 26 weeks.
Those with modest super savings, in particular, who withdraw their super early could unwittingly end their insurance cover.
Annemarie Gambera, principal lawyer, superannuation, at Slater and Gordon, said super funds will typically require a certain minimum account balance to be maintained for the insurance to continue.
If you are no longer working, and your super contributions stop, you may also lose insurance, though some funds will continue coverage for a certain period, Ms Gambera said.
For older people starting to build their super again after accessing it early, it may result in not being able to obtain the same level of insurance cover that they received, automatically, when they were younger, as the insurer who stands behind the fund may consider them to be at greater risk of making a claim.
Ms Gambera said it was crucial that people check with their super fund and read the insurance policy fineprint before applying to access their super early.
“It’s best to seek advice from a financial expert before deciding whether to access your super earlier than planned,” Ms Gambera said.
For emergency relief funding, those who have been affected by bushfires should make enquires about the relief payments for affected individuals and businesses.
Applications for early release of super under severe financial hardship are made to the individual fund, while applications for release on compassionate grounds, including medical grounds, are made to the Australian Tax Office.