

This was published 4 months ago

Councils alarmed by government orders that could double housing. See the plans for your area

By Cara Waters and Josh Gordon

Councils across Melbourne warn ambitious new housing targets will fundamentally change their suburbs after the state government ordered them to find space for millions of new homes, arguing the plan will require massive infrastructure investment from taxpayers.

New data obtained by The Age reveals that in recent years not a single inner, middle or outer council has come close to building enough new homes to hit their new targets. Some would need to more than triple the number of homes they build each year compared with recent averages, the state government data shows.

Boroondara Deputy Mayor Felicity Sinfield is concerned the number of new houses planned for the council area will impact on open space.

Boroondara Deputy Mayor Felicity Sinfield is concerned the number of new houses planned for the council area will impact on open space. Credit: Penny Stephens

The Age contacted all 31 Melbourne metro councils: 19 raised concerns about needing more investment in infrastructure to meet the targets set by the government while four declined to comment or failed to respond. Of the remaining eight, some backed the targets while others were still considering them.

“Achieving a target of this magnitude would require dramatic change,” said Bayside Mayor Fiona Stitfold.

Wyndham Deputy Mayor Josh Gilligan said: “A housing target that lacks any honest commitment to basic access to education, health and jobs is a pox on all our houses.”

However, the state government has said it is prepared to step in if councils don’t find the required space.

Premier Jacinta Allan this week warned councils against “putting your head in the sand”.

“We are not saying that all of these homes will be built next year or in the decade ahead, it is about looking forward over the next three decades about how do we build those two million homes across the state that we need to accommodate the growth in our population,” she said.


Under the draft targets, the City of Boroondara would need to build an average of 2393 new dwellings each year for the next 27 years. That compares to an average of just 695 new dwellings a year since 2017, after netting out demolitions.

In Darebin, 2571 new homes would be needed each year to hit the target, compared with its annual average of just 728 since 2017.

In Glen Eira, an average of 2321 new dwellings will be needed each year, compared with about 1043 for the past six years, while the City of Yarra will need an average of 1714 dwellings compared with 1000 currently.

Wyndham in Melbourne’s outer west is already struggling to find the money to build the kindergartens, libraries and sports fields it needs for its booming population. The council has 109,300 homes and the government wants to more than double this to 229,300 homes by 2051.

Gilligan said any significant increase in housing had to be accompanied by matching infrastructure.

“Wyndham Council is not properly funded by the state to handle the pressure of a 110 per cent increase in housing with more than 600,000 living within our borders,” he said. “Wyndham has a liveability crisis.


Boroondara – which includes the leafy eastern suburbs of Balwyn, Hawthorn and Kew – is shaping up to be a key political battleground, with the state government pushing for 67,000 additional homes by 2051.

Deputy Mayor Felicity Sinfield said it would amount to a 300 per cent increase in the number of homes constructed each year in the municipality, describing it as “irresponsible planning” by the government.

“Our community has a right to such fundamentals as public open space, adequate drainage and sewage systems, education facilities, health services and transport networks,” Sinfield said.

Bayside, which spans Brighton to Black Rock, must find room for 31,000 additional homes – or an annual average of 1148 – over the next 27 years.

Stitfold said delivering a 70 per cent increase in homes by 2051 without compromising the much-loved neighbourhood character of Bayside would be challenging.

Not all councils are critical. Kingston Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns said housing affordability and availability were at a critical juncture and something had to be done.

“We have reached a point where the most basic of our needs is at risk because housing supply just doesn’t stack up,” she said. “We have to do something about it and the consultation on housing targets is one step forward.”

The City of Melbourne’s target is 134,000 additional homes by 2051 – a 122 per cent increase on its 110,100 existing homes.

A motion to be moved by councillor Rohan Leppert next week and seconded by Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece said the target was achievable, but infrastructure including a rail link to Fisherman’s Bend was needed.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp said she was concerned about whether the housing was going to be delivered, with permits approved for 17,000 homes in the City of Melbourne that were not being built for other reasons.

”It’s basically a suburb the size of Kensington being built every year for the next 26 years,” she said. “Or we need 10 Ardens over the same timeframe. And at the moment, we can’t get Arden started.”

Capp said there was great potential in the City of Melbourne for housing but there needed to be “serious incentives” in what was a challenging time for the development and construction sectors.

She said the government could consider stamp duty relief and reduced land tax while councils could look at reducing rates.

Capp said rather than the government threatening to take away council’s planning powers, it was better to understand the reasons behind any barriers to providing housing such as providing support in ways to overcome pressure from NIMBYs opposing development.

“We want to skill up councils to be able to show leadership in times like this, not just take powers away for somebody else to do,” she said.

A Victorian government spokesperson said if a council did not want to find any space for new homes, then the government was prepared to step in.


“The status quo is not an option – we need every council to work with us towards the same goal: more homes for Victorians in the right places,” they said. “We know the best way to make housing more affordable is to build more homes and that’s why we’re pulling every lever we can to unlock more supply – particularly in our established suburbs.”

Victorian president of the Planning Institute of Australia, Patrick Fensham, said councils could make sure there was capacity within their planning schemes but that the planning system did not build housing.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate that these targets are weaponised or used as a stick,” Fensham said. “Just numbers is certainly not sufficient. You need to be thinking about the quality of the development and the diversity of housing.”

With Sophie Aubrey, Tom Cowie and Najma Sambul

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