


They cast Peter Dutton as a wolf. Here’s why they’re wrong

If only we could power the nation off the clattering of keyboards since the Coalition announced its nuclear policy. The seemingly endlessly renewable resource of hysteria in this country could surely be harnessed. The only trouble, I suppose, is that it’s a high-emission source, leading to tracts of type, miles of misinformation and acres of assumptions being spewed into the atmosphere.

Tragically, the verbal frictions and fictions of partisan politics create nothing as useful as harnessable electricity. If they did, Australia could rely on the mere existence of Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to power the energy transition.

Peter Dutton’s proposed nuclear power plants would be built at seven sites around the country.

Peter Dutton’s proposed nuclear power plants would be built at seven sites around the country.Credit: Monique Westermann

Since Dutton became leader, columnists have competed to describe how perfectly awful he is. Niki Savva has described him variously in this masthead as manipulative, nasty and – somewhat prematurely, it now seems – an asset to Albanese.

Literary factualist Lech Blaine used a Quarterly Essay to sketch him as a “bad cop”, declaring that he eats “bleeding-heart lefties for breakfast” (I guess the babies were wily enough to escape his maw). Peter Dutton, so Blaine writes, “is tall and bald, with a resting death stare”. And his lips – oh Lech, don’t linger too long on those lips! – “are allergic to political correctness”.

In The Guardian, then political editor, now official in-house Albanese publicist Katharine Murphy declared less poetically that “Peter Dutton is the exploding fire hydrant of politics, pushing his party to the angry fringes and electoral oblivion”.


The Dutton delirium has sold copies, drawn clicks. But he has not been pushed to electoral oblivion. With each click, hitting the Dutton button has created less alarm. Perhaps it’s a matter of the boy who cried wolf? When the wolf finally showed up, we saw that he’s more of a German shepherd. Dutton has become more familiar and, perhaps even thanks to the overwrought writers, rather less frightening.

Per the polls. According to Resolve’s latest for this masthead (corroborated by a number of other electoral samples) Dutton has pulled ahead of Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister.

But now Dutton has released his nuclear strategy, he’s surely radioactive toast. Or so you’ll be told. By the very same hysteria that was certain that all Albanese had to do to secure success was to pray Dutton remained his opponent.


Now, I’ll preface the following by saying the opposition’s chances of winning the next election are slim to zero. Australians like to grant a second term, unless their choice is removed by a party-room knifing. But a loss at the election will not mean that Dutton’s nuclear plan has failed.


The first and most obvious reason for this is that the nuclear policy is not the Liberal Party’s reason for being. If a policy fails, well, a policy has failed. The party isn’t over, any more than the Labor Party is done because the Voice referendum went down.

Unlike the Voice, Dutton’s proposal for nuclear power is another way of expressing a focus on the cost of living. Energy prices are punishing households and businesses. Voters are starting to connect the increases in their power bills to the transition to renewable energy, especially as discussion turns from rooftop solar to poles and wires across the country. An Essential poll in April found that Australians now rank renewable energy as the most expensive source of energy ahead of nuclear. The CSIRO recently released a paper which considerably revised down the cost of nuclear. Energy analyst Aidan Morrison, from the Centre for Independent Studies, claims they haven’t gone down far enough in their corrections.

Spruiking nuclear is also a way for Dutton to talk about Australia’s economic future. If Australia wants to get into energy-intensive industries – such as quantum computing, currently being imported from San Francisco to Queensland at a cost of nearly $1 billion, thanks to Labor’s Future Made In Australia policy – it will need reliable, high-output energy sources.

Dutton is using the opportunity to position himself as a realist and a hard-head in a way that casts Labor, the Greens and even the most economically literate of teals as the opposite. Most other developed high-productivity countries around the world use nuclear as part of their energy mix, complementing renewable energy, to reduce their emissions while ensuring they have access to the energy they need. Exceptions are small, icy countries, which are able to harness hydro power in a way that arid Australia never will.


Jim Chalmers really wants to win the “better economic manager” crown for the Labor Party but Dutton isn’t inclined to hand it over.

And then there’s the hysteria factor. Just as Dutton-panic served to propel the opposition leader into the daily news cycle, where he was found by the public to be rather less scary than portrayed, nuclear panic will quickly make nuclear power feel familiar.

According to pollster Kos Samaras, people in focus groups regularly bring up the three-eyed fish from long-running cartoon show The Simpsons when nuclear is discussed. This is the source from which Australians have, to date, most often heard about nuclear power. But (and I know this is an unpopular opinion in some circles) Australians are not dumb. They know that The Simpsons is fiction.

Meanwhile, if you have travelled around Europe, as many Aussies have, you’ve likely passed multiple nuclear power plants without growing a third eye or starting to glow in the dark. If you’ve spent any time in Switzerland’s capital, Zurich, you were less than 40 kilometres from a nuclear power plant. The longer the nuclear debate runs at full velocity, the less impact the scare campaigns will have.


That does not mean that nuclear power will suddenly become viable for Australia. We’ve still got laws against it that would have to be changed. But that’s really beside the point. Dutton going nuclear is all about making his opponents radioactive.

Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director at campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party and the German Greens.

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