This was published 11 months ago
Replace the other mob and change nothing: Welcome to modern Australian politics
Shaun Carney
ColumnistJudged purely on a metric of dealing himself and his party back into contention after a bad election loss, Peter Dutton has done a good job as Liberal leader.
In the past 12 months, he’s got the Coalition around level pegging with the government in the polls, and he’s dragged Anthony Albanese down to the point where they share similar levels of personal disapproval.
Credit: Illustration: Dionne Gain
The next election is not too far away – today marks the second anniversary of the first full day of the 2022 election campaign – and if the trend continues, Dutton has some sort of show of becoming prime minister in May next year.
That prospect concentrates the mind, especially given the condition of the country. Australia’s social and economic models are collapsing under their own weight. To keep the economy on a growth path, we have to import human beings. Our main export is what we extract from the ground. Immigration and commodity prices determine our fortunes.
Government programs that both sides of politics agree are a must –the NDIS and the mainstay of our health system, Medicare – are perpetually underfunded and subject to a game of financial ping-pong between the Commonwealth and the states. The aged care sector that we allowed past governments to develop is so poorly structured that it cannot pay its employees decent wages; last year the government had to step in to fund pay increases to aged care workers at a cost to the budget of $11.3 billion over four years.
Intergenerational inequality is a festering sore that spreads further every day. The housing situation is a well-examined intergenerational catastrophe in the making.
Wage stagnation became a feature of our economy more than 10 years ago, Labor’s recent industrial relations law changes notwithstanding.
Qantas, our national carrier, the business that is Australia’s face to the world and the nation, and in receipt of enormous sums of taxpayer money in recent years, has gotten itself into such bad odour over its long-term treatment of customers and employees that it embarks on a charm offensive in the hope of getting back into the community’s good books.
Just as it’s true that the daily small-bore operation of politics resembles an interminable soap opera, with storylines vanishing as quickly as they appeared, the real business of politics – the formulation and implementation of policies – recalls the mythical Sisyphus, damned to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. Few policy solutions are permanent and new problems will always emerge in a dynamic society.
Yes, governing is mostly doing running repairs, but inevitably a time comes when the problems have accumulated to the point where our systems need to fully refresh. This is one of those times.
Many Australians, especially younger ones, who are not getting the economic opportunities the previous couple of generations took for granted – I am part of that latter cohort - are losing faith in our institutions.
There’s some evidence that the Albanese government can see these larger problems, although it’s unsure about how far it could or should go in dealing with them. That contrasts with the Coalition under Dutton: the only fundamental problem it sees is the very existence of the Labor government.
Since losing office in 2022, the Coalition has given priority to presenting a united front. That means no serious internal debates about policy and lots of tactical plays. This has entrenched Dutton in the leadership, a contrast with the Liberals’ unsettled experience after it found itself in opposition in 2007.
So, no infighting. But policy-wise, the results are thin. The inclination to apply a Band-Aid to the housing and home affordability crises by raiding super accounts is a Liberal idea that won’t go away. The nuclear energy stance is a rebadge of Scott Morrison’s “technology, not taxes” time-buying exercise to cover up for the reluctance to engage in genuine climate action. Also, take it as read that Labor’s wage laws will be wound back.
The snag in the Coalition’s approach is that an over-reliance on political attacks can lead to seriously unserious behaviour. One leading example involved Dutton’s deputy Sussan Ley and her regrettable performance on the night of the Dunkley by-election in which she carried on for far too long as though the Liberal candidate had won. Another was Dutton’s call in the lead-up to Australia Day for shoppers to boycott Woolworths. Here was a man who aspires to lead the nation seeking to mess around with a company that employs 200,000 people over its commercial decision not to stock novelty merchandise.
There’s still likely to be another 12 months to go before we get to the next election campaign and the Coalition might surprise. But based on its positions and behaviour so far this term, its purpose appears to be not to modernise the nation nor fashion a new economic and social pact to take the country towards the middle of the century. It’s just to replace the other mob and keep the current settings.
That wouldn’t be a universe away from the Labor Party’s small target approach before the last election. And Dutton’s strategy might bring victory. But more than likely the biggest winners would be Dutton and his colleagues rather than those for whom the system is just not working.
Shaun Carney is a regular columnist, an author and former associate editor.
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