

This was published 6 months ago

Zelensky lowers Ukraine’s fighting age, cracks down on draft dodgers

By Andrew E. Kramer

Kyiv: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed into law three measures aimed at replenishing the ranks of his country’s exhausted and battered army, including the politically poisonous step of lowering the age when men become eligible for mobilisation, and eliminating some medical exemptions.

Parliament passed the legislation lowering the draft eligibility age to 25, from 27, last May, but Zelensky had delayed signing it in hopes that it would not be needed. He relented on Wednesday and signed the measure, along with laws eliminating a category of medical exemption known as “partially eligible” and creating an electronic database of men in Ukraine, starting at age 17, to crack down on draft dodgers.

Newly recruited soldiers at the end of their training at a military base close to Kyiv in September.

Newly recruited soldiers at the end of their training at a military base close to Kyiv in September.Credit: AP

“It is a very unpopular decision, and that is why Zelensky held it without signing,” said Volodymyr Ariev, an MP who is in the opposition European Solidarity party. “Now he has no choice.”

Russia’s forces have been on the offensive along the front line, and Ukrainian generals have warned of a broader attack in the northern spring or summer, even as Ukraine’s army runs low on ammunition and many soldiers have been on continual combat duty for two years.

Ukraine’s army of about 1 million soldiers is fighting the largest war in Europe since World War II, waged in muddy trenches or the ruins of cities in urban combat. Casualty rates are high. Most men who wanted to volunteer for the military have already done so, and small anti-draft protests had broken out before the new laws were passed.

New recruits with the Ukrainian Army’s Third Separate Assault Brigade take part in training in Kyiv in October.

New recruits with the Ukrainian Army’s Third Separate Assault Brigade take part in training in Kyiv in October.Credit: Brendan Hoffman/The New York Times

Ukraine is expected, at best, to hold the existing front lines in ground fighting this year, but only if a new influx of American weapons arrives, military analysts say, and risks falling back without it. To maximise its efforts, Ukraine plans to replenish its army through mobilisation while trying to keep Russia off balance with sabotage missions behind enemy lines and long-range drone strikes, such as attacks on an oil refinery and weapons plant 1300 kilometres deep in Russia on Tuesday.

Ukraine relies on its allies for most new ammunition and weapons, and renewing that arsenal is mostly a matter beyond the country’s control. In Washington on Monday, House Speaker Mike Johnson laid out conditions for a vote on a fresh infusion of American weapons and financial aid, in the strongest indication yet that the assistance could be forthcoming despite opposition from many Republicans.

At home, Ukraine has stumbled on the overhaul of mobilisation rules.


In January, the Ukrainian parliament withdrew a draft law on mobilisation that included stiffened penalties for draft dodgers. That bill was reintroduced in February, but bogged down as MPs submitted more than 4000 amendments. It would further expand the draft by closing loopholes for men obtaining a second college degree or in instances when several men in a family sought exemptions to care for a disabled relative. A vote is expected this month.

Ukrainian soldiers training in the country’s Donetsk region of Ukraine on Monday.

Ukrainian soldiers training in the country’s Donetsk region of Ukraine on Monday.Credit: Nicole Tung/The New York Times

It is unclear how quickly Ukraine will draft and train the additional troops, or whether they will be ready before the expected Russian offensive. The more comprehensive mobilisation bill that has yet to pass envisions three months of training for soldiers drafted during wartime.

“The decision is taken – it’s a good one, but it’s too late,” said Serhiy Hrabsky, a colonel and a commentator on the war for the Ukrainian news media.

And lowering the draft age alone will not resolve Ukraine’s looming need for fighters. In December, Zelensky said the military had asked to mobilise 450,000 to 500,000 soldiers. Ukraine’s military commander, General Oleksandr Syrsky, said last week the army had “significantly reduced” its request, without specifying a number.

Zelensky has said he does not intend to conscript women into the military, although women with medical educations are required to register for the draft.


Ukraine’s total population of 25 and 26-year-olds was about 467,000 in 2022, the latest year when the government published population estimates, according to Natalia Tilikina, the director of Institute of Youth, a research group. But many are already serving in the military, living in occupied areas or outside Ukraine, or have jobs or disabilities that exempt them from conscription.

In formulating its mobilisation plans, Ukraine has had to balance military, economic and demographic considerations. Lowering the draft age will bring thousands of healthy and rested soldiers to the fight, but poses long-term risks for the population, given the country’s demographics.

As in most former Soviet states, Ukraine has a small generation of 20-year-olds because birthrates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s. Because of this demographic trough, the country has three times as many men in their 40s as in their 20s.

Drafting men starting at age 25, given the likely battle casualties, also risks further diminishing this small generation and potentially future birthrates, leaving the country with declines of working and draft-age men decades from now.


At the outset of the war, men ages 27-60 were drafted and the average age in the military is currently over 40. Under martial law, all men 18-60 had already been prohibited from leaving the country in case the decision was made to draft them. Men and women can volunteer for military service starting at 18.

US Republican senator Lindsey Graham on a visit to Kyiv last month suggested that Ukraine dip into a younger population of men for the war. “You’re in a fight of your life, so you should be serving,” he said. “We need more people in the line.”

Politicians in Ukraine have become more vocal in their criticisms of Zelensky’s wartime leadership. In an interview broadcast this week on Al Jazeera, former president Petro Poroshenko vowed to run for a second term in a future election that he said should be held only after the war is over. Under martial law, elections in Ukraine are suspended.

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

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