

This was published 6 months ago


He fought the Taliban and won reality TV. Now he’s started an Australian civil war

Australia has been neutralised. But not conquered. It’s the year 2034. “A coup, a small war and a waiting enemy was all it took to upend life in the Lucky Country,” writes Mark Wales in a forthcoming novel. The former elite soldier is not shy about naming the invading enemy – the People’s Liberation Army. And that’s where his problem started.

Wales is known to Australia’s special forces community for his six years in the Special Air Services, and to viewers of Network Ten’s Australian Survivor as sole survivor of the rugged reality show in 2022. Now he’s hoping to emerge as sole survivor of a Liberal party preselection contest for the federal West Australian seat of Tangney on Saturday.

Former SAS soldier Mark Wales appeared on Ten’s Australian Survivor.

Former SAS soldier Mark Wales appeared on Ten’s Australian Survivor.Credit: Network Ten

It’s a traditional Liberal seat that Anthony Albanese’s Labor picked up in 2022. But with Labor’s margin under 3 per cent, it’s in the category of “gettable” for the Libs. But Wales’ novel is now being used against him, even before publication, on grounds that it could foment racial anxiety by posing China as a hostile force bent on subjugating Australia.

“The community feels, rightly or wrongly, that they are being attacked or singled out unnecessarily,” says the president of the West Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Tony Chong. “If you’re trying to promote a country as multicultural, this is not the way to do it,” he told The Australian.

Of course, racism is death to modern Australia. Multiculturalism only works when all races and ethnicities are respected. But those concerned about Wales’ novel are flying blind. It’s not due for release until April 18.

What’s in it? First, the set-up. Beijing has fought the US in a major war over Taiwan. America lost: “On Z-Day, Taipei was invaded at first light, and Chinese Communist Party boots had secured Taipei by dinnertime,” Wales writes in the novel, Outrider.

Former SAS commander Mark Wales.

Former SAS commander Mark Wales. Credit: Instagram

“The Americans lost three carrier groups in the two days that followed. The entire Royal Australian Navy was sunk in three battles. AUKUS submarines were hunted down and crushed, the rumours of quantum communication satellites locating them from space.”

So far, this scenario is not implausible. It might take a bit longer, but China’s forces could indeed defeat the US Navy in Pentagon wargaming of a clash over Taiwan, according to US media reports. Beijing never has ruled out using force to seize the self-governing island.


The novel sketches the situation in Australia: “North WA was secured by the CCP for ‘self-defence’ reasons. Victoria had already collapsed into anarchy. The ‘Peacekeeping Force’” – presumably Chinese troops – “arrived a year later.”


So Australia in 2034 is no longer able to operate militarily beyond its borders. It’s neutralised. But within its borders, control is still contested, even after five years. Some parts of the country are described as “free Australia”, while most of it is a no-man’s land where resistance forces still wage a guerilla war against the takeover.

Enter the hero. Jack Dunne, battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, who must protect the last resistance base in Victoria and save his 11-year-old son in the process. The last of the elite Outriders.

Second, the point. It’s a gritty action tale. But as it unfolds, you’re struck by the fact that the fighting is not Australian forces against Chinese ones. It is overwhelmingly, as the novel puts it, “Australians killing Australians”. It’s not a race war.

This is a novel about an Australian civil war. The Chinese Communist Party’s quest for domination is an essential element. But it is chiefly backdrop. The combat is all about plucky resistance warriors fighting traitorous Aussies who side with the occupiers. To a man and woman, all white Aussies, as far as we can tell, all killing each other in unstinting savagery.

This is no accident. Like his protagonist, Jack, Mark Wales fought in Afghanistan. It struck him during the fighting that Australia had taken sides in an Afghan civil war, opposing the Taliban. Outrider is civil war being visited upon Australia. In this vision, Australia is reaping what it sowed.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson. Credit:

But can we imagine such visceral divisions that would set Aussie against Aussie? It would have been impossible to imagine. Until the pandemic. The world’s longest lockdown, in Melbourne, gave rise to bitter divisions, anti-vax and pro-vax, anti-lockdown and pro-lockdown. Suddenly it seemed possible that violent confrontation could take hold.

Is a People’s Liberation Army invasion of Australia plausible? Australia’s defence planners certainly don’t think so. They expect that any Beijing effort to break Australia by force will rely on the same strategy that Imperial Japan employed in World War II – cut it off. Australia is too difficult to occupy, and Outrider shows some of the reasons for that. It’s too big and too unwieldy. Much easier and less costly to blockade it.

Outrider is a cautionary tale about social division and civil disorder. Still, this doesn’t necessarily absolve Wales from the charge of fomenting anxiety among Chinese Australians. Should Australian writers and artists self-censor to avoid creating anxiety or giving offence? Hate speech and racial discrimination are illegal. Outrider commits neither. But, within those parameters, Australians enjoy enormous scope for creative work and free speech. And so it should be.

The counter-factual is that we practise self-censorship for fear of upsetting someone or some minority. “Political correctness”, in other words. This is the surest route to political backlash. Outrider is evidence that Australia is neither lost in political correctness nor cowering before Beijing.

Remember the Fourteen Demands that China’s embassy in Canberra issued in November 2020? Four of the 14 were demands that Australia self-censor criticism of the Chinese regime. Many companies and countries around the world do exactly that. The fact Pan Macmillan is publishing Outrider is a sign that free speech, open debate and artistic expression remain in Australia. Chinese Australians, a vital and valued community among the many that constitute our country, appreciate those freedoms as much as anyone.

Mark Wales is trusting that they do – Chinese Australians account for one in six Tangney voters.

Peter Hartcher is political and international editor.

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