

This was published 6 months ago

Audacious bid to dump old oil rigs on Bass Strait sea floor

Enough material to build 110 Sydney Harbour Bridges is built into Australian offshore oil and gas rigs, and experts are now grappling with how to safely recover it.

By Bianca Hall

ExxonMobil’s Marlin B platform in the Bass Strait.

ExxonMobil’s Marlin B platform in the Bass Strait.Credit: ExxonMobil

For generations, offshore giants have powered Australian homes and industry. But today many of these giants are dying, and a dispute is growing over how the millions of tonnes of industrial detritus built into our oceans might be recovered and reused.

As the nation transitions to renewable energy, the majority of the hulking offshore platforms in Victoria and Western Australia will reach the end of their lifespans over the next 30 years.

The federal government estimates it will cost industry at least $60 billion to decommission oil and gas rigs coming to the end of their lifespan. The size of the task – and the opportunities it presents – is vast.

The Centre of Decommissioning Australia (CODA) – which represents many of the world’s major oil and gas companies – estimates 5.7 million tonnes of material will need to be removed from offshore oil and gas facilities; the equivalent of 110 Sydney Harbour Bridges worth of hardware.

Across Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Victoria, 57 oil and gas platforms are at or approaching the decommissioning phase. With them are 8165 kilometres of pipelines and 1008 wells to be plugged and abandoned, according to the offshore energy industry regulator.

But how can these hulks – which contain mercury, lead, hydrocarbons, NORM (naturally occurring radioactive materials) and other pollutants – be safely removed from the sea? And what opportunities does their decommissioning present to Australia?


ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Australia Pty Ltd operates the Gippsland Basin Joint Venture, which supplies about 40 per cent of eastern Australia’s natural gas use, on behalf of a 50-50 joint venture with Woodside Energy.

Esso recently applied to the federal government for permission to “abandon in situ” eight decommissioned steel platforms, which have come to the end of their lifespans at various locations around the Bass Strait in the Gippsland basin.

The company wants to remove contaminated “topside” structures above the waterline, and to 55 metres below the surface, leaving behind the steel “legs” of the structures.

“Esso’s toxic fish factory has to be stopped.”

Jeff Waters, Friends of the Earth campaigner

The company has sought to paint this as an environmentally responsible solution, which maintains “the ecosystems that have developed around [the platforms]” and provides “the opportunity for ongoing benefits for the marine environment”.

In a glossy media pack filled with underwater photos of fish and crustaceans, the company spruiks the marine life that has adopted its oil and gas platforms.

It also commissioned the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) to conduct confidential analysis on the fish and marine creatures associated with the structures.


In a paper distributed by CSIRO, which was not peer-reviewed, three senior Esso advisers claimed this work by AIMS provided “insights into understanding the habitat value of the infrastructure”.

Removing the steel footings altogether would remove marine habitat, they argued, “which is critical for the species established in this region”.

“It is evident from the offshore survey that the platforms, being the dominant hard substrate in an area which is predominantly sandy environment, are supporting a diverse (‘novel’) ecosystem,” the paper says.

A lobster at the Cobia platform. ExxonMobil says most of its offshore structures are completely covered with marine life.

A lobster at the Cobia platform. ExxonMobil says most of its offshore structures are completely covered with marine life.Credit: ExxonMobil

“Preserving the marine communities that have established on and around the platforms would provide ongoing ecological service through provision of habitat and foraging opportunities.”

An ExxonMobil spokesman said removing the upper parts of steel platforms to a depth of 55 metres below sea level “strikes the right balance between safety of navigation … and preserving thriving marine ecosystems, which have developed around the jackets”.

“The majority of our structures are completely covered in marine life, which is in turn providing a habitat and a source of food for over 55 species of fish and larger marine fauna such as seals and sharks,” he said.


Friends of the Earth Offshore Fossil Gas campaigner Jeff Waters isn’t buying it. He called on the federal government to refuse Exxon’s application to leave eight partially dismantled platforms in the ocean, and to fund independent research into the levels of pollution present near the platforms.

“Esso’s toxic fish factory has to be stopped,” he said. “They’re using scientific studies that they paid for to justify turning the ocean off Gippsland into a toxic dump. Those retired oil platforms contain huge amounts of mercury and hazardous radioactive waste, which will poison the areas around them and render the sea life too dangerous to consume.”

“It’s also a waste of perfectly good steel that could be recycled and turned into much-needed wind turbine towers and bases.”

The “West Tuna” oil platform off the Victorian coast in  Bass Strait.

The “West Tuna” oil platform off the Victorian coast in Bass Strait.Credit: James Davies

The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is Australia’s offshore energy industry regulator. It says it is incumbent on companies to map a plan for decommissioning offshore oil and gas platforms from the outset.

According to NOPSEMA’s guidelines, the full removal of all property is the “base case” when offshore oil and gas infrastructure is decommissioned. Exceptions can only apply when companies can demonstrate that an alternative to full removal can lead to “equal or better environmental outcomes”.

The Maritime Union of Australia’s assistant national secretary Mich-Elle Myers argues this standard cannot be met by leaving ageing infrastructure behind.


“The comprehensive decommissioning of old, disused oil and gas infrastructure on our seafloor is non-negotiable,” she said. “Not only is it what these multinational oil companies signed up for when they built them, but we owe it to future generations not to abandon these massive installations in our pristine coastal environment.”

“Big oil and gas companies will not get away with this lie that abandoning their offshore extraction infrastructure on the seafloor is somehow a positive outcome for the environment. The essential trade-off of generating their massive, billion dollar profits from offshore oil and gas is that these companies must restore our coastal environments to the condition they found them when they moved in.”

In a paper published last year, 10 scientists from CSIRO and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation measured the concentration of metals and fuels in sediments around eight platforms listed for decommissioning in the Gippsland basin.

They found elevated levels of lead and zinc in particular, at an “environmental hazard” level, which they said should be considered during the decommissioning process. Cadmium levels on one platform were sufficiently high they could pose “human health concerns”.

“The localised elevations in environmental contamination around the oil and gas platforms in the Gippsland Basin may be altering the composition of benthic communities [including clams, worms, molluscs and crabs],” they found.

The authors did not measure levels of naturally occurring radioactive materials, but said these could also pose risks when platforms are decommissioned or erode.


“When pipelines are cut, or alternatively, when pipelines that have been left in situ break down (ie. corrosion), it is possible that this material would enter the marine environment and pose a risk, either via toxic action or bioaccumulation.”


Alongside the risks, however, decommissioning old offshore oil and gas platforms offers great opportunity. About 60 per cent of the material contained within the structures is steel, and the majority of it can be recycled.

In September last year, the federal government released an issues paper on Australia’s fledgling offshore decommissioning industry, calling for submissions from industry, unions, First Nations representatives and local communities.

Resources Minister Madeleine King told this masthead the final road map would be released in “due course”, but wanted jobs and opportunities created by the decommissioning process to stay in Australia.

“Establishing a decommissioning industry in Australia will provide immense economic opportunities and create well-paid jobs in regional communities,” she said.

“We want to build an industry to service not just ageing offshore oil and gas assets in Australia, but also meet future demand for sustainably decommissioning offshore wind farms at the end of their productive life.”

It’s a sentiment echoed by the maritime union.

“The MUA’s members have spent the last 40 to 50 years working on offshore oil and gas projects, and now we have a $60 billion opportunity to do the important, necessary work of removing and recycling this infrastructure,” Myers said.

“This will provide our members with sustainable jobs for the next twenty or thirty years as more and more of these projects finish production and need to be decommissioned.”

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An earlier version of this story stated ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso Australia Pty Ltd operates the Gippsland Basin Joint Venture on behalf of a 50-50 joint venture with BHP. ExxonMobil now operates the venture with Woodside Energy.

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