

This was published 7 months ago


NRL flavour of the month in Las Vegas? Don’t believe the hype

I get it, honest I do.

When it comes to trips to Las Vegas, wretched excess goes with the territory. And I also get that exactly the same wretched excess goes with claims about just how big the NRL is globally. On a dull day, I can still giggle a little insanely at the traffic lights while contemplating an unnamed TV executive’s claim a few years ago that 100 million people would tune in from around the world to see Sonny Bill Williams’ comeback appearance off the bench, mid-season, for the Roosters.

This was really quite something when only 56 million viewers from outside the US watched the Super Bowl this year.

But I just can’t allow much of the overblown hype of the current Las Vegas venture to pass without at least a couple of unpleasant sneers. The first thing that attracts my attention is the idea that Australian rugby league players are such wet-behind-the-ears local-yokel hicks that they will be arriving in the Nevada city like lambs to the slaughter – and that those wild women of the night and shifty grifters in those parts have already got their cards marked!

Let’s hear, for example, from Michael Malligan, who handles security for the Manly Sea Eagles.

“The intel I’ve received,” he said, “is these people would have started their homework on the players once it was announced we were playing in Vegas. They will probably know more about some of our players than I do, and I’ve worked security at Manly for 10 years.”

The NRL’s double-header in Las Vegas will be held on March 3.

The NRL’s double-header in Las Vegas will be held on March 3.Credit: NRL Photos


We know that 38 million people visit Vegas annually, but are asked to believe that the local scammers are excited by the arrival of 150 rugby league players, rather than fat millionaires from Cleveland and southern Baptist preachers from Alabammy on the lam from their congregations?


For one thing, most of the NRL players have been around the block once or twice already, yes? And for another, most of them are single – meaning they are not great marks for extortion in the first place!

Can you not just see the text message exchange?

Las Vegas: “I have footage of us doing the wild thing.”

“Great, can you send it?”

But nooooo, they have been studying up on the Manly players!


Ummm, on WHAT specifically? Their game stats? How would that help? Their familial situation?

If Esmeralda in the short skirt says, “How is your mother ... (consults notes) ... Martha?” I am betting that Jeremiah is going to smell a rat!

But no, maybe they have studied their annual salary?

Let’s say Jeremiah is on $400,000 for the season. Great.

Next question: how does her study of Jeremiah help her or the shifty grifty, exactly?

Maybe Esmeralda and Mr Shifty will have studied their greatest weaknesses, then?

I’ll go with ... grog. Did I get it right? Call me Perry Mason.

I could go on, but won’t. If anyone thinks that Las Vegas will even BLINK at the arrival of NRL teams, let alone study them intently before arrival, I have a bridge to sell them.

Seriously! It might be a big deal our end, but it hardly makes a ripple the American end. Here was Australian former Test cricketer Colin Miller, who has lived in Vegas for the past 20 years, talking about it this week.

“I have not seen much publicity for the rugby [league] games,” he said.

Are you sure, Colin? I rather had the impression they were all agog, and earnestly studying our blokes’ favourite colours?

None of that, of course, has anything to do with the claims of the NRL itself. So let’s have a quick look.

Over to you, ARL Commission chairman Peter V’landys on just how many of the 340 million people in the States might sign up for the NRL streaming package.

“If we can get 1 per cent over five years, that’s 3.4 million people,” V’landys said. “You times that by $US169, that’s around $US577 million. Even if we were to get half of that, that’s more than $US250 million.”

That is very neat, as it happens, because that is TEN times the profit the NRL made last year! Go figure. Talk about there being an upside to this venture to Las Vegas.

A bridge, anyone, I said? And I will throw in the Opera House!

But go on, Peter.

“There are 300,000 Australians living in the US. Even if we got half of those, that’s an extra $25 million. It’s huge.”

It would be. But can I gently suggest that as half those 300,000 are children and as the remaining adults that care about rugby league is more likely to be measured in the thousands, rather than hundreds of thousands, that figure might be a tad overblown?

After 100 years of trying in Australia, rugby league has barely moved far beyond two states, but a couple of matches in Vegas means you can start to move on the US itself? Please.

NRL CEO Andrew Abdo and ARL Commission chairman Peter V’landys.

NRL CEO Andrew Abdo and ARL Commission chairman Peter V’landys.Credit: Getty

Then there is the anticipated gambling revenue.

American gamblers, that’s where the big money is. No doubt. But with American baseball and basketball all ongoing over the NRL season, do you really think many Americans will choose to spend their money on a sport they know nothing about? I call – what’s that word again? – bullshit.

But you can’t keep good men down!

“The size of the market and the size of the economy is just so big,” NRL chief executive Andrew Abdo notes, not unfairly. “To put that in perspective, Australia – by GDP and by population – would be the equivalent of one of the big states in America. And there’s 50 of them. So it’s 50 times the opportunity.”


You think that’s great, Andrew? China is five times the size of the US. That’s 250 times the opportunity!

Still, don’t forget, as Abdo notes, that the games will be broadcast on Fox Sports 1 in America for the first time, which is all well and good, but the average weekly audience on FS1 is 345,000, according to USTV Database. How many of those will actually tune in to watch the Las Vegas games?

Friends. Bravo, seriously, the NRL for having a go in Vegas. It should be fun. But it would be better to leave the hype to the Americans, as that is their specialty, not ours!

Over to you, Esmeralda and Mr Shifty.

This story has been amended to clarify the US population number.

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